
Interface Summary
IScenarioDefinition IScenarioDefinition is the public interface for a class that represents a Scenario (not an instance).
IScenarioInstance IScenarioInstance is the public interface for a class that represents a Scenario instance.
IScenarioService IScenarioService is an interface that represents the public API to the ScenarioService.

Class Summary
ScenarioServiceConfig ScenarioServiceConfig is a helper class that assists in building a properies map for use when creating a new ScenarioService via the ScenarioServiceFactory.
ScenarioServiceFactory ScenarioServiceFactory is a class that provides factory methods for creating new instances of IScenarioService.

Enum Summary
DiscoveryStatusEnum Enum to represent the discovery status within the Scenario Service.
InstanceStateEnum Enum class to handle the StateChange event.
ParameterTypeEnum Enum class to model the "type" of scenario input/output parameters.

Exception Summary
IllegalCallingThreadException Thrown when an attempt is made to change the state of running scenarios in the data queue processing thread.
InvalidInputParameterException InvalidInputParameterException is a specialized exception class that is used by classes of the Scenario Service to indicate that an invalid input parameter has been provided to create or edit a ScenarioInstance.
ScenarioServiceException ScenarioServiceException is a base exception class for all other specialized exceptions within with the Scenario Service.

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