
Interface Summary
GenericComponentManagement Generic management interface for Apama components.
GenericComponentManagement.GenericComponentConnection The interface describing a messaging connection to a component
GenericComponentManagement.GenericComponentInfo A set of related component info tuples
GenericComponentManagement.GenericComponentInfoTuple A name-value pair holding some information about a component
GenericComponentManagement.GenericComponentReceiver The interface describing a messaging receiver connected to a component
GenericComponentManagement.GenericComponentSender The interface describing a messaging sender connected to a component
PingableClient The PingableClient interface is the interface to any Apama TCP server, and allows clients to detect if the server is alive.

Class Summary
GenericComponentManagementFactory Create objects that implement the GenericComponentManagement interface.

Enum Summary
GenericComponentManagement.GenericComponentLogLevel Log verbosity levels

Exception Summary
GenericComponentManagementException Base for all exceptions thrown by the GenericComponentManagement interface.

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