Package com.apama.engine.beans.interfaces

Interface Summary
ConnectOperationsInterface ConnectOperationsInterface is an interface that specifies methods for connecting an engine as a consumer of another engine.
ConsumerOperationsInterface ConsumerOperationsInterface is an interface that specifies the standard operations to enable a client to receive events on specific channels from a remote Correlator.
DeleteOperationsInterface DeleteOperationsInterface is an interface that specifies the standard operations to enable an engine client to remove items from a remote correlator.
EngineClientInterface EngineClientInterface is an interface that specifies ALL of the standard operations to enable an engine client to communicate with a remote correlator.
InjectOperationsInterface InjectOperationsInterface is an interface that specifies the standard operations to enable an engine client to inject new code into a remote correlator.
InspectOperationsInterface InspectOperationsInterface is an interface that specifies the standard orperations to enable an engine client to gather information from a remote correlator about the set of Monitors and Event Types that it is currently working with.
ReceiveConsumerOperationsInterface ReceiveConsumerOperationsInterface is an interface providing the ability to create consumers for receiving events from an Apama server component.
ReconnectPolicyInterface A policy that can be applied to an engine client to control when it can reconnect.
SendOperationsInterface SendOperationsInterface is an interface that specifies the standard operations to enable an engine client to send events to a remote correlator.
WatchOperationsInterface WatchOperationsInterface is an interface that specifies the standard operations to enable an engine client to extract status information from a remote correlator.

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