Sparkline chart: Trace group
The properties control the visibility and appearance of the trace line.
Trace group properties
The group includes the following properties:
Select one of the following fill styles for from the drop down menu:
Solid Transparent Gradient Transparent Gradient None The default setting is None.
This property is in the Trace property group.
Enter a label for the trace line. This label appears in the chart’s legend.
This property is in the Trace property group.
Sets the trace line color. Select the ... button and choose a color from the palette. Close the Color Chooser window when you are done.
This property is in the Trace property group.
Select one of the following line styles for the trace line from the drop down menu:
No Line Solid Dotted Dashed Dot Dashed This property is in the Trace property group.
Select one of the following thickness specifications for the price trace line from the drop down menu:
Thin Medium Thick This property is in the Trace property group.
Select the ... button and choose a color from the palette to set the trace marker color. Close the Color Chooser window when you are done.
This property is in the Trace property group.
Sets the style of the marker used on the trace. Select one of the following items from the drop down menu:
No Marker
Filled Circle
Filled Diamond
Filled Triangle
Filled Square
Filled Star
This property is in the Trace property group.
Do not use this property.
This property is in the Trace property group.traceLabel Set a label for your trace.