Keyword | Description | Syntax and Example |
action | References or declares an action. Required in each action declaration. Also an EPL type. | action action_name([arglist])returns retType{ do_something>; } action notifyUser(){ log "Event sequence detected."; } |
aggregate | Keyword required in the definition of a custom aggregate function that can be used in a stream query. | aggregate [bounded|unbounded] aggregateName ( [arglist]) returns retType { aggregateBody } aggregate bounded wstddev( decimal x, decimal w ) returns decimal { do something} |
all | Appears just before an event template to indicate that you want to continue listening for all instances of the specified event, and not just the first matching event. | all event_template on all StockTick(*,*):newTick processTick(); |
Appears just before an event template that uses no other operators and creates a stream rather than an event listener. This is a stream source template, which continuously listens for all instances of the specified event and inserts all matching events into a newly created stream. | all event_template_with_no_other_operators stream<Tick> ticks := all Tick(symbol=”APMA”); | |
See retain all. | ||
and | Logical operator in an event expression. | on event_template and event_template action; on A() and B() executeAction(); |
Logical operator in an if statement or other Boolean expression. | if ordinary_exp and ordinary_exp then block; if x and y then {myBlock;} | |
as | Specified to import a correlator plug-in. | import plug-in as identifier; import TimeFormatPlugin as foo; |
at | Temporal operator in event expressions. Triggers a timer at a specific time or at repeated intervals. | at(minutes, hours, days_of_month, months, days_of_week [,seconds]) on all at(5, 9, *, *, *) success; |
Identifies the log level in a log statement. | log string [at log_level]; log "Your message here" at INFO; | |
boolean | Boolean type. Value is true or false. | boolean identifier; boolean marketOpen; |
bounded | Optional keyword in a custom aggregate function definition. Indicates a function that can be used only with a bounded stream query window. | See aggregate. |
break | In a for or while statement, transfers control to the next statement following the block that encloses the break statement. | break; |
by | Part of a partition by or group by clause in a stream query. Valid as an identifier outside a stream query. | |
catch | Part of a try...catch statement for handling exceptions. | |
chunk | Data type. References a dynamically allocated opaque object whose contents cannot be seen or directly manipulated in EPL. Typically used to manage plug-in data. | chunk identifier; chunk complexProductInfo; |
completed | Event expression that matches only after all other processing on the matching event is completed. | on all completed event_expression action; on all completed A(f < 10.0) {} |
constant | Specifies an unchanging literal value. | constant type name := literal; constant float GOLDEN := 1.61803398874; |
context | Type. Enables parallel processing. | context(string name) context(string name, boolean receivesInput) context c:=context("test"); |
continue | In a for or while statement, ends execution of the current iteration and transfers control to the beginning of the loop. | continue; |
currentTime | Special EPL variable that returns the current time in the correlator. | log currentTime.toString(); send TestEvent(currentTime) to "output"; |
decimal | Type. Signed floating point decimal number with d at the end to distinguish it from a float type. | decimal identifier; decimal exactValue; exactValue := 1.2345d; |
dictionary | Type. Stores and retrieves data based on a key. | dictionary <key_type, data_type> identifier; dictionary <integer, string> myOrders; |
die | Terminates execution of the monitor instance. | die; on NewStock (, chosenStock.owner) die; |
else | Part of an if statement. | See example of if. |
emit | Publishes an event on the correlator’s output queue. | emit event; emit newEvent; | | To publish an event to a named channel of the correlator’s output queue, specify to channel. This statement will be deprecated in a future release. Use instead. | emit event to channel; emit newEvent to "com.apamax.pricechanges"; |
enqueue | Sends an event to the correlator's special queue for enqueued events. The event is then moved to the back of the input queue of each public context. | enqueue event; enqueue newEvent; |
enqueue | To send an event to the back of the input queue of a particular context specify to context_expr. Or, to send an event to the back of the input queues for a sequence of contexts, specify to sequence< context_expr>. This statement will be deprecated in a future release. Use instead. | enqueue event_expr to context_expr; enqueue event_expr to sequence<context_expr>; enqueue tick to c; |
send | To send an event to a channel specify to channel. | send event_expr to channel; send event_expr to sequence<channel>; send tick to "channel_tick"; |
event | Declares an event type. Required in each event type definition. | event event_type { [ [wildcard] field_type field_name; | constant field_type field_name := literal; | action_definition ... ] } event StockTick { string name; float price; } |
every | In a stream query, if you specify a within window, specification of every updates the window every batchPeriodExpr seconds. The every keyword is valid as an identifier outside a stream query. | every batchPeriodExpr from v in values within 3.0 every 3.0 select v |
If you specify a retain window without also specifying within, specification of every updates the window after every batchSizeExpr items are received. | every batchSizeExpr from v in values retain 3 every 3 select v | |
false | Possible value of a Boolean variable. | |
float | Type. Signed floating point number. | float identifier; float squareRoot; |
for | Iterates over the members of a sequence and executes the enclosing statment or block once for each member. | forStatement ::= for counter in sequenceblock; for i in s { print i.toString(); } |
from | Introduces a stream query definition. Specifies the stream, and optionally a window (stream subset), that the stream query is operating on. | from itemIdentifier in streamExpr [windowDefinition] from t in ticks retain 3 |
Two consecutive from clauses specify a cross-join, which combines items from two streams to create one stream. | from itemIdentifier in streamExpr [windowDefinition] from itemIdentifier in streamExpr [windowDefinition] from x in letters retain 2 from y in numbers retain 2 select P(x,y) | |
Specifies a stream listener that obtains items from a stream and passes them to procedural code. | [listener :=] from streamExpr : identifier statement float p; from t in all Tick(symbol="APMA") select t.price : p { print "'APMA' price is: " + p.toString(); } | |
group by | Controls how a stream query groups data when generating aggregate output items. It is valid to use group as an identifier outside a stream query. | group by groupByExpr [, groupByExpr]... from t in ticks within 60.0 group by t.symbol select mean(t.price) |
having | Filter the items coming out of a stream query's aggregate projection. Valid as an identifier outside of a stream query. | from t in all Temperature() within 60.0 having count() > 10 select mean(t.value) |
if | Conditionally executes a statement or block. | ifStatement ::= if booleanExpression then block | if booleanExpression then block else block | if booleanExpression then block else ifStatement block ::= { statementList } if floatVariable > 5.0 then { integerVariable := 1; } else if floatVariable < -5.0 then { integerVariable := -1; } else { integerVariable := 0; } |
import | Loads a plug-in into the correlator and makes it available to your monitor, event, or aggregate function. | import "plug-in_name" as identifier; import "complex_plugin" as complex; |
in | Identifies range membership in an event expression. | on event_name(event_field in [range]) on all A(m in [0:10]) |
Part of for statement. | See for. | |
Part of from statement. | See from. | |
integer | Type. Negative, zero, and positive integers. | integer identifier; integer count; |
join | Combines matching items from two streams to create one stream. This is an equi-join. Valid as an identifier outside a stream query. | join itemIdentifier in streamExpr [windowDefinition] on joinKeyExpr1 equals joinKeyExpr2 from r in priceRequest join p in prices partition by p.symbol retain 1 on r.symbol equals p.symbol select p.price |
Built-in method on strings that concatenates a sequence of strings. | join(sequence<string> s) sequence<string> s := ["Something", "Completely", "Different"]; print ", ".join(s); This prints the following: "Something, Completely, Different" | |
largest | Reserved for future use. | |
location | Type. An EPL type used to describe rectangular areas in a two-dimensional, unitless, Cartesian, coordinate plane. Locations are defined by the float coordinates of two points x1, y1 and x2, y2 at diagonally opposite corners of an enclosing boundary rectangle. | location(15.23, 24.234, 19.1232, 28.873) |
log | Writes messages and accompanying date and time information to the correlator’s log file | log string [at log_level]; log "Your message here" at INFO; |
monitor | Declares a monitor. Required in each monitor definition. Braces enclose event type definitions, global variable declarations, and actions. | monitor monitor_name { ... } monitor SimpleShareSearch { ... } |
Specifies subscription to a named channel or unsubscription from a previously subscribed channel. Subscription/unsubscription statements are located in action blocks. | monitor.subscribe("channel_name"); monitor.unsubscribe("channel_name"); action start_trade() { // Subscribe to two channels: monitor.subscribe(“SOW_Ticks"); monitor.subscribe(“IBM_Ticks"); } | |
new | Allocates a new object. | new typeName; b := new Foo(); |
not | Logical operator in an event expression. | not event_template on A() and not B() executeAction(); |
Logical operator in an if statement or other Boolean expression. | if not ordinary_exp then block; if not x then myBlock; | |
on | Declares an event listener. | on [all] event_expression action; on NewsItem("ACME",*) findStockChange(); |
Part of an equi-join clause. | See join. | |
onBegin Recovery | If defined, action that the correlator executes when the correlator restarts. Note that onBeginRecovery is not a keyword. It is a special identifier. It is good practice to refrain from using this identifier for any other purpose. | action onBeginRecovery() { } action onBeginRecovery() { if (timeFormatPlugin.getTime() - currentTime > (60.0 * 60.0 * 2) then { longDowntime:=true; ... // do something if // downTime was long } } |
onConclude Recovery | If defined, action that the correlator executes when the correlator finishes recovery. Note that onConcludeRecovery is not a keyword. It is a special identifier. It is good practice to refrain from using this identifier for any other purpose. | action onConcludeRecovery() { } action onConcludeRecovery() { initiateListener(); // go back //to normal } |
ondie | If defined, action that the correlator executes when a monitor instance terminates. Note that ondie is not a keyword. It is a special identifier. It is good practice to refrain from using this identifier for any other purpose. | action ondie() { } action ondie() { log "sub-monitor terminating for " + myId; route InternalError("Foo"); } |
onload | Name of the action that the correlator executes when you inject a monitor. Every monitor must declare an onload action. Note that onload is not a keyword. It is a special identifier. It is good practice to refrain from using this identifier for any other purpose. | action onload(){ ... } action onload() { on all StockTick(*,*):newTick { processTick(); } } |
onunload | If defined, action that the correlator executes when the last instance of a particular monitor terminates. Note that onunload is not a keyword. It is a special identifier. It is good practice to refrain from using this identifier for any other purpose. | action onunload() { }; action onunload() { route LastMonitorTerminating(); } |
optional | Reserved for future use. | |
or | Logical operator in an event expression. | on event_template or event_template action; on A() or B() executeAction(); |
Logical operator in an if statement or other Boolean expression. | if ordinary_exp or ordinary_exp then block; if x or y then myBlock; | |
package | Mechanism for adding context to monitor and event names. Monitors and global events in the same package must each have a unique name within the package. | package identifier; package com.apamax.orders; |
partition by | Effectively creates a separate window for each encountered distinct value of the partition by expression. partition is valid as an identifier outside a stream query. | partition by partitionByExpr [, partitionByExpr]... from t in all Tick() partition by t.symbol retain 10 with unique t.price select t.price |
persistent | At the beginning of a monitor declaration, indicates you want that monitor to be persistent. | persistent monitor string persistent monitor ManageOrders |
print | Writes textual messages followed by a newline to the correlator’s standard output stream — stdout. | print string; print "Your message here."; |
retain | Specifies a stream query window that contains only the last n items received. Valid as an identifier outside a stream query. | retain windowSizeExpr from v in values retain 10 select mean(v) |
retain all | Specifies a stream query window that aggregates values calculated over the lifetime of the query. This is an unbounded window. | retain all from v in values retain all select mean(v) |
return | In an action body, specifies the value to return from that action. Required if an action returns a value. | returns typeToReturn return retValue action complexAction( integer i, float f) returns string { // do something return "Hello"; } |
returns | In an action declaration, specifies the type of value returned by an action. Required if an action returns a value. Also used in custom aggregate function declarations and when naming action types. | See previous example. |
route | Sends an event to the front of the current context’s input queue. | route event(); route StockTick(); |
rstream | In a query with a window definition and a simple projection, indicates that you want the query to output its remove stream, that is, the items it removes from the window. Specification of rstream in an aggregate projection is not useful so it is not allowed. Valid as an identifier outside a stream query. | select [rstream] selectExpr from i in inputs retain 2 select rstream i; |
select | Identifies the item(s) you want the query to output. This keyword is valid as an identifier outside a stream query. | select [rstream] selectExpr from v in values retain 10 select mean(v); | | Sends an event to the specified channel, context, or sequence of contexts. Contexts and external receivers subscribed to that channel receive the event. | send event_expr to channel; send event_expr to context; send event_expr to sequence<channel>; send tick to "ticks-SOW"; |
sequence | Type. Ordered set or array of entries whose values are all of the same primitive or reference type. | sequence<data_type> identifier; sequence<float> myPrices; |
smallest | Reserved for future use. | |
spawn | Creates a copy of the currently executing monitor instance. | spawn action([parameter_list]); action onload() { spawn forward("a", "channelA"); spawn forward("b", "channelB"); } | | To create a copy of the currently executing monitor instance in the specified context specify spawn with tocontext_expr. | spawn action([arg_list]) to context_expr; spawn doCalc(cal) to context(“Calculation”); |
static | Reserved for future use. | |
stream | Type. Refers to a stream of items. An item can be a boolean, decimal, float, integer, string, location, or event type. | stream<type> name; stream<decimal> prices; |
streamsource | Reserved for future use. | |
string | Type. Text string. | string identifier; string message; |
then | Part of conditional if statement. | See example for if. |
throw | Reserved for future use. | |
to | Indicates target of an emit, enqueue, send or spawn operation. | |
true | Possible value of a Boolean variable. | |
try | Part of a try...catch statement for handling exceptions. | try block1 catch(Exception variable) block2 try { return float.parse(prices[fxPair]); } catch(Exception e) { return 1.0; } |
unbounded | Optional keyword in a custom aggregate function definition. Indicates a function that can be used with only an unbounded (retain all) stream query window. | See aggregate. |
unique | Part of the optional with unique clause in a stream query. | See with unique. |
unmatched | Except for completed and unmatched event expressions, the event is not a match with any event expression currently within the context. | on all unmatched event_expression[:coassignment] action; on all unmatched Tick():tick processTick(); |
using | In a stream query, allows use of a custom aggregate function that is defined in another package. | using packageName.{aggregateName|eventName}; using com.apamax.custom.myAggregateFunction; |
wait | Temporal operator in an event expression. Inserts a pause in an event expression. Once activated, a wait expression becomes true automatically once the specified amount of time passes. | wait(float) on A() -> wait(10.0) -> C() success; |
where | Filter the items in the stream query’s window or the items that result from a join operation. Valid as an identifier outside a stream query. | where booleanExpr from t in ticks retain 100 where t.price*t.volume>threshold select mean(t.price) |
while | Repeatedly evaluates a boolean expression and executes an enclosed statement or block as many times as the expression result is found to be true. | whileStatement ::= while booleanExpression block while integerVariable > 10 { integerVariable := integerVariable – 1; on StockTick( "ACME", integerVariable) doAction(); } |
wildcard | In an event type definition, indicates a parameter that you will never specify as a match criteria in an event template. | wildcard param_type param_name; event StockTick { string name; float price; wildcard string exchange; } |
with unique | In a stream query, if there is more than one item in the window that has the same value for the key identified by keyExpr, only the most recently received item is part of the result set. with and unique are valid as identifiers outside a stream query. | with unique keyExpr from p in pairs retain 3 with unique p.letter select sum(p.number) |
within | Temporal operator in an event expression. Specifies a time limit for the event listener to be active. | within(float) on A() -> B() within(30.0) notifyUser(); |
In a stream query, specifies a window that contains only those items received in the last windowDurationExpr seconds. | within windowDurationExpr from v in values within 20.0 select mean(v); | |
xor | Logical exclusive or operator that can apply to an event template. | xor event_template on A() xor B() notifyUser(); |
Logical operator in an if statement or other Boolean expression. | if ordinary_exp xor ordinary_exp then block; if x xor y then myBlock; | |
# | Escapes names of variables that clash with EPL keywords. | #identifier print f.#integer.toString(); |