Class TimestampConfig

  extended by com.apama.iaf.plugin.TimestampConfig

public class TimestampConfig
extends java.lang.Object

TimestampConfig is an assemblage of configuration settings relating to the handling of TimestampSet data (used in the latency measurement framework).

Field Summary
 boolean logDownstream
          Flag controlling logging of timestamps on downstream events.
 LogLevel logLevel
          The verbosity level to be used if any of the timestamp logging is enabled.
 boolean logRoundtrip
          Flag controlling logging of round-trip latency.
 boolean logUpstream
          Flag controlling logging of timestamps on upstream events.
 boolean recordDownstream
          Flag controlling recording of timestamps on downstream events.
 boolean recordUpstream
          Flag controlling recording of timestamps on upstream events.
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public boolean recordUpstream
Flag controlling recording of timestamps on upstream events. If true, the plugin should record timestamps for all upstream events it processes, and pass these along to the upstream component, if any. Note that this does not affect logging of timestamps.


public boolean recordDownstream
Flag controlling recording of timestamps on downstream events. If true, the plugin should record timestamps for all downstream events it processes, and pass these along to the downstream component, if any.


public boolean logUpstream
Flag controlling logging of timestamps on upstream events. If true, the plugin should log the latency for all upstream events it processes, at the logging level given by logLevel. A plugin may implicitly enable upstream timestamp recording if upstream logging is enabled.


public boolean logDownstream
Flag controlling logging of timestamps on downstream events. If true, the plugin should log the latency for all downstream events it processes, at the logging level given by logLevel. A plugin may implicitly enable downstream timestamp recording if downstream logging is enabled.


public boolean logRoundtrip
Flag controlling logging of round-trip latency. If true, the plugin should log the "round trip" latency for all events it processes in either direction, if possible. At its simplest, the round trip latency can just be the difference between the largest and smallest timestamps passed to the plugin, or an individual plugin may choose to present some more plugin-specific latency number. As with the other logging options, the logging level given by logLevel should be used.


public LogLevel logLevel
The verbosity level to be used if any of the timestamp logging is enabled.

Constructor Detail


public TimestampConfig()
Default constructor. Assumes no recording or logging of timestamps.

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