Class ExtendedTransportStatus

  extended by com.apama.iaf.plugin.TransportStatus
      extended by com.apama.iaf.plugin.ExtendedTransportStatus

public class ExtendedTransportStatus
extends TransportStatus

ExtendedTransportStatus contains status information about the transport, and is returned by AbstractTransportEvent.getStatus(). This class extends TransportStatus to allows the user to provide additional status information including any external connection related information.

Constructor Summary
ExtendedTransportStatus(java.lang.String status, long totalReceived, long totalSent, java.util.Properties statusInfo)
          Constructs a ExtendedTransportStatus instance with the specified parameters.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class com.apama.iaf.plugin.TransportStatus
getStatus, getTotalReceived, getTotalSent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ExtendedTransportStatus(java.lang.String status,
                               long totalReceived,
                               long totalSent,
                               java.util.Properties statusInfo)
Constructs a ExtendedTransportStatus instance with the specified parameters.

status - A string containing a transport-specific status message. Strings longer than 1024 characters will be truncated.
totalReceived - The total number of downstream events received since the IAF was run.
totalSent - The total number of upstream events sent since the IAF was run.
statusInfo - Any additional status information about this transport. Standard statusInfo keys are:
  • VERSION=transport_version_string
  • CONFIG_VERSION=config_version_string
  • CONNECTION=connectionGeneration (if adapter manages only one connection), or
  • CONNECTION_connectionId=connectionGeneration (if adapter manages multiple connections)

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