Developing Apama Applications > Dashboard Property Reference for Graphs, Tables, and Trends > Graph Objects > Bar graphs > Bar graph: Y-Axis group
Bar graph: Y-Axis group
Properties in this group control the visibility and range of the y-axis or y-axes, as well as y-axis label formats and y-axis divisions. They also control the visibility of y-axis grid lines (but see also the Bar graph: Plot Area group property group).
Y-Axis group properties
The group includes the following properties:
Select this property to plot the traces against a y-axis that is separate from the bars. The traceYAxisFlag property is unavailable if the drawHorizontalFlag property is selected. The trace y-axis will be drawn to the right of the plot area.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.
Select or enter the numeric format of trace values displayed on the y-axis. Use syntax from the Java DecimalFormat class.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.
Specify the number of major divisions on the trace y-axis. This option only applies if the traceYAxisFlag is on.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.
Specify the number of minor divisions on the trace y-axis. This option only applies if the traceYAxisFlag is on.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.
Select one of the following modes to control the y-axis range:
*Off: The yValueMin and yValueMax properties determine the range of the y-axis. This is the default.
*On: The dashboard calculates the y-axis range according to data values being plotted.
*On - Include Min/Max: The dashboard calculates the smallest range (with rounding) that includes yValueMin and yValueMax as well as all plotted points.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.
Select to display the y-axis.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.
Sets the numeric format of values displayed on the y-axis. Select or enter a format. Use syntax from the Java DecimalFormat class.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.
Controls the alignment of grid lines drawn to the left and right of the bar graph. Select one of the following:
Bar Axis: Align grid lines with the left y-axis. This is the default
Trace Axis: Align with the right y-axis.
Bar and Trace Axis: Draw two sets of grid lines, one aligned with the left y-axis and the other with the right y-axis.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.
Specify the number of major divisions on the y-axis.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.
Specify the number of minor divisions on the y-axis.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.
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