Map graph: Data group
The properties in this group specify how data is displayed in the map object. This group contains the following properties:
To attach data to the map object, right-click Property Value field of the valueTable property and select Attach to Data. The valueTable property can be used to place markers (icons) on the map, at specific locations. The property must be attached to a table that contains one row for each marker. The column names are unimportant, but the column order and type must be as follows.
column 1 (string): The name
column 2 (number): The latitude
column 3 (number): The longitude
column 4 (string): The icon name/path
column 5 (integer): The icon height in pixels
The first three columns are required, the others are optional. The marker name must be unique as it is used in drilldowns to indicate the selected ("clicked") marker, and can also be used to select a marker.
If column 4 (icon name) is omitted or empty, the default Google Maps marker is used. If column 5 (icon height) exists and its value is greater than zero, the value is used to center the icon on the marker's latitude/longitude position, otherwise the 0,0 pixel of the icon will be placed on the marker's latitude/longitude position.
Use this property to draw links between markers on the map. The property must be attached to a table that contains one row for each link, with the columns shown below. The column names are unimportant, but the column order and type must be as follows. The first 2 columns are required, the others are optional.
column 1 (string): The name of marker at start of link
column 2 (string): The name of marker at end of link
column 3 (string): The link line color, as a CSS color name or #rrggbb hex value
column 4 (integer): The link line width
column 5 (integer): The arrow mode
The first two columns specify the names of the markers at the start and end of the link. These must correspond to the names of markers in the valueTable. If column 3 is omitted, the link color is black. If column 4 is omitted, the link width is 2 pixels. The arrow mode values are 1 (one arrow, pointing to start marker), 2 (one arrow, pointing to end marker) and 3 (two markers, at each end of link). If column 5 is omitted, the default mode of 3 is used.