Field | Meaning | Trend |
sm | The number of monitor instances, also known as sub-monitors. | Steady |
nctx | The number of contexts in the correlator, including the main context. | Steady |
ls | The number of listeners in all contexts. This includes on statements and active stream source templates. | Steady |
rq | The sum of routed events on the route queues of all contexts. | Low |
iq | The number of executors on the input queues of all contexts. As well as events, this can include clock ticks, spawns, injections and other operations. A context in an infinite loop will grow by 10 per second due to clock ticks. Every context has an input queue, which by default is a maximum of 20,000 entries. | Low |
oq | The number of events waiting on output queues to be dispatched to any connected external consumers/receivers. | Low |
icq | The number of events on the input queues of all public contexts. See also
About context properties for information on the receiveInput flag. | Low |
lcn | The name of the slowest context. This may or may not be a public context. | None |
lcq | The number of events on the slowest context's queue, as identified by the name of the slowest context. | Low |
lct | For the context identified by the slowest context name, this is the time difference in seconds between its current logical time and the most recent time tick added to its input queue. | Low |
rx | The number of events that the correlator has received from external sources since the correlator started. This includes connectivity plug-ins, correlator-integrated JMS, engine_send, other correlators connected with engine_connect, dashboard servers, the IAF, and events that are not parsed correctly. This number excludes events sent within the correlator from EPL monitors or EPL plug-ins. | Increasing |
tx | The number of events that have been delivered to external consumers/receivers. This counts for each external consumer/receiver an event is sent to. It counts the number of deliveries of events. | Increasing |
rt | The number of events that have been routed across all contexts since the correlator was started. | Increasing |
nc | The number of external consumers/receivers connected to receive emitted events. This includes connectivity plug-ins, correlator-integrated JMS, engine_receive, or correlators connected using engine_connect. | Steady |
vm | Virtual memory in kilobytes. | Steady |
pm | Physical memory in kilobytes. | Steady |
runq | The number of contexts on the run queue. These are the contexts that have work to do but are not currently running. | Low |
si | The number of pages per second that are being read from swap space. If this is greater than zero, it may indicate that the machine is under-provisioned, which can lead to reduced performance, connection timeouts and other problems. Consider adding more memory, reducing the number of other processes running on the machine, or partitioning your Apama application across multiple machines. | Low |
so | The number of pages per second that are being written to swap space. If this is greater than zero, it may indicate that the machine is under-provisioned, which can lead to reduced performance, connection timeouts and other problems. Consider adding more memory, reducing the number of other processes running on the machine, or partitioning your Apama application across multiple machines. | Low |
srn | The name of the consumer/receiver with the largest number of incoming events waiting to be processed. This is the slowest non-context consumer/receiver of events, which can be an external receiver or an EPL plug-in. | None |
srq | The number of events on the slowest consumer's/receiver's queue, as identified by the name of the slowest consumer/receiver. | Low |
jvm | The sum of all memory used by the Java virtual machine (JVM) which is embedded in the correlator (that is, the used heap memory, the used non-heap memory, and the used buffer pool memory). The value is in megabytes. If the JVM is disabled, the value will be 0. | Steady |
Field | Meaning | Trend |
numSnapshots | The number of persistence snapshots taken since the correlator started. | Increasing |
lastSnapshotTime | The UNIX timestamp of the last completed snapshot. | Increasing |
snapshotWaitTimeEwmaMillis | An exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) of the time in milliseconds taken to wait for a snapshot. | Varies |
commitTimeEwmaMillis | An exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) of the time in milliseconds taken to commit to the database. | Varies |
lastSnapshotRowsChangedEwma | An exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) of the number of rows changed per snapshot. | Varies |