About this Documentation
Documentation roadmap
Online Information and Support
Data Protection
Apama Predictive Analytics Plug-in
Release Notes
What's new in 10.11 release
What's new in 10.7 release
What's new in 10.5 release
What's new in 10.3.1 release
What's new in 10.3.0 release
What's new in 10.2 release
What's new in 10.1 release
What's new in 10.0 release
What's new in 9.12 release
What's new in 9.10 release
Predictive Analytics Plug-in
Installing Predictive Analytics Plug-in
Working with Sample Project
Running the sample project in Software AG Designer
Running the sample project in Apama command prompt
Running the sample project using ant configuration
Sample output
Working with Predictive Analytics Plug-in
User application EPL
Managing PMML models
Loading custom resources
Injecting the Predictive Analytics Plug-in using Ant Macro
Connecting Predictive Analytics Plug-in to Messaging Services
Connecting Predictive Analytics Plug-in to Digital Event Services
API Reference for Predictive Analytics Plug-in EPL (ApamaDoc)
About this Documentation