Capital Markets Adapters 10.11 | Apama Capital Markets Adapters Documentation 10.11 | BM+F Bovespa UMDF Adapter | Transport properties configuration | FIX session properties
FIX session properties
The adapter utilizes the QuickFIX library for establishing the FIX session over the TCPReplay Feed.
Configure the FIX session as follows:
*FIX_PROPERTY is the FIX configuration property that needs to be provided to the QuickFIX library. A full list of FIX configuration properties can be found at
*FEED_ID is the feed for which the configuration is being provided. Valid values are 'A', 'B' etc. This signifies the Primary Feed versus Secondary Feed.
Priorities among various ways of providing FIX Session Properties (Highest to Least)
2. UMDFChannel.*.*.<FIX_PROPERTY>

<property name="QuickFIX.ConnectionType" value="initiator" />
<property name="QuickFIX.ReconnectInterval" value="@RECONNECT_INT@" />
<property name="UMDFChannel.A.SenderCompID" value="@FIX_SENDER_COMPID_A@" />
<property name="UMDFChannel.B.SenderCompID" value="@FIX_SENDER_COMPID_B@" />
*QuickFIX.FileStorePath. This parameter controls logging of persisted FIX messages (used for replay and gap recovery). This property must be specified and does not point to invalid path. Takes relative as well as absolute paths. For example:
*Windows(Absolute). D:\XYZ\FIX_Log. Directory FIX_Log will be created if not exists if path D:\XYZ exists.
*Windows(Relative). Fix_Log. Directory FIX_Log will be created in the current directory from where the IAF instance started if directory does not exists.
*QuickFIX.FileLogPath. This parameter controls logging of all incoming and outgoing FIX messages. If this property is not mentioned, the logging is disabled. It accepts relative as well as absolute paths.
*QuickFIX.SendBufferSize and QuickFIX.ReceiveBufferSize. These properties can be used to set the QuickFIX TCP socket send/receive buffer sizes to the number of bytes specified. It defaults to OS specific. For example:

<property name="QuickFIX.SendBufferSize" value="1024" />
<property name="QuickFIX.ReceiveBufferSize" value="1024" />
*Static fields: Allows static values to be defined for outgoing (upstream) messages. The definition specifies whether the field is inserted into the header or the body, the message type and the tag number. Wildcards (*) can be specified for the message type and the tag number. StaticField.[header|body].[msg].[tag]. Examples:
<property name="StaticField.body.A.141" value="Y"/>
*The example sets body tag 141 in message type A (Logon) to the value Y.