Capital Markets Adapters 10.11 | Apama Capital Markets Adapters Documentation 10.11 | BM+F Bovespa UMDF Adapter
BM+F Bovespa UMDF Adapter
Service monitor injection order
Transport properties configuration
Configuration for UMDF PUMA 2.0
Service monitor and session configuration
subscriptions management
Instrument static data management
Status reporting events
Unified news channel
Support for UMDF 2.0
Latency measurement
The BVMF_UMDF adapter uses the Apama Integration Adapter Framework (IAF) to connect to BM&F Bovespa Unified Market Data Feed (UMDF) 2.0 platform for both derivatives and equities Segments. The BVMF_UMDF adapter supports the following functionality of the BM&F Bovespa Unified Market Data Feed:
*Market depth
*Trade reports
*Instrument static data (security definitions)
The standard com.apama.marketdata and com.apama.status event interfaces are supported.
All FIX/FAST message types used by the UMDF feed are supported, although only the following are used directly by the adapter:
*Market Data Snapshot Full Refresh (35=W)
*Market Data Snapshot Incremental Refresh (35=X)
*Security List (35=y)
The following message types are decoded, passed to the correlator and logged, but not currently used by the service monitors:
*News (35=B)
*Security Status (35=f)
All other UMDF message types are only used internally by the IAF transport plugin.