Apama 10.11.3 | Installing Apama | Before You Start the Installation | License file
License file
Software AG provides a license file for Apama. See also About Apama license files.
It is possible to install Apama without specifying a license file. In this case, however, the correlator will run with reduced capabilities. See also Running Apama without a license file.
Software AG Installer
When you select Apama > Server during the installation with the Software AG Installer, the installer will ask for it. Copy the license file to the machine on which you want to install Apama. You can copy it to any temporary location. The installer will ask for the location of your license file and will then copy it to the Apama work directory (APAMA_WORK/license/ApamaServerLicense.xml).
If the correlator cannot find the license file at the above location, it will also search Apama/etc/ApamaServerLicense.xml in the installation directory.
Command Central
Unlike using the Software AG Installer, Command Central does not lay down a license that all correlators will automatically pick up. If you are not configuring licensing for each correlator individually, ensure that a license is available in the Apama work directory (APAMA_WORK/license/) or in the installation directory (Apama/etc/).