Apama 10.11.3 | Introduction to Apama | Apama Overview | Running Apama without a license file
Running Apama without a license file
Apama can be run without a license file in which case it runs with reduced capabilities and can be used for simple or exploratory use cases. Refer to License Terms and Technical Restrictions for the current license terms and restrictions.
The following restrictions apply when starting the correlator without a license file:
*The correlator does not start more than 4 threads for EPL processing. The number of threads being used is logged. Up to 20 contexts may be created and all are runnable, but the correlator does not use more than 4 threads to execute EPL, limiting the correlator's performance.
*Reliable messaging with connectivity plug-ins is not permitted.
*Correlator-integrated messaging for JMS is limited to BEST_EFFORT only messaging (unreliable). It refuses to connect using reliable modes (EXACTLY_ONCE, AT_LEAST_ONCE or APP_CONTROLLED).
*The correlator logs that it is running without a license file.
The following restrictions are enforced while the correlator is running and a license file cannot be found:
*The correlator is limited to 1024MB of resident memory. If 1024MB of memory is exceeded, the correlator is stopped and an error is logged indicating that the correlator is running without a license file. There is a warning if the resident memory exceeds 90% of the 1024MB limit - though if the correlator's memory increases very quickly, the limit may be hit before the 90% warning is logged.
Note that this limit also includes Java memory usage. It is recommended that you size your Java virtual machine to not consume too much memory. If you are using Java features, you may need to use -J-Xmx256M to limit the memory usage of your Java virtual machine to 256MB (or some suitable size less than 1024MB). Note that the memory usage may increase if a burst of events is received.
*The correlator does not allow more than 20 contexts to be created. The spawn statement throws an exception if it would create a new context and 20 contexts are already created. In addition, a startup error occurs when recovering a persistent database with more than 20 contexts. Both the exception and the startup error indicate that the correlator is running without a license file.
*The correlator does not allow more than 5 persistent EPL monitors (this does not include monitor instances of persistent monitors). An error is logged if there are more than 5 persistent monitors.
*The correlator does not allow the injection of user-generated correlator deployment packages (CDPs). If a user-generated CDP is injected, the correlator rejects the injection and an error is logged indicating that the correlator is running without a license file.
*The correlator does not allow more than 5 query definitions to run and no more than 5 query instances per definition. When more than 5 query definitions are injected into the correlator, ERROR log messages are written.
*The query runtime drops events if there are already 50 different partition values for a query. When more than 50 partition values are sent in, ERROR log messages are written.
*If reliable JMS connections are requested dynamically, an exception is thrown which should be caught in EPL, and an error message is logged indicating that this configuration is not supported as the correlator is running without a license file.
The correlator info web page (http://localhost:15903/info) always shows you whether the correlator is currently running with or without a license file.
To find out if the above-mentioned limits have been exceeded, you can check the following:
*The correlator log file for most of the above-mentioned cases. See Descriptions of correlator status log fields.
*The status messages of the engine_watch tool. See Watching correlator runtime status.
*The -a (--getall) or -Pm (--getpmemory) option of the engine_management tool to get the physical memory usage. See Shutting down and managing components.
*The scenario browser for status information on queries. See Using the Scenario Browser view.