Event JMSSenderReliability

An enumeration containing constants for the currently supported sender reliability values.
Constant summary

Reliable messaging without duplicate detection.

Best effort non-reliable messaging; events may be lost or duplicated if a component fails.

Reliable messaging with duplicate detection identifiers.
Constant detail


            string AT_LEAST_ONCE := "AT_LEAST_ONCE"
Reliable messaging without duplicate detection.

Events may be duplicated or reordered if a component fails, but will not be lost.


            string BEST_EFFORT := "BEST_EFFORT"
Best effort non-reliable messaging; events may be lost or duplicated if a component fails.


            string EXACTLY_ONCE := "EXACTLY_ONCE"
Reliable messaging with duplicate detection identifiers.

Events may be reordered if a component fails, but will not be lost, and will not be duplicated if the unique message ids are mapped into the message and the receiving JMS client uses an appropriate duplicate detection window.