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Apama.Engine.Client.CorrelatorManagementConstants Struct Reference

Legacy constants class - Deprecated - Use Apama.Engine.Client.EngineClientConstants instead. More...

Public Attributes

const int DefaultInspectPollingInterval = EngineClientConstants.DefaultInspectPollingInterval
 The default value for the inspectPollingInterval property. More...
const int DefaultStatusPollingInterval = EngineClientConstants.DefaultStatusPollingInterval
 The default value for the statusPollingInterval property. More...
const string PropertyEngineInfo = EngineClientConstants.PropertyEngineInfo
 The string name of the bound property that is used for EngineInfo updates (typically "engineInfo", but this constant should be used to be sure). More...
const string PropertyInspectPollingInterval = EngineClientConstants.PropertyInspectPollingInterval
 The string name of the bound property that is used for inspectPollingInterval updates (typically "inspectPollingInterval", but this constant should be used to be sure). More...
const string PropertyStatus = EngineClientConstants.PropertyStatus
 The string name of the bound property that is used for status updates (typically "status", but this constant should be used to be sure). More...
const string PropertyStatusPollingInterval = EngineClientConstants.PropertyStatusPollingInterval
 The string name of the bound property that is used for statusPollingInterval updates (typically "statusPollingInterval", but this constant should be used to be sure). More...

Detailed Description

Legacy constants class - Deprecated - Use Apama.Engine.Client.EngineClientConstants instead.

Member Data Documentation

const int Apama.Engine.Client.CorrelatorManagementConstants.DefaultInspectPollingInterval = EngineClientConstants.DefaultInspectPollingInterval

The default value for the inspectPollingInterval property.

const int Apama.Engine.Client.CorrelatorManagementConstants.DefaultStatusPollingInterval = EngineClientConstants.DefaultStatusPollingInterval

The default value for the statusPollingInterval property.

const string Apama.Engine.Client.CorrelatorManagementConstants.PropertyEngineInfo = EngineClientConstants.PropertyEngineInfo

The string name of the bound property that is used for EngineInfo updates (typically "engineInfo", but this constant should be used to be sure).

const string Apama.Engine.Client.CorrelatorManagementConstants.PropertyInspectPollingInterval = EngineClientConstants.PropertyInspectPollingInterval

The string name of the bound property that is used for inspectPollingInterval updates (typically "inspectPollingInterval", but this constant should be used to be sure).

const string Apama.Engine.Client.CorrelatorManagementConstants.PropertyStatus = EngineClientConstants.PropertyStatus

The string name of the bound property that is used for status updates (typically "status", but this constant should be used to be sure).

const string Apama.Engine.Client.CorrelatorManagementConstants.PropertyStatusPollingInterval = EngineClientConstants.PropertyStatusPollingInterval

The string name of the bound property that is used for statusPollingInterval updates (typically "statusPollingInterval", but this constant should be used to be sure).

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