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Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient Interface Reference

IBaseClient is a class that specifies the base interface supported by all of the Engine Client layer. More...

Inherits IDisposable.

Inherited by Apama.Engine.Client.IMessagingClient.

Public Member Functions

void AddPropertyChangeListener (PropertyChangedEventHandler listener)
 Add a property change listener. Use this method to be informed whenever the a property value is changed. More...
void AddPropertyChangeListener (string propertyName, PropertyChangedEventHandler listener)
 Add a property change listener for a specific named property. More...
void AddPropertyChangeListenerSync (PropertyChangedEventHandler listener)
 Add a property change listener. Use this method to be informed whenever the a property value is changed. More...
void AddPropertyChangeListenerSync (string propertyName, PropertyChangedEventHandler listener)
 Add a property change listener for a specific named property. More...
void ConnectNow ()
 Manually request that the client connects to the remote server. Repeated calls are permitted, and attempting to connect a client that is already connected is identical to calling this PingServer(). More...
void Disconnect ()
 Disconnect from the server and terminate background threads; equivalent to Dispose(). More...
void FlushListeners ()
 Utility method that blocks until all pending property change listeners that have already fired have finished executing. More...
void PingServer ()
 Manually test if the remote server process is alive and responding to client requests. This method makes a no-arg, void return, method call on the client interface of the server. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection. In the event that a connection cannot be established, or an error during the ping, an EngineException will be thrown. More...
void RemovePropertyChangeListener (PropertyChangedEventHandler listener)
 Remove a property change listener. More...
void RemovePropertyChangeListener (string propertyName, PropertyChangedEventHandler listener)
 Remove a property change listener for a specific named property. More...
void RemovePropertyChangeListenerSync (PropertyChangedEventHandler listener)
 Remove a property change listener registered with AddPropertyChangeListenerSync(). More...
void RemovePropertyChangeListenerSync (string propertyName, PropertyChangedEventHandler listener)
 Remove a property change listener for a specific named property registered with AddPropertyChangeListenerSync(). More...


int ConnectionPollingInterval [get, set]
 Gets/sets the polling interval (in milliseconds) for the internal connection test thread. When setting the parameter, if the value of the parameter is negative, then the default value will be used instead. More...
string Host [get, set]
 Get the name of the host to be connected to. This is the name of the host on which the server to be monitored is running. More...
bool IsConnected [get]
 Get the connected property value. This is the status of the client - connected, or not connected. It indicates if the client has a valid instance of the underlying RPC interface. More...
bool IsMonitorOnly [get, set]
 Get/set the MonitorOnly property. An engine client running in "monitor only" mode cannot perform any state-changing operations on the remote component, nor can it receive events from it. Essentially it is limited to using the ping, inspect and watch operations only. More...
bool IsReceiveOnly [get, set]
 Get/set the ReceiveOnly property. An engine client running in "receive only" mode cannot perform any state-changing operations on the remote component, but it can receive events from it. More...
int Port [get, set]
 Get the port number to be connected to. This is the port number on which the server to be monitored is listening. More...

Detailed Description

IBaseClient is a class that specifies the base interface supported by all of the Engine Client layer.

See Apama.Engine.Client.EngineClientConstants for constants used by this interface.

Member Function Documentation

void Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient.AddPropertyChangeListener ( PropertyChangedEventHandler  listener)

Add a property change listener. Use this method to be informed whenever the a property value is changed.

Since Apama 5.2, listeners registered with this method will be called back asynchronously on a dedicated thread, which means it is permissible to call any engine client method from the listener - though be aware that the property value could have changed since the property change notification was fired, so may be different to the specified 'new value'. Applications that need the previous synchronous notification behaviour can use AddPropertyChangeListenerSync to help with migration.

listenerthe listener to be added.
void Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient.AddPropertyChangeListener ( string  propertyName,
PropertyChangedEventHandler  listener 

Add a property change listener for a specific named property.

Since Apama 5.2, listeners registered with this method will be called back asynchronously on a dedicated thread, which means it is permissible to call any engine client method from the listener - though be aware that the property value could have changed since the property change notification was fired, so may be different to the specified 'new value'. Applications that need the previous synchronous notification behaviour can use AddPropertyChangeListenerSync to help with migration.

propertyNamethe name of the property to listen on.
listenerthe listener to be added.
void Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient.AddPropertyChangeListenerSync ( PropertyChangedEventHandler  listener)

Add a property change listener. Use this method to be informed whenever the a property value is changed.

Deprecated - The synchronous property change listener methods are a temporary migration aid only, and will be removed in a future release. Use AddPropertyChangeListener() instead.

This method is deprecated and applications should use AddPropertyChangeListener() instead wherever possible, however this method is provided to simplify migration from pre-5.2 Apama releases which provided synchronous listener behaviour by default. To avoid the possibility of deadlock, it is essential that listeners registered using this method do not attempt to make calls back into the engine client (or any other service that uses it).

listenerthe listener to be added.
void Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient.AddPropertyChangeListenerSync ( string  propertyName,
PropertyChangedEventHandler  listener 

Add a property change listener for a specific named property.

Deprecated - The synchronous property change listener methods are a temporary migration aid only, and will be removed in a future release. Use AddPropertyChangeListener() instead.

This method is deprecated and applications should use AddPropertyChangeListener() instead wherever possible, however this method is provided to simplify migration from pre-5.2 Apama releases which provided synchronous listener behaviour by default. To avoid the possibility of deadlock, it is essential that listeners registered using this method do not attempt to make calls back into the engine client (or any other service that uses it).

propertyNamethe name of the property to listen on.
listenerthe listener to be added.
void Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient.ConnectNow ( )

Manually request that the client connects to the remote server. Repeated calls are permitted, and attempting to connect a client that is already connected is identical to calling this PingServer().

Apama.EngineExceptionThrown if there is a communications failure or other error performing this operation.
void Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient.Disconnect ( )

Disconnect from the server and terminate background threads; equivalent to Dispose().

Removes the reference to the underlying RPC object, and unhooks the ShutdownHook.

The Connected property is set to false, and the connection polling thread is terminated.

Apama.EngineExceptionThrown if there is a problem during disconnection.
void Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient.FlushListeners ( )

Utility method that blocks until all pending property change listeners that have already fired have finished executing.

Mostly useful for testing.

void Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient.PingServer ( )

Manually test if the remote server process is alive and responding to client requests. This method makes a no-arg, void return, method call on the client interface of the server. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection. In the event that a connection cannot be established, or an error during the ping, an EngineException will be thrown.

Apama.EngineExceptionThrown if there is a communications failure or other error performing this operation.
void Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient.RemovePropertyChangeListener ( PropertyChangedEventHandler  listener)

Remove a property change listener.

listenerthe listener to be removed.
void Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient.RemovePropertyChangeListener ( string  propertyName,
PropertyChangedEventHandler  listener 

Remove a property change listener for a specific named property.

propertyNamethe name of the property that was listened on.
listenerthe listener to be removed.
void Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient.RemovePropertyChangeListenerSync ( PropertyChangedEventHandler  listener)

Remove a property change listener registered with AddPropertyChangeListenerSync().

Deprecated - The synchronous property change listener methods are a temporary migration aid only, and will be removed in a future release. Use RemovePropertyChangeListener() instead.

listenerthe listener to be removed.
void Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient.RemovePropertyChangeListenerSync ( string  propertyName,
PropertyChangedEventHandler  listener 

Remove a property change listener for a specific named property registered with AddPropertyChangeListenerSync().

Deprecated - The synchronous property change listener methods are a temporary migration aid only, and will be removed in a future release. Use RemovePropertyChangeListener() instead.

propertyNamethe name of the property that was listened on.
listenerthe listener to be removed.

Property Documentation

int Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient.ConnectionPollingInterval

Gets/sets the polling interval (in milliseconds) for the internal connection test thread. When setting the parameter, if the value of the parameter is negative, then the default value will be used instead.

the current interval in milliseconds
string Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient.Host

Get the name of the host to be connected to. This is the name of the host on which the server to be monitored is running.

Name of the host where the server to be monitored is running.

Setter for the host property. This is the name of the host on which the server to be monitored is running. Changing this property will cause any existing connection to be lost. If there was an existing connection, then a new connection will be created.

Apama.EngineExceptionThrown if there is a communications failure or other error performing this operation.
bool Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient.IsConnected

Get the connected property value. This is the status of the client - connected, or not connected. It indicates if the client has a valid instance of the underlying RPC interface.

true if the client has a connection to a server, false if not.
bool Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient.IsMonitorOnly

Get/set the MonitorOnly property. An engine client running in "monitor only" mode cannot perform any state-changing operations on the remote component, nor can it receive events from it. Essentially it is limited to using the ping, inspect and watch operations only.

Changing this property will cause any existing connection to be lost. If there was an existing connection, then a new connection will be created. Setting this property to true will reset the receiveOnly property to false.

bool Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient.IsReceiveOnly

Get/set the ReceiveOnly property. An engine client running in "receive only" mode cannot perform any state-changing operations on the remote component, but it can receive events from it.

Changing this property will cause any existing connection to be lost. If there was an existing connection, then a new connection will be created. Setting this property to true will reset the monitorOnly property to false.

int Apama.Net.Client.IBaseClient.Port

Get the port number to be connected to. This is the port number on which the server to be monitored is listening.

Port number on which the server to be monitored is listening.

Setter for the port property. This is the port number on which the server to be monitored is listening. Changing this property will cause any existing connection to be lost. If there was an existing connection, then a new connection will be created.

Apama.EngineExceptionThrown if there is a communications failure or other error performing this operation.
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