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Apama.Engine.NamedPluginReceiverInfo Class Reference

This class provides access to a snapshot of information about a PluginReceiver that is/was connected to the engine. More...

Inherits Apama.Engine.NameInfo.

Public Member Functions

 NamedPluginReceiverInfo (string name, string package, string qualifiedName, uint queueSize, string[] channels)
 Constructor for NamedPluginReceiverInfo More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Apama.Engine.NameInfo
override string ToString ()
 Returns the fully qualified name of the item. More...


string[] Channels [get]
 Get the channels subscriptions for this PluginReceiver More...
uint QueueSize [get]
 Get the current queue size for this PluginReceiver More...
- Properties inherited from Apama.Engine.NameInfo
string FullyQualifiedName [get]
 Get the fully qualified name of the item. This is the concatenation of the package, the dot separator, and the name. More...
string Name [get]
 Get the name of the item. This is the "unqualified" name. More...
string Package [get]
 Get the package in which the item is installed. More...

Detailed Description

This class provides access to a snapshot of information about a PluginReceiver that is/was connected to the engine.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Apama.Engine.NamedPluginReceiverInfo.NamedPluginReceiverInfo ( string  name,
string  package,
string  qualifiedName,
uint  queueSize,
string[]  channels 

Constructor for NamedPluginReceiverInfo

nameThe name of the PluginReceiver
packageThe package name of the PluginReceiver
qualifiedNameThe qualified name of the PluginReceiver
queueSizeThe PluginReceiver queueSize
channelsThe PluginReceiver channels

Property Documentation

string [] Apama.Engine.NamedPluginReceiverInfo.Channels

Get the channels subscriptions for this PluginReceiver

uint Apama.Engine.NamedPluginReceiverInfo.QueueSize

Get the current queue size for this PluginReceiver

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