ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)

This document describes the utility "ADATST".

The following topics are covered:

Functional Overview

The ADATST utility is used to fill the control block and the necessary buffers in order to issue Adabas commands.

Both the old ACB Adabas command interface and the new ACBX command interface are supported. For more information on the command interfaces please refer to the Command Reference documentation. Note that the ACB interface can be considered as a subset of the ACBX interface: Fields in the old ACB Adabas control block are also contained in the new ACBX control block (or the ABDs – the Adabas buffer descriptions) with the difference that some ACB fields are smaller then the corresponding fields in the new interface. In particular the buffer lengths have been increased that now Adabas buffers greater than 64 KB are possible. Switching between the interfaces is possible, but when you switch back to the old ACB interface you must be aware of the restrictions of the old ACB interface.

This utility is a multi-function utility. For more information about single- and multi-function utilities, see Adabas Basics, Using Utilities.

Procedure Flow

Procedure Flow ADATST

Data Set Environment
Logical Name
Additional Information
Control statements stdin   Utilities Manual
ADATST messages stdout   Messages and Codes


The utility writes no checkpoints.

Control Parameters

In the following, "string" is an ASCII string or 0x followed by hexadecimal data.

The following control parameters are available:

      A1 {=|:} string

      A2 {=|:} string

      A3 {=|:} string

      A4 {=|:} string

      A5 {=|:} string

      A6 {=|:} string


      ALOOP [= number]



      CC = string

      CID = string

      CO1 = string

      CO2 = string

      CO3 = string

      CO4 = string

      CO5 = string

      CO6 = string

      CO7 = string

      CO8 = string

M     DBID = number



      ERRORS = number

      EXECUTE = { number |  ISNQ }

      FB [{=|:} string]

      FB2  [{=|:} string]

      FB3  [{=|:} string]

      FBL = number 

      FB2L [= number] 

      FB3L [= number]

      FILE = number

      GO  [= { number | ISNQ } ]

      IB [= (number [,number]...)]

      IBL = number

D     INTERFACE = keyword

      ISN = number

      ISND = number

      ISNI = number

      ISNL = { number |  ISN }

      ISNQ = number


      MB = (number_buffers, number_isns)


      OVERWRITE_RB = string

      OVERWRITE_RB2 = string

      OVERWRITE_RB3 = string

      RB [{=|:} string]

      RB2 [{=|:} string]

      RB3 [{=|:} string]

      RBL = number

      RB2L [= number]

      RB3L [= number]

      READ_RB = string

      READ_RB2 = string

      READ_RB3 = string

      RESPONSE = number

      SB [{=|:} string]

      SBL = number

      SEC_PWD = string

      SEC_UID = string



      VB [{=|:} string]

      VBL = number

D   WAIT [= [time]]

      WRITE_RB = string

      WRITE_RB2 = string

      WRITE_RB3 = string


A1 {=|:} string

This parameter sets the Additions 1 field.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.


A2 {=|:} string

This parameter sets the Additions 2 field.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.


A3 {=|:} string

This parameter sets the Additions 3 field.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.


A4 {=|:} string

This parameter sets the Additions 4 field.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.


A5 {=|:} string

This parameter sets the Additions 5 field.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.


A6 {=|:} string

This parameter sets the Additions 6 field.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.



This parameter is available only after specifying INTERFACE=ACBX. It displays the Adabas buffer definitions for the Adabas buffers that are currently defined.


ALOOP [= number]

This parameter opens a loop to add more lines. `number' is a line number. If a line number is specified, new lines are added from that point, overwriting existing lines; if no number is specified, new lines are added at the end. Close the loop with ELOOP.



This function displays the contents of the control block.

If the parameter INTERFACE=ACB is specified, only the fields contained in the old ACB Adabas control block are displayed.

If the parameter INTERFACE=ACBX is specified, the fields contained in the new ACBX Adabas control block but not in the old ACB Adabas control block are also displayed.



This function dumps the control block in hex.


CC = string

This parameter specifies the command code.


CID= string

This parameter specifies the command ID.

After issuing the command ET, BT, or CL, CID is set to binary zero. If the command ET or BT is issued with command option 1 set to ‘S’, CID is not reset to binary zero.


CO1 = string

This parameter sets the command option 1.


CO2 = string

This parameter sets the command option 2.


CO3 = string

This parameter sets the command option 3.


CO4 = string

This parameter sets the command option 4.


CO5 = string

This parameter sets the command option 5.


CO6 = string

This parameter sets the command option 6.


CO7 = string

This parameter sets the command option 7.


CO8 = string

This parameter sets the command option 8.


DBID = number

This parameter specifies the database to be used.



This function displays a saved command loop.



This function terminates a loop.


ERRORS = number

This parameter specifies the number of errors permitted before termination occurs.


EXECUTE = { number |  ISNQ }

This parameter executes a loop `n' times, where `n' is specified by `number' or by ISNQ. Enter CTRL/C to terminate a loop.


FB [{=|:} string]

This parameter is used to display the first format buffer or enter data into the format buffer. The length is set implicitly.


FB2 [{=|:} string]

This parameter is used to display the second format buffer or enter data into the format buffer. The length is set implicitly.


FB3 [{=|:} string]

This parameter is used to display the third format buffer or enter data into the format buffer. The length is set implicitly.


FBL = number

This parameter defines the first format buffer length in the control block.


FB2L = number

This parameter defines the second format buffer length in the control block.


FBL3 = number

This parameter defines the third format buffer length in the control block.


FILE = number

This parameter specifies the file number.


GO [= { number |  ISNQ } ]

This function calls Adabas once or `n' times, where `n' is specified by `number' or ISNQ. Enter CTRL/C to terminate a loop.


IB [= (number [,number]...)]

This parameter is used to display the ISN buffer or enter ISNs. The length is set implicitly.


IBL = number

This parameter specifies the ISN buffer length in the control block.


INTERFACE = keyword

This parameter is used to switch between the old and new Adabas command interface. Valid keywords are ACB and ACBX. The default is ACB. After INTERFACE = ACB has been specified, Adabas calls are performed with the old ACB Adabas interface - any fields that are only contained in the new ACBX Adabas control block and additional format buffers and record buffers are ignored. You can switch between the old and the new Adabas interface in one Adabas session.


ISN = number

This parameter sets ISN with the number supplied.


ISND = number

This parameter subtracts `number' from ISN.


ISNI = number

This parameter adds `number' to ISN.


ISNL = { number |  ISN }

This parameter is used to set the ISN lower limit with the number supplied, or to move the ISN from the control block into the ISN lower limit.


ISNQ = number

This parameter specifies the ISN quantity with the number supplied.



This function defines the start of a loop. All commands that follow will be saved until an ELOOP is entered.


MB = (number_buffers, number_isns)

This parameter defines the number of multifetch buffers and the number of IS entries that can be stored in a multifetch buffer. number_buffers may be a number between 0 and 3. number_isns must be a number >0.

The MB parameter can only be specified after INTERFACE = ACBX has been specified.. Since multifetch buffers are pure output buffers, it is not possible to enter content into the multifetch buffers.

Once multifetch buffers have been specified, you can display their contents with the RB, RB 2 and RB3 parameters.



If this option is set to NOOUTPUT, no messages are output when calling Adabas `n' times. Only error messages will be printed.

The default is OUTPUT.



This parameter specifies the name of an existing file to which the contents of the first record buffer are written. The current contents of the file will be overwritten.


OVERWRITE_RB2 = string

This parameter specifies the name of an existing file to which the contents of the second record buffer are written. The current contents of the file will be overwritten.


OVERWRITE_RB3 = string

This parameter specifies the name of an existing file to which the contents of the third record buffer are written. The current contents of the file will be overwritten.


RB [{=|:} string]

This parameter is used to display the first record buffer or enter data into the first record buffer. For input to a file, the length is set implicitly.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.

If you display the first record buffer, and at least one multifetch buffer has been defined with the MB parameter, the first multifetch buffer is also displayed.


RB2 [{=|:} string]

This parameter is used to display the second record buffer or enter data into the second record buffer. For input to a file, the length is set implicitly.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.

If you display the second record buffer, and at least two multifetch buffers have been defined with the MB parameter, the second multifetch buffer is also displayed.


RB3 [{=|:} string]

This parameter is used to display the third record buffer or enter data into the third record buffer. For input to a file, the length is set implicitly.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.

If you display the third record buffer, and at three multifetch buffer have been defined with the MB parameter, the third multifetch buffer is also displayed.


RBL = number

This parameter specifies the first record buffer length in the control block.


RB2L = number

This parameter specifies the second record buffer length in the control block.


RB3L = number

This parameter specifies the third record buffer length in the control block.


READ_RB = string

This parameter specifies the name of a file that is read into the first record buffer.


READ_RB2 = string

This parameter specifies the name of a file that is read into the second record buffer.


READ_RB3 = string

This parameter specifies the name of a file that is read into the third record buffer.


RESPONSE = number

This parameter displays the error text for the given nucleus response code.


SB [{=|:} string]

This parameter is used to display the search buffer or enter data into the search buffer. The length is set implicitly.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.


SBL = number

This parameter specifies the search buffer length in the control block.


SEC_PWD = string

This parameter sets the password for the credential that is used for authentication..

The credentials are checked by the Adabas server during command processing.

When used, the control parameter SEC_UID must also be set, if either value is missing or invalid an Adabas error is returned.


 SEC_UID = string

This parameter sets the user ID credential that is used for authentication.

The credentials are checked by the Adabas server during command processing.

When used, the control parameter SEC_PWD must also be set, if either value is missing or invalid an Adabas error is returned.



This function marks the current time, and displays the difference between this and the last time mark.



This option traces execute loops.

The default is NOTRACE.


VB [{=|:} string]

This parameter is used to display the value buffer or enter data into the value buffer. The length is set implicitly. If `string' equals RB, the record buffer is moved into the value buffer.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.


VBL = number

This parameter specifies the value buffer length in the control block.


WAIT [= seconds]

This parameter causes ADATST to wait for a given period. The waiting time is entered in seconds. Once the time is set, you can wait for the same period by entering 'WAIT' without any additions.

The default time is 10 seconds.


adatst: wait = 15

ADATST waits for fifteen seconds.


WRITE_RB = string

This parameter specifies the name of a file to which the contents of the first record buffer are written. The record buffer is only written if a file with the specified name does not already exist.


WRITE_RB2 = string

This parameter specifies the name of a file to which the contents of the second record buffer are written. The record buffer is only written if a file with the specified name does not already exist.


WRITE_RB3 = string

This parameter specifies the name of a file to which the contents of the third record buffer are written. The record buffer is only written if a file with the specified name does not already exist.