DBA Reference Summary

This document summarizes the syntax and use of ADARUN parameters, operator commands, Adabas utilities, and other Adabas information useful to an Adabas DBA.

The following summarizes the topics covered by this documentation:

ADARUN Parameters

Provides the syntax of all ADARUN parameters.

ADARUN Parameter Errors

Describes the possible ADARUN errors that can occur when ADARUN parameters are incorrectly specified.

Console Operator Commands

Provides the syntax of all Adabas console operator commands.

Adabas Utilities

Provides the syntax of all Adabas utilities.

Adabas Device Types and Block Sizes

Lists the device types supported by Adabas in z/OS operating environments.

Database Space Allocation Rules

Describes the database space allocation rules in place for Adabas.

Adabas Nucleus Response Codes

Describes Adabas nucleus response codes.

Adabas Checkpoints

Describes the Adabas nucleus and utility checkpoints.

Adabas Command Log Layouts

Describes where to find the latest Adabas command log layouts.