Entire Net-Work TCP/IP Option Release Information

Read this document carefully before installing and using Entire Net-Work TCP/IP Option version 6.5. It covers the following topics:

For complete information about the installation media for Entire Net-Work 6.5 and about new and changed features for Entire Net-Work 6.5, read Entire Net-Work 6.5 Release Information.

Enhancements for Entire Net-Work TCP/IP Option 6.5

The following enhancements have been made to this release of Entire Net-Work TCP/IP Option.

New and Changed Simple Connection Line Driver (TCPX) DRIVER and LINK Parameters

The following table summarizes the new Simple Connection Line Driver (TCPX) DRIVER and LINK parameters introduced in Entire Net-Work 6.5:

Parameter DRIVER or LINK Statement? New or Changed? Description Introduced in Release
ADI DRIVER New This parameter was added to the TCPX line driver in this release. It specifies whether Adabas Directory Server (ADI) support is enabled or disabled. 6.5 SP1
ADIHOST DRIVER New This new parameter specifies the hostname of the Adabas Directory Server (ADI). The hostname is used to attempt to acquire the TCP/IP address of the system where the ADI resides. 6.5 SP1
ADIPART DRIVER New This new optional parameter specifies the partition name to be used with the Adabas Directory Server (ADI). If specified, the partition name will be included in all target entries added to the ADI by this session. Partitions are used to restrict database access; when an application queries the ADI for a target and specifies a partition, only entries with the same partition name are returned. Likewise, if the query does not specify a partition, only entries that do not have a partition are returned. 6.5 SP1
ADIPORT DRIVER New This new parameter specifies the port number used to communicate with the Adabas Directory Server (ADI). 6.5 SP1

For more information about TCPX DRIVER statement parameters, read TCPX DRIVER Statement. For more information about TCPX LINK statement parameters, read TCPX LINK Statement.

Requirements and Restrictions

Compatibility with Earlier Versions of the Line Drivers

The TCP/IP line driver supports connections with TCP/IP line drivers from all prior versions of Entire Net-Work.

The Simple Connection Line Driver supports the same connections that were supported in all prior versions of Entire Net-Work.

TCP/IP Transport Providers Supported

Entire Net-Work 6.5 supports the following levels of TCP/IP transport providers:

Platform TCP/IP Protocol Supported

IBM TCP/IP for z/OS Version 1.10, 1.11, and 1.12.


IBM and Connectivity Systems TCP/IP z/VSE Version 4.2 and 4.3.

BS2000/OSD Sockets Subsystem

Sockets Version 2.0 and above.

For Sockets 2.2 and above, the SOC6 subsystem will be used, otherwise the SOCKETS subsystem is used.

When accessing via IPV6 addressing, a SOC6 subsystem with Sockets 2.5 is the minimum requirement.