Managing History Data

If any reports are set to save history data to the Adabas Review repository, data will accumulate that needs to be managed. This document covers the following topics:

Listing History Reports

The List History Reports (LH) function lists reports that have written history data to the Adabas Review repository, and provides commands to view history data, download it to a personal computer, submit it for hard copy printing, and purge it. In addition, you may edit the report definition and its corresponding display program.

Start of instruction setTo access the List History Reports function:

  1. Enter the code LH on the command line.

    The Adabas History Reports screen is displayed:

    12:57:33                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2020-02-10
    REVIEW-DB (10,252)             History Reports                Hub Target: 296  
      Sel     Report Name                     Recs   Rpts   Start Date   End Date  
    ! __  APPLICATION FILE FIELD USAGE          25      2   2015-11-18 2015-11-18 !
    ! __  COMMAND LOGGING                        6      1   2013-06-18 2013-06-18 !
    !                                                                             !
    !                                                                             !
    !                                                                             !
    !                                                                             !
    !                                                                             !
    !                                                                             !
    !                                                                             !
    !                                                                             !
    !                                                                             !
    !                                                                             !
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit                           +                      Menu

An explanation of the Adabas History Reports screen is provided in the following table:

Heading Explanation
Sel Selection line. Commands are entered on the selection line preceding the report name. For a list of available commands, enter a "?" on the selection line.
Report Name Name of the report.
Recs Records. Indicates the number of records written to the Adabas Review repository by this report.
Reports Indicates the number of intervals that history data was written for the report.
Date Range Starting and ending dates in which the report was run. If the "Reports" column indicates more than one interval, the dates are inclusive from all intervals.

PF8 has been provided as a scroll key. If more than one screen of report names exists, PF8 or (+) scrolls the list forward.

Start of instruction set To issue a command from the Adabas History Reports screen:

  1. Enter the command on the selection line preceding the report name.

    You may use the following commands:

    Cmd Action
    CH Compress history report (from the History Reports screen only)
    DD Display report information (from the History Reports screen only)
    DL Download history data (from the History Intervals screen only)
    EP Edit display program
    ER Edit report definition
    EX Expand history list ascending (from the History Reports screen only)
    HC Print history data (hard copy)
    PH Purge history data. Specifying ´*´ as input, the start date of the first interval and the end date of the last interval of this report data will be used. The start time is always set to 00:00:01 and the end time is set to 23:59:59. If the entered start or stop date is in the middle of an interval, the whole interval will not be processed.
    VW View history data. You are prompted for a date and time range for the history data report. If you specify no date or time range, all history data is presented. If you specify a date with no time, all history data for that day is presented.


    1. The date/time entered refers to Interval-Start and Interval-Stop date and times. Only whole intervals can be displayed, deleted or compressed.
    2. If the entered start or stop date/time lies in the middle of an interval the whole interval will not be processed. If the start or stop date/time is exactly the interval start/stop or if it lies before or after the interval, the whole interval will be processed.
    3. A display of a report setup with the HOUR field and an interval which spans over midnight (i.e. from 22:00 hour on the first day to 03:00 hour on the next day) lead to effects which might look wrong from an outside view. If the HOUR field is the account field where the data will be sorted by, then the first hours (00:00, 01:00, 02:00 and 03:00) of the next day will be displayed first, followed by the hours (22:00, 23:00) of the previous day.
    4. If two summary intervals are displayed or compressed, the output will be created by using all data of these intervals and accumulate them according to the report definition.
    VX As VW, however view history data with Software AG Editor.
    XS Expand history list descending (from the History Reports screen only)

Expanding the List of History Reports

If the list of history reports (LH function) shows a report name as having more than one report, it means that the report has collected data on more than one occasion. Data has been stored on the history file each time the report was active.

Start of instruction setTo view information about each time a report has collected data:

  1. Enter the command EX on the selection line preceding the report name.

    The Expanded History List screen that appears is similar to the one shown below:

    12:58:16                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2020-02-10
    REVIEW-DB (10,252)             History Intervals              Hub Target: 296  
    Report: APPLICATION FILE FIELD USAGE                                     (1/11)
      Sel Interval-Start       Interval-Stop             Recs              Nucid   
    | __  2019-11-20 07:42:29  2019-11-20 07:43:18        651  compressed  00000  |
    | __  2019-11-20 16:59:55  2019-11-20 16:59:56         93              00000  |
    | __  2019-11-20 17:01:31  2019-11-20 17:02:11         66              00000  |
    | __  2019-11-20 17:03:23  2019-11-20 17:03:23         93              00000  |
    | __  2019-11-20 17:03:40  2019-11-20 17:03:40         93  (1)         00000  |
    | __  2019-11-20 17:03:40  2019-11-20 17:03:40         93  (2)         00000  |
    | __  2019-11-20 17:03:40  2019-11-20 17:03:40         93  (3)         00000  |
    | __  2019-11-20 17:03:40  2019-11-20 17:03:49         93              00000  |
    | __  2019-11-20 17:03:49  2019-11-20 17:04:28         93              00000  |
    | __  2019-11-20 17:04:28  2019-11-20 17:05:17         58              00000  |
    | __  2019-11-20 17:05:43  2019-11-20 17:06:24         59              00000  |
    |                                                                             |
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit              Desc                                Menu


  1. The comment "compressed" indicates that the report occurrence is the result of the compress history (CH) command.
  2. The Interval-Start and Interval-Stop is the date/time this data portion was written to the History file. Refer to Starting and Stopping Reports for more information about when data is written for a report.
  3. In case there are several intervals with exactly the same Interval-Start and Interval-Stop time, these intervals will be marked with an index (1), (2) etc. in the Expanded History List.
  4. When there is more than on screen, PF7 (-) and PF8 (+) are enabled. Also the line commands TOP, BOT, +, +nnnn, -, -nnnn are available.
  5. In the top right corner, the number of the top display line and the number of all lines are displayed. In the sample screen, the first line of 11 lines in total (1/11) is displayed.

Compressing Accumulated History Report Data

The compress history (CH) command causes all report occurrences within a date range to be summarized into a single report occurrence. The original report occurrences will then be purged.

This section covers the following topics:


  • Using the CH command can dramatically reduce the number of records used to represent the report. However, since the individual report occurrences are deleted, you will lose the ability to view this data by different date ranges. All of the original report occurrences become one summarized report occurrence.

  • If the CH command terminates abnormally for any reason, the original history data could be lost. It is recommended that a backup be made before executing this command. In the event of abnormal termination, the history file will be locked against further compression attempts for any report by any user. To remove this lock, and to clean up any unusable compressed data, enter the following into the command line of the Adabas Review Main Menu:


If history records were indeed lost, the reset program will inform you of this.


  • Once a date range has been compressed, it can be "recompressed" along with new report occurrences. For example, all occurrences of a report that happen during a month can be compressed into a monthly summary. At the end of the year, these monthly summaries can be compressed into an annual summary report.

  • Unlike viewing history reports by date range, compressed reports can display percentage and rate fields, if they are viewed from the Expanded History List.

Start Times for Compressed Reports

All report occurrences that have been compressed will show the text "compressed" in the Expanded History List.

Compression Procedure

Start of instruction setTo compress accumulated history data:

  1. From the History Reports screen, enter the CH command to compress history data for a specific report and press ENTER .

    You are prompted to enter an interval date range for the records to be compressed.


    1. Only whole intervals can be compressed. It is not possible to process only portions of one interval. The start time is always set 00:00:01 and the end time is set to 23:59:59. If the entered start or stop date is in the middle of an interval, the whole interval will not be processed.
    2. If the start or stop date exactly matches the Interval Start/Stop or if it is before or after the interval the whole interval will be processed.
  2. Enter the date range and press ENTER.

    A message is displayed, warning you that records could be lost due to abnormal termination.

  3. Enter "Y" and press ENTER to continue

    Enter "N" and press ENTER to cancel the compress command.

    You are returned to the History Reports screen.

    You are prompted to enter an ET (End Transaction) factor.

  4. Enter an ET factor and press ENTER.

    The ET factor describes the number of Adabas calls that will be performed before an ET (end transaction) is issued. There is no default value. If a value of less than 5 is entered, 5 will be assumed. The value has to be small enough to avoid an Adabas response code 9 / subcode 15 (LP to small).

    Messages report the progress of the history data compression. The final message, "History report compression complete", indicates that the compression has completed.

Purging Accumulated History Data

The data accumulated by a history report is purged using the PH command. You can use the PH command on the History Reports screen or on the History Reports (Expanded List) screen.

Start of instruction setTo purge accumulated history data from the History Reports screen:

  1. On the History Reports screen, enter the PH command next to the particular report from which you want history data purged.

    The Purge History Reports By Date Range screen appears.

    12:59:29                *****   R E V I E W   *****                  2020-02-10
                         Purge History Reports By Date Range
            |  Report Name ........... COMMANDS BY HOUR________________  |
            |  Start Date ............ __________   (YYYY-MM-DD)         |
            |  End Date .............. __________   (YYYY-MM-DD)         |
            |  Records Before ET ..... __25                              |
    Command:________________ ______________________________________________________
          Help        Exit                                                  Menu
  2. In the Start Date field, enter the start date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) from which you want history data purged. If you want to purge history data from the beginning of all data collected for this report type, type an asterisk (*) as a wild card in the field.

  3. In the End Date field, enter the last date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) to which you want history data purged. If you want to purge history data to the end of all data collected for this report type, type an asterisk (*) as a wild card in the field.


    1. Specifying an asterisk for both the Start Date and End Date fields will cause all history data for the report to be purged.
    2. Only whole intervals can be purged. It is not possible to process only portions of one interval. The start time is always set 00:00:01 and the end time is set to 23:59:59. If the entered start or stop date is in the middle of an interval, the whole interval will not be processed.
    3. If the start or stop date exactly matches the Interval Start/Stop or if it is before or after the interval the whole interval will be processed.
  4. Once you have supplied dates for the purge operation, press PF6 to run the purge.

    Confirm the purge request, if required.

Start of instruction setTo purge accumulated history data from the History Reports (Expanded List) screen:

  1. From the History Reports screen, enter the EX command to expand the list so that all occurrences for the particular report are displayed.

  2. From the expanded list, select the occurrence you want to delete, type the PH command on the selection line preceding the report name, and press ENTER.

    Depending on the setting in your profile, you may be prompted to confirm the purge request.

  3. Confirm the purge request, if required.