Running Reports as Batch Jobs

Adabas Review may be used in batch processing mode to monitor resource usage for applications and databases by extracting data fields from the command log files generated by Adabas or Adabas Review.

Reports can also be started automatically when the Review system starts. For more information, read Running Autostarted Reports and Autostarted Reports.

To produce batch reports, the Adabas Review processor requires parameter statements and job control to run against the command log records. Report parameter statements can be manually created or they can be generated using the GENCARD command and subsequently edited, if required. Once the report statements are set up, the user submits the job stream for batch execution.

This part of the documentation describes how to use the GENCARD command to generate batch parameter statements. It also describes the statements required and presents guidelines for creating batch parameter statements without using the GENCARD command. It covers the following topics:

Generating Batch Report Parameters

The GENCARD command creates batch report parameter statements from field and report processing information you provide through the Edit Report (ER) function. The GENCARD command also uses the target database information it obtains from the List Target Definitions (LT) function.

By using the GENCARD command to generate batch report parameters, you can run any online report in batch mode.

Start of instruction setTo use the GENCARD command:

  1. Access the Edit Report (ER) function.

  2. Create the report definition in the same way that you create an online report definition; then save it by pressing PF5.

    For more information, read Maintaining Report Definitions.

  3. Enter the command GENCARD or GC on the command line.

    The Generate Report Definition Cards window appears as shown in the example below:

        Generate Report Definition Cards                                 
        Please enter the following information for generation            
        File/DDNAME for output .... RVUCARD                              
        Report Name ............... ________________________________     
  4. On the line labeled File/DDNAME for output, type the file or DD name for the sequential file where the batch report parameter statements are to be written.

    The default name RVUCARD appears on this line.

  5. On the line labeled Report Name, type the report name and press ENTER.

    To generate batch parameters for a series of reports, you may use an asterisk for "wildcard" prefixing and suffixing.

    For example, to generate batch parameters for all reports with names beginning with "T", enter T* on the Report Name line. For all reports with names ending with "test", enter *test.

    You receive a message that the generation process has been started; however, you do not receive a message when the process is complete.

  6. To ensure that the batch parameters were generated, examine the sequential data set where the parameters were to be written.

This section covers the following topics:

Sample Statements

The following is an example of the batch statements generated by the GENCARD command for a sample report:

INCLUDE RSP-(0,3,17,148),JOBNAME=(JOB1*-JOB3*)
Statement Generated using information. . .
INPUT about the target database from the List Target function (LT).
REPORT from several sources: the report TYPE, TITLE, and PROGRAM from the List Report (LR) function; the other parameters from the Report Options screen of the Edit Report (ER) function.
DISPLAY about the control break fields for summary reports or the data fields to be printed for detailed reports from the Edit Report and Report Options screens of the Edit Report (ER) function.
about data fields from the Edit Report screen of the Edit Report (ER) function.
INCLUDE from the Report Processing Rules screen of the Edit Report (ER) function.
COPY from the history parameters of the Report Options screen.
LOG from the logging parameters of the Report Options screen.

For a more detailed description of these statements, refer to the section Using Batch Report Statements.

Using Batch Report Statements

This section describes the syntax to be used if you are entering the batch statements manually or are making changes to statements generated by the GENCARD command.

Here is a summary table of the batch statements used by the Adabas Review processor. For information about the data fields used with the statements, refer to the Field Reference.

Statement Use
AVERAGE Specifies the data fields for calculating average values in summary reports.
CLASS Defines the type of data collection being used for the report. There are two options: STANDARD (default) and CLIENT (see client reporting).
COPY Copies input detail records or summary data records to a sequential data set or the Adabas Review repository.
COST Specifies the factors to be used in resource cost calculations for summary records.
DISPLAY Defines the control break fields for summary reports, and specifies the data fields to be printed for detailed reports.
ENV Specifies a numerical factor for adjusting values returned in the CMDRESP field.
ENVIRONMENT Allows the user to specify CPU-ID and database ID. This information is included in output generated by a COPY statement for a report.
EXCLUDE Defines specific input detail records to be excluded from processing for both summary and detailed reports.
INCLUDE Defines specific input detail records to be included in processing for both summary and detailed reports.
INPUT Defines the input data to be processed by the Adabas Review processor and optional output logging parameters.
LOG Specifies how Adabas Review performs physical command logging.
MINIMUM Specifies the data fields for which minimum values will be printed on summary reports.
MAXIMUM Specifies the data fields for which maximum values are to be printed on summary reports.
PERCENT Specifies the data fields for which percentage is to be calculated for summary reports.
RATE Specifies the data fields for which rate is to be calculated for summary reports.
RAW Specifies how Adabas Review performs raw logging.
REPORT Defines the type of report to be generated along with the report format and title lines.
ROUND Specifies the data fields for which rounding is to occur.
SUM Specifies the data fields for which total values will be produced on summary reports.

Parameter Statement Syntax

A parameter statement consists of a statement name followed by at least one blank and one or more optional (positional or keyword) parameters separated by commas:


The following syntax rules pertain to parameter statements:

  • Statements may be entered in positions 1-71.

  • At least one blank must separate the statement name and the first parameter.

  • Multiple parameters must be separated by commas.

  • Blanks are not permitted within a parameter entry, except when enclosed within apostrophes.

  • A statement with multiple parameters may be continued by ending the line with a comma followed by a blank, and entering the next parameter on the next line beginning in any position between 1-71.

  • Comment lines may be inserted by entering an asterisk in position 1. Comment lines may also be inserted following the blank that ends the statement.

Positional Parameters

Positional parameters specify the data fields to be summarized and/or displayed as part of the Adabas Review report.

A positional parameter is a single value, usually an Adabas command log field name. Refer to the Field Reference for information about individual data fields.

Keyword Parameters

Keyword parameters either specify input record selection criteria or define specific parameter statement options. A keyword parameter consists of a keyword name, a keyword separator, and a parameter value.

Keyword names vary depending on the particular parameter statement. Field names referencing Adabas data fields are used as keyword names when specifying input record selection criteria. When defining a specific parameter statement option, specific keyword reserved words are used as keyword names.

Valid keyword separators include:

 =, <,>, and ¬ 

These relational symbols (equal to, less than, greater than, and not equal to, respectively) are used to define selection criteria for Adabas Review report processing.

Parameter values are numeric, alphanumeric, or hexadecimal in format. Note that a hexadecimal value must be enclosed in apostrophes and be preceded by an "X". A list of values is identified by enclosing the list in parentheses with the values separated by commas. For a range of values, a hyphen is used to separate the low and high values of the range.

AVERAGE Statement


The AVERAGE statement specifies the data fields for which average values are to be calculated for an Adabas Review summary report.

The AVERAGE statement is applicable to summary reports only. Average values are calculated only for the valid data fields specified in this statement. Average values are summarized and printed on the summary report at each control break defined by the parameter statement for all data fields for which average values have been calculated. Average values are printed to one more rounded decimal place than the field data being averaged.


Print average values for the Adabas command log fields ASSOIO, WORKIO, and DATAIO on the summary report.


CLASS Statement


The CLASS statement specifies the data collection type being used to create a report. The two possible values are STANDARD (default) and CLIENT. This statement is only required if Client data is being reported, but it can also be used with CLIENT=STANDARD.


Running a client report from batch titled Client Report that sums CDURA.


COPY Statement


where DBID , FILE , and SVC represent the Adabas Review repository.

The COPY statement specifies that input detail records to be copied to an Adabas file.

The keyword parameter FILETYPE specifies whether the data is to be copied to a sequential data set or to Adabas. The following functions can be performed using this statement:

  • Copy detail records to a sequential data set.
    The user can select subsets of detailed log records and copy them to different sequential data sets. These data sets can then be used as future input to Adabas Review.

  • Copy detailed or summary data to Adabas.
    The user can write specified information back into the Adabas Review repository where it can be viewed using either the online history functions or Adabas applications written by the user.

The physical command log may be created with less overhead for the Adabas nucleus by using this function with the Adabas Review processor running interactively.

The keyword parameter LIMIT specifies the maximum number of records to be copied. The default is to copy all records.


  1. Copy all input detail records satisfying the selection criteria specified on the INCLUDE statement to the sequential data set RVUCOPnn, where nn is incremented sequentially beginning with 01 for the first copied file.

    INCLUDE  ...
    DISPLAY  ...
  2. Copy all summary data records to the Adabas Review repository.

    DISPLAY  ...

COST Statement


The COST statement, which is used only in summary reports, specifies the factors to be used in calculating resource costs and the data fields to which the cost factors are to be applied. The costs calculated for the specified data fields are automatically printed on the output report. If costs are calculated for more than one data field, a combined total cost column is printed as the column to the far right on the summary report. The special reserved word FIXED specifies that a fixed cost is to be applied to each command selected by the report.

Valid arithmetic operators are: *, +, -, and @. The first three operators specify that the value of the designated data field is to be multiplied by the indicated cost factor (*), that a constant factor is to be added to the value of the data field (+), or that a constant value is to be subtracted from the value of the data field (-). The remaining operator (@) is used only with the keyword FIXED to specify that a fixed cost is to be applied to each command selected by the report. (In SYSREVDB, the equivalent functionality is available using the COMMANDS field rather than the FIXED option.)

Cost factors can be positive numeric values containing up to four decimal places. Costs are calculated only for those data fields for which cost factors are specified.


  1. Calculate costs by multiplying the CMDRESP field by .0025 and multiplying the total IO count by 2.50.

    COST CMDRESP*.0025,IO*2.50
  2. Calculate costs by applying a fixed cost of 5.00 to each command selected by the report.

    COST FIXED@5.00
  3. Calculate costs by adding 1.5 to the value of the ASSOIO field, multiplying the DATAIO field by a negative 1.25, multiplying the WORKIO field by a positive 2.


DISPLAY Statement


The DISPLAY statement defines the control break fields for Review summary reports. Data is summarized at each control break specified in this statement for all data fields for which calculations have been performed.

One DISPLAY statement must be specified with at least one field for a summary report.

The DISPLAY statement is also used to specify the data fields to be printed on Review detailed reports.


  1. Print data summarized by Adabas COMMAND within file number (FNR) within JOBNAME on the summary report.

  2. Print the data fields SEQUENCE, DATE, USERID, and CMDRESP on the detailed report in the order specified.


ENV Statement


Adabas Review makes no claim to be able to recover or report actual CPU time.

If you are not satisfied with the values you receive in the Adabas Review CMDRESP field, you can use the ENV control statement to adjust the values.

"nnnnn.nnnn" is the factor to be multiplied by the value reported in the Adabas Review field CMDRESP to adjust it to the total Adabas nucleus session CPU time reported by the operating system. All digits must be specified. The default value is 1.0000; the maximum value is 99999.9999.

Start of instruction setTo implement the ENV control statement:

  1. Run your Adabas nucleus with an autostarted Review report that shows the total of all command response time for the nucleus session (CMDRESP field).

  2. When the database is stopped, examine the output report and note the total CMDRESP value as reported by Adabas Review.

  3. Obtain the total CPU time used by the Adabas nucleus session as reported by the operating system.

  4. Compare the two values and determine the relationship between them.

  5. For the next Adabas nucleus session, you can adjust the Adabas Review value to more closely approximate the operating system value by inserting the ENV control statement into the RVUAUT1/2 or RVUPARM after the INPUT statement and before the first REPORT statement.


  1. Review CMDRESP=100.0000; CPU time reported by the operating system=50.0000.

    The ratio between the two values is 2:1 where the Adabas Review CMDRESP field value is two times the Adabas nucleus session CPU time reported by the operating system.

    To adjust this for the next Adabas session, set the ENV control statement parameter ENV-FACTOR to 0.5000 so that Review divides the CMDRESP value by 2.

    The RVUAUT statements may be similar to the following:

    ENV ENV-FACTOR=0.5000
  2. Review CMDRESP=25.0000; CPU time reported by the operating system=100.0000.

    The ratio between the two values is 1:4 where the Adabas Review CMDRESP field value is one quarter of the Adabas nucleus session CPU time reported by the operating system.

    To adjust this for the next Adabas session, set the ENV control statement parameter ENV-FACTOR to 4.0000 so that Review multiplies the CMDRESP value by 4.



The ENVIRONMENT statement specifies the identification number of the CPU or database from which the Adabas command log originated. The ENVIRONMENT statement should only be used with the COPY statement (see COPY Statement for more information).

EXCLUDE Statement


The EXCLUDE parameter statement defines specific input detail records that are to be excluded from processing, based on the values of specified fields.

EXCLUDE parameter statements with multiple field names have different logical meanings if the field names are entered as multiple EXCLUDE statements rather than as a single continuous statement. If entered as a single statement, the Boolean operator AND is implied; if entered as multiple statements, the Boolean operator OR is implied.

Relational symbols specify the test that should be conducted on a field value. Input detail records are excluded if the value of the designated data field passes the test specified by the relational symbol. For example, if the specified field is equal to, less than, greater than, or not equal to the value indicated in the parameter statement, it is excluded. Valid relational symbols that can be specified are:

  Symbols Hex Equivalent
Equal to = / EQ X'7E'
Less than < / LT X'4C'
Greater than > / GT X'6E'
Not equal to ¬ / NE X'5F'

The symbol for "not equal to" varies; it may be either "^" or "¬". The hexadecimal equivalent is the same on all machines.

Parameter values may be in numeric, alphanumeric, or hexadecimal format.

  • Hexadecimal values must be enclosed in apostrophes and preceded by an "X". In addition, hexadecimal values should be padded with blanks (X'40') to ensure that every available field byte is specified. The blank padding can be specified either at the beginning or the end of the value specification. For example, to exclude all input detail records with a hexadecimal 8-byte NATAPPL field value of "ABC", enter the statement as:

    EXCLUDE  NATAPPL=(X'C1C2C34040404040')
  • Alphanumeric fields may use an asterisk (*) for wildcard prefixing and suffixing. For example, to exclude all job names beginning with "A" and all job names ending with "TEST", enter the statement as:


To specify a list of values, enclose the values in parentheses an separate them with commas. For example, the following specification excludes input detail records with JOBNAME field values equal to "AAAAAAAA", "BBBBBBBB", or "CCCCCCCC":


To specify a range of values, the low and high values of the range should be separated by a hyphen. For example, the following specification excludes input detail records with NATAPPL field values in the range from "AA" through "X" or with the value "AABC":


If one of the values itself contains a hyphen, enclose it in quotes. For example, the following specification excludes input detail records with NATAPPL field value "AA-X" or with the value "AABC":



  1. The following example excludes input detail records from processing if the value of the SEQUENCE field is less than 100 AND the value of the JOBNAME field is equal to "AAAAAAAA" or is within the range "XXXXXXXX" through "ZZZZZZZZ".

  2. The following example excludes input detail records from processing if the value of the SEQUENCE field is less than 100 OR the value of the JOBNAME field is equal to "AAAAAAAA" or is within the range "XXXXXXXX" through "ZZZZZZZZ".


INCLUDE Statement


The INCLUDE parameter statement defines specific input detail records to be included in processing, based on the values of specified fields. An individual field name may only be specified once in an INCLUDE statement. For example, the following INCLUDE statement is invalid because it specifies the SEQUENCE field twice:


INCLUDE parameter statements with multiple field names have different logical meanings if the field names are entered as multiple INCLUDE statements rather than as a single continuous statement. If entered as a single statement, the Boolean operator AND is implied; if entered as multiple statements, the Boolean operator OR is implied.

Relational symbols specify the test that should be conducted on a field value. Input detail records are included if the value of the designated data field passes the test specified by the relational symbol. For example, if the specified field is equal to, less than, greater than, or not equal to the value indicated in the parameter statement, it is included. Valid relational symbols that can be specified are:

  Symbols Hex Equivalent
Equal to = / EQ X'7E'
Less than < / LT X'4C'
Greater than > / GT X'6E'
Not equal to ¬ / NE X'5F'

The symbol for "not equal to" varies; it may be either "^" or "¬". The hexadecimal equivalent is the same on all machines.

Parameter values may be in numeric, alphanumeric, or hexadecimal format.

  • Hexadecimal values must be enclosed in apostrophes and preceded by an "X". In addition, hexadecimal values should be padded with blanks (X'40') to ensure that every available field byte is specified. The blank padding can be specified either at the beginning or the end of the value specification. For example, to include all input detail records with a hexadecimal 8-byte NATAPPL field value of "ABC", enter the statement as:

    INCLUDE  NATAPPL=(X'C1C2C34040404040')
  • Alphanumeric fields may use an asterisk (*) for wildcard prefixing and suffixing. For example, to include all job names beginning with "A" and all job names ending with "TEST", enter the statement as:


To specify a list of values, enclose the values in parentheses an separate them with commas. For example, the following specification includes input detail records with JOBNAME field values equal to "AAAAAAAA", "BBBBBBBB", or "CCCCCCCC":


To specify a range of values, the low and high values of the range should be separated by a hyphen. For example, the following specification includes input detail records with NATAPPL field values in the range from "AA" through "X" or with the value "AABC":


If one of the values itself contains a hyphen, enclose it in quotes. For example, the following specification includes input detail records with NATAPPL field value "AA-X" or with the value "AABC":



  1. Include input detail records in Adabas Review processing only if the value of the SEQUENCE field is greater than 100, AND the value of the JOBNAME field is equal to "AAAAAAAA" or "ZZZZZZZZ", AND the value of the response code field (RSP) is within the range 9 through 150.

    The same field name may not be used more than once for a particular INCLUDE statement.

  2. Include input detail records in Adabas Review processing if the value of the SEQUENCE field is greater than 100, OR if the value of the JOBNAME field is equal to "AAAAAAAA" or "ZZZZZZZZ", OR if the value of the response code (RSP) field is within the range 9 through 150.

    INCLUDE  RSP=(9-150)
  3. Include input detail records in Adabas Review processing if the value of the STEPNAME field is equal to "CHKD".

  4. Include input detail records in Adabas Review processing if the TIME field is greater than 12:25:00.

    INCLUDE TIME>12:25:00
  5. Include input detail records in Adabas Review processing if the DATE field is greater than 2017-07-28.

    INCLUDE DATE>2017-07-28

INPUT Statement


The INPUT parameter statement defines the characteristics of the input records to be processed by the Adabas Review processor. The statement format is described in the following table:

Keyword Specifies . . .
FILETYPE the file type of the input records to be processed. The default and the only value currently possible is SEQUENTIAL, which implies Adabas command log record input or input from the interactive processor.

This keyword is only used for batch processing.

LIMIT the maximum number of input records to be processed. The default is to process all of the input records. A value of "99999999" indicates that there is no limit.

This keyword is only used for batch processing. In online processing, the individual report-specific limitations are used.


Whether Adabas Review should switch off the new, version 5.2. handling of command log extensions of a record.

If MODE=V52 is specified (default), Adabas Review works with a reduced record size. The command log extensions are categorized in three types of segments. Data will be sent only once (type 1), every minute (type 2) or all the time (type 3).

If MODE=V51 is specified, Adabas Review runs as in version 5.1. or below. The amount of data sent is higher than with the version 5.2. method. Time performance may be lower.

BUFFMB the size of the Adabas Review buffer pool in MB. The minimum value is 1, the default value 10.


For downward compatibility the parameters do not return an error when specified. The parameter BUFFER-SEGMENTS had been replaced by BUFFERS-4K and BUFFERS-32K. Now BUFFERS-4K and BUFFERS-32K have been replaced by the BUFFMB parameter. If BUFFMB is not specified, the default BUFFMB=10 is taken.
REVIEW-COMMANDS whether commands issued by Adabas Review should be included in the command processing for all reports.

REVIEW-COMMANDS=NO indicates that special Adabas commands for Adabas Review (for example V4 commands) are not used for accounting and monitoring. To suppress RC commands issued from the SYSREVDB application as well, set the Natural profile ADAPRM parameter ON (ADAPRM=ON).

REVIEW-COMMANDS=YES indicates that these commands are used for accounting and monitoring.

Some fields might not be available for the commands supported by Adabas Review online system (V4 commands), especially when running in a hub environment. These fields include TP monitor fields, Natural fields, duration fields and buffer fields.

SKIP the number of command log records to bypass before Adabas Review begins processing.

This keyword is only used for batch processing. In online processing, the individual report-specific limitations are used.


Whether Adabas Review should make use of 64-bit addressable storage.

If REVIEWB-V64B=YES, the Adabas Review buffer pool allows 64-bit addressable storage. The maximum size of the buffer pool may be larger.

If omitted or REVIEWB-V64B=NO, the Adabas Review buffer pool resides in 31-bit addressable storage.

REVLOGMAX When the sum of sizes of the logged buffers for one command on the Adabas command log reaches the value of the REVLOGMAX parameter, the buffer exceeding the limit is truncated and all following buffers are omitted for internal processing. The minimum setting is 2000; the maximum setting is 32768, and this is also the default. If buffers are omitted, fields may not be filled.
REVLOGBMAX If a buffer is longer than this value, the logged buffer is truncated from the point at which its size exceeds the setting of the REVLOGBMAX parameter. The minimum setting is 0; the maximum setting is 30000, and the default value is 1024.

If buffers are truncated, fields or parts of fields may not be filled.


Whether Adabas Review should make use of IBM’s zIIP engine(s).

If ZIIP=YES is specified, Adabas Review offloads CPU time from the general processors to System z Integrated Information Processors (zIIP). The setting of the ZIIP parameter can be changed at runtime — that is, set to NO and subsequently back to YES — using the ZIIP command from the operator console, or the SYSREVDB ZIIP=YES/NO command.

If ZIIP=NO is specified, Adabas Review runs without the option to offload CPU time to zIIPs.

LOG Statement


The LOG statement determines how Adabas Review is to perform physical command logging or summary logging; i.e., what information is to be logged and where it is to be written.

The following table describes the parameters within the LOG statement:

Parameter Specifies . . . Valid for Report Type
DSN the file name prefix for the file where the logs are to be written. A number is appended to this name based on the LOGS parameter. If DSN=RVLOG and LOGS=2, the command log data is written to files RVLOG01 and RVLOG02. Detailed and Summary
EXIT the name of the user exit to be called when a log data set is closed and before the next log data set is opened.

For complete information about the command or summary logging user exit, read REVUXLOG: Command or Summary Logging User Exit

Detailed and Summary
LOGS the number of log data sets for the report. Detailed and Summary
SIZE the maximum number of blocks allocated to the log data set. When the SIZE parameter value is reached, the exit specified in the EXIT parameter is called, and the next log data set is opened for output. Detailed and Summary
LIMIT the maximum number of records for a detailed report to be logged in the command log data set. The default is to log all detail lines. A value of "99999999" indicates that there is no limit. Detailed only
LOGCB the control block is always logged, it may be specified explicitly. Detailed only
LOGFB whether the format buffer is to be logged for command logging for detailed reports. Detailed only
LOGIB whether the ISN buffer is to be logged for command logging for detailed reports. Detailed only
LOGIO whether I/O information is to be logged for command logging for detailed reports. Detailed only
LOGRB whether the record buffer is to be logged for command logging for detailed reports. Detailed only
LOGSB whether the search buffer is to be logged for command logging for detailed reports. Detailed only
LOGVB whether the value buffer is to be logged for command logging for detailed reports. Detailed only

MAXIMUM Statement


The MAXIMUM parameter statement applies only to Adabas Review summary reports. It specifies the data fields for which maximum values are to be printed on these reports. Maximum values are printed only for the valid data fields specified in this statement.

Maximum values are summarized and printed on the summary report at each control break defined by the DISPLAY parameter statement for all data fields for which maximum values have been determined.


Determine maximum values for the Adabas log fields ASSOIO, WORKIO, and DATAIO and print them on the summary report.


MINIMUM Statement


The MINIMUM parameter statement applies only to Adabas Review summary reports. It specifies the data fields for which minimum values are to be printed on these reports. Minimum values are printed only for the valid data fields specified in this statement.

Minimum values are summarized and printed on the summary report at each control break defined by the DISPLAY parameter statement for all data fields for which minimum values have been determined.


Determine minimum values for the Adabas log fields ASSOIO, WORKIO, and DATAIO and print them on the summary report.


PERCENT Statement


The PERCENT parameter statement applies only to Adabas Review summary reports. It specifies the data fields for which percentage values are to be printed on these reports. Percentage values are printed only for the valid data fields specified in this statement.

Percentage values are summarized and printed on the summary report at each control break defined by the DISPLAY parameter statement for all data fields for which percentage values have been determined.


Determine percentage values for the Adabas log fields ASSOIO, WORKIO, and DATAIO and print them on the summary report. The sum of the percentage values for each specified data field is 100 percent.


RATE Statement


The RATE parameter statement applies only to Adabas Review summary reports. It specifies the data fields for which rate values are to be printed on these reports. Rate values are printed only for the valid data fields specified in this statement.

Rate values are summarized and printed on the summary report at each control break defined by the DISPLAY parameter statement for all data fields for which rate values have been determined.


Determine rate values for the Adabas log fields ASSOIO, WORKIO, and DATAIO and print them on the summary report. The rate will be calculated as the amount of data collected per second.


RAW Statement


The RAW statement determines how Adabas Review is to perform raw detail logging or summary logging; i.e., how information is to be logged and where it is to be written.

The following table describes the parameters within the RAW statement:

Parameter Specifies . . . Valid for Report Type
DSN The file name prefix for the file where the raw logs are to be written. A number is appended to this name based on the LOGS parameter. If DSN=RVRAW and LOGS=2, the command log data is written to files RVRAW01 and RVRAW02. Detailed and Summary
EXIT the name of the user exit to be called when a raw log data set is closed and before the next raw log data set is opened.

For complete information about the command or summary logging user exit, read REVUXLOG: Command or Summary Logging User Exit

Detailed and Summary
LOGS the number of raw log data sets for the report. Detailed and Summary
SIZE the maximum number of blocks allocated to the raw log data set. When the SIZE parameter value is reached, the exit specified in the EXIT parameter is called, and the next raw log data set is opened for output. Detailed and Summary

Specify whether Adabas Review will write the header record at the beginning of each raw log file.

If set to "YES", a header record will be written at the beginning of each raw log file.

If set to "NO", no header record will be written at the beginning of each raw log file.

Detailed and Summary

Specify whether or not a delimiter will be used to delimit the fields in the raw log data record.

Valid values are "YES" (use a delimiter) or "NO" (do not use a delimiter).

If this is set to "NO", all the fields in the record are strung together in the raw data record without a separator in between them.

Detailed and Summary
DELVALUE Specifies the character that should be used as the delimiter between fields in the raw data record, if DELIMITERS is set to "YES". Detailed and Summary

Specify whether binary data are displayed in binary or character format.

Valid values are "B" (binary data are displayed in binary format) or "C" (binary data are displayed in character format).

Default is "B".

Detailed and Summary

REPORT Statement

The REPORT statement is critical in that it indicates that all of the following statements up to the next REPORT statement define the contents of the current report.


The REPORT statement defines the type of report to be generated by the Adabas Review processor. The following table describes the parameters in the batch REPORT statement:

Parameter Specifies . . . Default Valid for Report Type
TYPE whether the report to be generated is a detail or summary report. Valid values are DETAIL (generate a detail report) or SUMMARY (generate a summary report). This parameter must be specified; there is no default. --- Detailed and Summary
ADALIMIT a minimum command count (number of times the command was processed) for printing a summary report. For example, if ADALIMIT=100, only entries with a command count of 100 or higher are printed. 0 Summary only
BREAK whether subtotals are printed at control breaks or suppressed. Valid values are YES (print subtotals) and NO (do not print subtotals). YES Summary only
CLASS whether the report to be generated is a client reporting report. Valid values are "STANDARD" (the report is a standard report) and "CLIENT" (the report is a client reporting report). STANDARD Detailed and Summary
DISPLAYBY the order in which the data is displayed. Valid values are:

Display data in ascending order by control break.


Display data in descending order by the first field marked as a sum field.


Display data in descending order by usage (e.g., most used to least used command).


Display data in descending order by control break.


Display data in ascending order by the start date and time of the control break. interval.

SORTED Summary only
ENTRIES the maximum number of entries that a report will process, thus restricting the amount of data collected by the summary report. 999999 Summary only
HISTORY-INTERVAL the time interval (in minutes) for closing the report. The HISTORY-INTERVAL parameter is a synonym for the INTERVAL parameter, described elsewhere in this table. 0 Summary only
INTERVAL the time interval (in minutes) for closing the report. At each interval:
  • Summary reports print their output and store any history data before the report is closed.

  • Detailed reports close. Note that output data for detailed reports, including history data, is written in an ongoing fashion while the report is running.

The report may be restarted, depending on the setting of the RESTART parameter.

For online reporting (SYSREVDB), use the Intrvl reporting option; in batch environments, use this INTERVAL parameter. For more information about online reporting options, read General Report Options.

0 Detailed and Summary
LIMIT the maximum number of detail lines to be printed on the output report. The default is to print all detail lines. A value of "99999999" indicates that there is no limit. 99999999 Detailed only
{LINESIZE | WIDTH} the width of a report line. The line width can be stated as any numeric value of at least 72 characters and not greater than 255 characters.

Use the "Line" option to supply this information in an online environment.

133 Detailed and Summary
MAX-RESTARTS Specify the maximum number of times a summary report will be restarted due to MAXSTORE. 999999 Summary only
MAXSTORE the maximum amount of storage (in kilobytes) available for the report.

Use the "Max K" option to supply this information in an online environment.

For more information about how storage is used for reports, read Storage for Reports.

8 Summary only
PAGESIZE the length (in lines) of a report page. The minimum is 10 lines. The default is 55 lines, which provides a top and bottom margin for standard printer spacing on a total page size of 66 lines. 55 Detailed and Summary
PRINT whether the report will be printed at database termination. Valid values are YES (print the report at database termination) and NO (do not print the report at database termination). YES Detailed and Summary
PROGRAM the name of the display program to be used if the report results are displayed online. RD/RX-DEFLT Detailed and Summary
REPORT-EXIT the name of the report user exit that is executed whenever a command log record is selected for a detailed report. There is no default for this parameter.

For more information about these exits, read REVUXDET: Report Exit for Detailed Reports and REVUXSUM: Report Exit for Summary Reports.

no exit is called Detailed only
RESTART whether the report is reactivated after the history interval is reached, the report is closed, or the report MAXSTORE limit is exceeded. Valid values are YES (reactivate the report) and NO (do not reactivate the report).

For online (SYSREVDB) reports, use the "Rstrt" option to supply this information. For more information, read General Report Options.

NO Detailed and Summary
SCHED-SCHEDULE whether the report should be scheduled to the specified times in the following parameters. N(O) Detailed and Summary
SCHED-STRTDATE the date when the report will be activated the first time.   Detailed and Summary
SCHED- STRTTIME the time when the report will be activated the first time   Detailed and Summary
SCHED-ENDDATE the date when the report will not be activated again.   Detailed and Summary
SCHED- ENDTIME the time when the report will not be activated again.   Detailed and Summary
SCHED-DURATION the period of time in minutes the report will be activated before it goes into the waiting state. If SCHED-DURATION is zero the period of time will be calculated as the difference of SCHED-STRTDATE/TIME and SCHED-ENDDATE/TIME. 0 Detailed and Summary
SCHED-INTERVAL the period of time in minutes the report will be activated again after it has been activated until the SCHED-ENDDATE/TIME has been reached. If SCHED-INTERVAL is specified as greater zero it has to be greater than SCHED-DURATION. If SCHED-INTERVAL is zero the report will only be activated once. 0 Detailed and Summary
SKIP whether to single-space or double-space the detail lines on the output report. The default is to single-space the detail lines. Valid values are 1 (single-space the output report) and 2 (double-space the output report). 1 Detailed and Summary
SPACE the number of spaces to allow between the data fields printed on the output report. This factor applies to all data fields on detailed reports but only to the fields defined as control breaks by the DISPLAY parameter statement on summary reports. The default is to allow one space between data fields. 1 Detailed and Summary
SUMMARY-EXIT the name of the report user exit that is executed whenever an Adabas command or a summary record is selected for a summary report. Read Report Exits in Specifying Reporting Options for more information. There is no default for this parameter. no exit is called Summary only
TARGET the database from which the report collects data.

You can specify "ALL" as a valid value to trigger a DBID=ALL report. When running Adabas Review in hub mode, a report is started for all databases running on the same SVC as the hub. When running Adabas Review in local mode, the report will only collect data from the local database.

You can specify "ALL" for user-defined reports and for most of the predefined Adabas Review reports except for the Buffer Pool reports, the Pulse reports, and the Cluster Services reports.


  1. A setting of "0" is converted internally by Adabas Review to "ALL".
  2. Depending on your environment, a DBID=ALL report may initiate communications with many databases, all of which will then send data for the report. If too many databases send too much data at the same time, hub performance problems may result. In such cases, you might consider excluding specific databases from the DBID=ALL report. To do so, define a report processing rule that does not include (INCLUDE statement or EQ) some databases.
  3. Once DBID=ALL reports are started, we do not recommend that you use the REVIEW=hubid operator command to alter the hub ID of an active database. If you do, unpredictable results will occur in the processing of the DBID=ALL reports that have been started.
0 (ALL) Detailed and Summary
TITLE the title line for the report when only one line is used. A maximum of 60 characters is allowed. The default value is blanks. blanks Detailed and Summary
the title lines for the report when more than one line is used. A maximum of 60 characters is allowed for each title line. The default value is blanks. blanks Detailed and Summary
WRAP whether wrapping (i.e., reusing data elements for the report) will occur. Valid values are YES (wrapping should occur) and NO (wrapping should not occur).

Use the "Wrapping" option to supply this information in an online environment.

NO Summary only


Define a summary report with the title "A Report with Exit" to collect data from database 12345. The display program RD-00001 is to be used if the report results are displayed online. The maximum storage limit for the report will be 16 kilobytes and the report will be automatically reactivated when the maximum storage limit is exceeded. The user-written exit MYEXIT will be called whenever a command log record is selected for the report.


Example with scheduling information:

Schedule a report at 16:35 on 2017-08-22 which is active for 5 minutes and activated every 10 minutes until 17:35 on the same day.

   LIMIT=99999999, INTERVAL=0, MAX-RESTARTS=999999,

See the section Parameter Statement Processing for another example.

ROUND Statement


The ROUND parameter statement applies only to Adabas Review summary reports. It specifies the data fields for which rounding is to occur on these reports. The fields specified on the ROUND statement must also be specified on the DISPLAY statement.


Round the Adabas DURATION field up to .05 of a second.


SUM Statement


The SUM parameter statement applies only to Adabas Review summary reports. It specifies the data fields for which value totals are to be calculated on these reports. Values are printed on the summary report at each control break defined by the DISPLAY parameter statement for all data fields that have been summed.


Print the summed values for the DURATION field, Associator IOs, Data Storage IOs, and Work IOs on the summary report.


Parameter Statement Processing

This section discusses the processing order of Adabas Review parameter statements and the effect of that order on the contents of detailed and summary reports.

Defining Reports

The most critical parameter statement is the REPORT statement. It indicates that all of the following statements up to the next REPORT statement define the contents of the current report.


SUM      ...

There are three distinct reports: the first and third reports are detailed reports; the second report is a summary report. Each report includes/excludes different input records; different statistics are compiled and printed for each report.

Multiple Parameter Statements

A parameter statement containing multiple parameter entries can be entered as one continuous statement or as several statements, each containing one or more parameter entries. For all parameter statements except the INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, and DISPLAY statements, either method will produce the same results.


  1. Print the sum for the values in the data fields COMMANDS, ASSOIO, and DATAIO on the report.

  2. Example 2 produces the same results as example 1:



INCLUDE/EXCLUDE parameter statements with multiple parameters have different logical meanings based on whether the parameters are entered as separate statements or as a single continuous statement.


  1. In this example, logical AND is implied between the SEQUENCE parameter and JOBNAME and RSP parameters. Input detail records must satisfy all three conditions in order to be selected for processing:

  2. In this example, logical OR is implied between each INCLUDE statement. Input detail records meet the selection criteria by satisfying any of the three conditions specified in the statements:

    INCLUDE  RSP<150
  3. In this example, logical AND is implied between the SEQUENCE parameter and the JOBNAME and DATE parameters entered on the first INCLUDE statement. Input detail records must satisfy all three conditions in order to be selected for processing. No further checking is done on the records satisfying these conditions; they are included in the processing regardless of whether they satisfy the conditions set by the remaining parameter statements:

    EXCLUDE  FNR<101

    It is not possible to use a field (parameter) more than once in a single INCLUDE statement; that is, in a logical AND operation.

    Input detail records that do not satisfy the conditions specified on the first INCLUDE statement are checked against the selection criteria specified on the next EXCLUDE statement. All records satisfying this condition (i.e., RSP>0) are excluded from processing and no further checking is done on these records.

    The detail records that have not been specifically included or excluded from processing by the first two parameter statements are checked against the selection criteria specified on the next INCLUDE statement. Again, logical AND is implied between the MONTH and DAY parameters entered on this statement, and both conditions must be met in order for records to be selected for processing. No further checking is performed on the records satisfying these conditions; they are included in the processing regardless of whether they satisfy the conditions set by the final EXCLUDE statement. The remaining input detail records are then checked against the final EXCLUDE statement. All records satisfying the specified condition (i.e., FNR<101) are excluded from processing.

    Note that all records not excluded by the final EXCLUDE statement are included in the processing. If the final statement is an INCLUDE statement, all records satisfying the specified conditions for inclusion are included in the processing.

Batch Processor Job Control Requirements

This section covers the following topics:

For z/OS Environments

The job shown below is contained in member REVIEWB of the Adabas Review source library and can be used to execute the Adabas Review processor in batch.

Start of instruction setTo modify the job before submitting it:

  1. Change vrs to the current version, revision, and system maintenance level of the product.

  2. Modify the job statement, if necessary.

  3. Modify the DD statement for RVUSEQ as necessary. Point to a command log file generated by Adabas or Adabas Review.

  4. Add any additional RVUPRTxx or RVUCOPxx DD statements as necessary depending on your report definitions (where xx is a value from "01" through "99").

    //         DD DSN=SHR,DSN=ADABAS.Vv.LOAD
    //         DCB=(RECFM=VB,BLKSIZE=10000)
    //RVUPARM  DD *

The following DD statements are required, or optional where noted, for executing the Adabas Review processor in interactive or batch mode:

DD Statement Description
RVUPARM A data set of control statements that specify input report parameters (LRECL=80).

RVUPARM is a data set of control statements that specify input report parameters to Adabas Review's batch processor. These statements can be generated by the GENCARD command and copied from the resulting RVUCARD output into the RVUPARM data set. For more information, read Generating Batch Report Parameters.

RVUSEQ Sequential data set containing command log records: RECFM=VB,LRECL=9996,BLKSIZE=10000

This command log file can be generated directly by Adabas (LOGGING=YES) or by using Adabas Review's physical logging facility as described in Logging Options, elsewhere in this guide.

RVUCOPxx (Optional) Copied output logs; same format as RVUSEQ (where "xx" is 01-99).
RVUPRTxx Review logical printers (where "xx" is 01-99). LRECL is required. It may be in the range of (72-4080); LRECL=160 is typical, except for RVUPRT00 where LRECL=80 is typical.
RVUALT Alternate sequential file used to save history information if the Adabas Review processor, either interactively or in batch, receives an Adabas response code 148 (Adabas not active) when attempting to save history data. This file should be allocated using the following DCB attributes: RECFM=VB,LRECL=9996,BLKSIZE=10000
RVUAUT1 (Optional in batch mode) Parameter statements for autostarted reports; LRECL=80.
RVUAUT2 (Optional in batch mode) Parameter statements for autostarted reports; LRECL=80.

Adabas Review uses two parameter files for the report definition control statements and alternates between them by writing to the older file. For more information, read Autostarted Reports.

RVUFLD Parameter statements; LRECL=80. Parameters to describe user-defined fields.

Command log files generated by Adabas must be in sequential (DDLOG) format. You must not use a dual command log file directly as input to Adabas Review. If you are using Adabas dual command logging, the command log file must first be copied out to a sequential file using the Adabas utility ADARES function CLCOPY.