This document describes the:
commands that may be used in Adabas Review, and the use of function codes and commands to navigate through the system;
fields that may be used when creating Adabas Review reports using the Edit Report (ER) command;
reports supplied with Adabas Review;
summary record layout used by Adabas Review;
user exits available with Adabas Review;
ADARUN parameters that apply to Adabas Review.
This documentation is organized in the following topics:
Command Reference | Provides an alphabetic reference to the commands that can be issued in Adabas Review. |
Field Reference | Provides alphabetical and categorical references for the fields that you use in Adabas Review. |
Supplied Report Reference | Describes each of the predefined reports supplied with Adabas Review. |
Summary Record Layout | Describes the layout of the summary record. |
User Exit Reference | Provides a description of each of the user exits available with Adabas Review. |
ADARUN Parameters for Adabas Review | Provides an alphabetical reference of the ADARUN parameters that apply to Adabas Review. |