Preparing for the Installation

This document provides installation preparation information for Adabas Review under z/OS operating system environments.

For information regarding Software AG product compatibility with IBM platforms and any IBM requirements for Software AG products, please review the Product Compatibility for IBM Platforms web page.

Prerequisites for Adabas Review are described in Software AG Product Support and Requirements.

For information about using Software AG's System Maintenance Aid (SMA) for the installation process, refer to the System Maintenance Aid Manual .

This document covers the following topics:

About the Adabas Review Installation Tape

This section describes the contents of the Adabas Review installation tape and the space requirements for each data set. Sample JCL to accomplish the transfer is also included.

Refer to the Software AG Product Delivery Report for the volume serial number, density, media type, data set names, and data set sequence numbers for the SP level being installed.

Copying the Tape Contents

Copy the data sets from the supplied installation medium to your disk before you perform the individual installation procedure for each component to be installed.

The way you copy the data sets depends on the installation method and the medium used:

  • If you use System Maintenance Aid (SMA), refer to the copy job instructions provided in the System Maintenance Aid documentation.

  • If you are not using SMA and want to copy the data sets from CD-ROM, refer to the README.TXT file on the CD-ROM.

  • If you are not using SMA and want to copy the data sets from tape, follow the instructions in this section.

This section explains how to copy all data sets from tape to disk.

Step 1: Copy Data Set COPY.JOB from Tape to Disk

  • Modify the following sample job according to your requirements:

    //* ---------------------------------
    // DISP=(OLD,PASS),
    // UNIT=(CASS,,DEFER),
    // VOL=(,RETAIN,SER=tape-volser),
    // LABEL=(2,SL)
    //SYSUT2 DD DSN=hilev.COPY.JOB,
    // UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=disk-volser,
    // SPACE=(TRK,(1,1),RLSE),
    // DCB=*.SYSUT1


    tape-volser is the VOLSER of the tape, for example: T12345,
    hilev is a valid high-level qualifier, and
    disk-volser is the VOLSER of the disk.

  • Execute the job to copy the data set COPY.JOB to your disk.

Step 2: Modify hilev.COPY.JOB on Your Disk

  • Modify hilev.COPY.JOB according to your requirements:

    Set EXPDT to a valid expiration date, for example, 99365.

    Set HILEV to a valid high-level qualifier, for example, USERLIB.

    Set LOCATION to a storage location, for example, STORCLAS=ABC or UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=USR123.

Step 3: Submit COPY.JOB

  • Execute hilev.COPY.JOB to copy single, multiple, or all data sets to your disk.

Installation Tape Description

The Adabas Review installation tape contains the following data sets:

Data Set Created Using... DCB= Description
REVvrs.INPL IEBGENER (RECFM=VB,LRECL=4624,BLKSIZE=4628) Adabas Review Natural objects.
REVvrs.SYSF IEBGENER (RECFM=VB,LRECL=9996,BLKSIZE=1000) Adabas Review repository file.
REVvrs.SRCE IEBCOPY (RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=23440) Adabas Review source modules and more installation jobs.
REVvrs.JOBS IEBCOPY (RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=23440) Adabas Review installation jobs.
REVvrs.LOAD IEBCOPY (RECFM=U,BLKSIZE=6447) Adabas Review load library.

Size of Adabas Review (Local Mode Only)

The REGION parameter for the Adabas nucleus job step may need to be increased to accommodate Adabas Review. Make sure there is enough space in the REGION for the buffer, allocated with the BUFFMB parameter.

Space Requirements

The space requirements for each data set on the installation tape are given in the following table:

Data Set Type Directory Blocks Cylinders (3390)
INPL --- 8
SYSF --- 1
JOBS 10 1
LOAD 10 1

In addition, the alternate history file for Adabas Review and the CICS-dependent load library for CICS installations require additional space as follows:

Data Set Type Directory Blocks Cylinders (3390)
Alternate history file --- 2
CICS-dependent load library 5 1

Source Library Members

Source library members for Adabas Review are as follows:

Member Description
CLEXRUBX Part of LORECR macro used in REVUXDET
FILETAB Part of LORECR macro used in REVUXDET
REVCOST Sample Adabas Review parameters used to produce an Adabas cost accounting report
REVUEX1 Sample user exit 1 (User field exit) program
REVUEX1C Sample user exit 1 (User field exit) program for CICS environment
REVUEX5 Sample user exit 5 program
REVUXDET Sample detail report user exit for writing SMF records
REVUXLOG Sample Assembler source code for an Adabas Review command logging user exit
REVUXSUM Sample summary report user exit
RVCLCOB Sample COBOL copybook for parameter area for REVCLRP
RVUAUT1 Sample startup parameters for Adabas Review
RVUAUT2 Sample startup parameters for Adabas Review
RVUCARD Sample parameters for running a batch job
RVUEXI Sample operating environment control parameters for Adabas Review
RVUPARM Internal use only
RVUFLD Sample parameters for user-defined fields
SUMRECD DSECT for the summary record layout data portion
SUMRECH DSECT for the summary record layout header portion
SUMRECS DSECT for the summary record layout schema portion
UEX5PARM Macro used in REVUEX5
ZAPOPT Contains optional zaps for installing Adabas Review
Sample user exits and programs and are not supported under any maintenance contract agreement.

Jobs Library Members

Jobs library members for Adabas Review are as follows:

Member Description
AREVUEX1 Sample job for assembling the REVUEX1 (User field exit) for batch and TSO environment.
ASMUEX1C Sample job for assembling and linking the REVUEX1C for CICS environment (User field exit).
ASMUXLOG Sample job for assembling and linking the REVUXLOG.
BATCHRPT Sample job to create batch reports with online administration tool SYSREVDB.
EXPANDxx Sample jobs to upgrade an Adabas Review version repository. For the details please refer to Migration from Previous Versions in the Release Notes.
HISTCOMP Sample job to compress history data from a batch Natural execution.
HISTDEL Sample job to delete history data from a batch Natural execution.
HISTVIEW Sample job to view history data from a batch Natural execution.
HUBJCL Sample job to start the Adabas Review hub (not used in local mode).
LREVLCIC For CICS installations; sample job used to link the Adabas Review link routine exit with the CICS Adabas command-level link routine; used when reporting in CICS.
LREVLCO For Com-plete installations; sample job used to link the Adabas Review link routine exit with the Com-plete Adabas link routine; used when reporting in Com-plete.
LREVLNI For IMS installations; sample job used to link the Adabas Review link routine exit with the IMS Adabas link routine; used when reporting in IMS.
LREVLNK/ LREVLKNR For TSO installations; sample jobs used to link the Adabas Review link routine exit with the TSO/batch Adabas link routine (reentrant link routine) ; used when reporting in TSO or batch jobs.
LREVUEX1 Sample job for binding the ADALNK REVEXIT modules (RDBLXsys) together with the user exit REVUEX1 (User field exit).
MAKEALT Sample JCL to create the RVUALT data set.
REVCLCOP Sample JCL to copy and set end-of-file for a sequential command log created by Adabas Review.
REVIEWB Sample JCL to process a sequential command log by the batch component of Adabas Review.
REVINPL Sample job used to INPL the Adabas Review programs and DDMs from the INPL data set to the Natural system files.
REVLOAD Sample job used to load the Adabas Review repository file.
Sample user exits and programs and are not supported under any maintenance contract agreement.

Installation Overview

Adabas Review is installed in two phases:

  1. Phase 1: Install non-TP-specific components. All steps in this phase are identical regardless of the TP monitor in use:

    • Install Adabas Review under Natural;

    • Install the Adabas Review repository;

    • Install Adabas Review under Adabas;

    • Install the Adabas Review hub (hub mode only);

    • Optional installation procedures.

  2. Phase 2: Install TP-specific components. Separate procedures are used to install Adabas Review under each of the supported TP monitors: Com-plete; CICS; TSO or TSS; and IMS/DC.

Phase one procedures are described in Installation: Phase 1; phase two procedures in Installation: Phase 2.

Before you install the product, be sure you have read the Release Notes, paying special attention to the supported platform list, the description of Software AG product support, enhancements, restrictions, and any migration considerations pertinent for this release of Adabas Review.