Migration from Previous Versions

This document describes migration tasks you need to perform for this release of Adabas Review. It covers the following topics:

Migration Steps

To migrate to Adabas Review 5.2 SP1 from prior versions, consider and perform the following migration steps.

Start of instruction setAdabas Review under Natural

  1. Verify that any Adabas Review display programs or objects you have written or modified have unique names that do not begin with RD*, RX*, SR*, SX*, CR*, CX*, CS*, PU-* or BUFFERPOOL (these prefixes are reserved for use by Adabas Review programs). This will ensure that this migration process does not overwrite them.

  2. INPL the Adabas Review programs and DDMs from the INPL data set distributed with this release into the SYSREVDB library as described in Install Adabas Review under Natural, in your Adabas Review installation instructions.

  3. If an existing Adabas Review repository file is used, sample report Scheduling File Usage will be added to the repository and display program SR-00041 or SX-00041 will be generated (depending on the DISPLAY mode). This happens when SYSREVDB will be started for the first time.

  4. If the Adabas Review Natural programs will be INPLed into an existing SYSREVDB library, the GDA timestamp will change with a new version. Thus, to be able to run the existing display programs, the function RECAT ALL needs to be executed. This function will be automatically triggered at the start of SYSREVDB, when user exit P-UEXIT1 will be re-cataloged because of a GDA timestamp conflict. For more information about RECAT ALL, read Recataloging All Display Programs.


  1. Your user exits and RVCALL* program modifications will be kept and re-cataloged.
  2. When using SYSREVDB of Adabas Review Version 4.9 SP1, Adabas Review Version 5.1 SP1 or Adabas Review 5.2 SP1 with an older Review Processor up to Version 4.8 SP2, scheduling functions are not supported (e.g. when using the LC or LR functions) and the Review message REV00093 - Syntax error(s) in report definition or field not supported comes up, when a report will be started with fields introduced in Adabas Review 4.9 SP1, Adabas Review 5.1 SP1 or Adabas Review 5.2 SP1 but unknown to a Version 4.8 SP2 Review Processor.

Start of instruction set Adabas Review Repository

  1. If you are migrating from Adabas Review 4.5 SP2, run the EXPAND5 job found in the Adabas Review source library to upgrade your version 4.5 SP2 repository to a version 4.6 SP1 repository.

  2. If you are migrating from Adabas Review 4.6 SP1, run the EXPAND6 job found in the Adabas Review source library to upgrade your version 4.6 SP1 repository to a version 4.6 SP2 repository.

  3. If you are migrating from Adabas Review 4.6 SP2, run the EXPAND7 job found in the Adabas Review source library to upgrade your version 4.6 SP2 repository to a version 4.7 SP1 repository.

  4. If you are migrating from Adabas Review 4.7 SP1, run the EXPAND8 job found in the Adabas Review source library to upgrade your version 4.7 SP1 repository to a version 4.7 SP2 repository.

  5. If you are migrating from Adabas Review 4.7 SP2, run the EXPAND9 job found in the Adabas Review source library to upgrade your version 4.7 SP2 repository to a version 4.7 SP3 repository.

  6. If you are migrating from Adabas Review 4.7 SP3, run the EXPAND10 job found in the Adabas Review source library to upgrade your version 4.7 SP3 repository to a version 4.8 SP1 repository.

  7. If you are migrating from Adabas Review 4.8 SP1, run the EXPAND11 job found in the Adabas Review source library to upgrade your version 4.8 SP1 repository to a version 4.8 SP2 repository.


    1. Make sure to use the updated version of the EXPAND11 job delivered as fix REV482S001. It uses the fieldname PP for the PE-group.
    2. The zaps RD472100, RD473061 and RD481011 add the same fields as in the EXPAND11 job. When you have already applied one of these zaps to your environment, you do not need to run the EXPAND11 job.
  8. If you are migrating from Adabas Review 4.8 SP2, run the EXPAND12 job found in the Adabas Review source library to upgrade your version 4.8 SP2 repository to a version 4.9 SP1 repository.

  9. If you are migrating from Adabas Review 4.9 SP1 no EXPAND job is needed because the repository did not change from 4.9 SP1 to 5.1 SP1.

  10. If you are migrating from Adabas Review 5.1 SP1 no EXPAND job is needed because the repository did not change from 5.1 SP1 to 5.2 SP1.

    If you wanted to migrate from Adabas Review 4.5 SP2 to Adabas Review 5.2 SP1, you would need to run the jobs EXPAND5, EXPAND6, EXPAND7, EXPAND8, EXPAND9, EXPAND10, EXPAND11 and EXPAND12 consecutively.

Once the EXPAND12 job has completed, be sure you have performed any maintenance for Adabas Review 5.2 SP1.

Start of instruction setAdabas Review Load libary

  • The parameter list for the Command, Summary or RAW logging exit (REVUXLOG) will now be allocated above the line (AMODE=31). Make sure your existing REVUXLOG exit does support this. An example can be found in the source library.

Start of instruction setAdabas Review Buffer Space

  • The parameters BUFFERS-4K and BUFFERS-32K are obsolete and both replaced by BUFFMB. If BUFFMB is not specified, the default of 10 MB will be taken. Make sure there is enough space in the REGION for this buffer. Otherwise a GETMAIN error may occur.