Maintaining User Profiles

The user profile system provides a series of menus to help you generate user profiles that define access rules for Adabas Review users. You may create profiles for new users, change access rules for existing users, and purge user profiles that are no longer required.

User profiles can be created for new users, changed for existing users, and purged when no longer required. User profiles can be set up so users have access only to specific DBIDs. If a user has access needs that are different from the majority, a user profile can be created to accommodate those needs. Such a profile is generated by customizing a copy of the default profile.

You can also set up group profiles, based on the groups set up by your Natural Security administrator. Natural Security is only required if you want to use group IDs, but not otherwise.

This document covers the following topics:

The Supplied User Profile Definitions

Adabas Review provides two default Natural profiles that provide access to SYSREVDB for users who do not have a profile defined for them. Both profiles have administrative privileges, providing unrestricted access to Adabas Review functions.

  • One of the supplied user profile is called "DEFAULT".

    The DEFAULT user profile initially provides unrestricted access to Adabas Review functions. Software AG recommends that you first create a new user profile for the system administrator and other privileged users; then modify the DEFAULT profile so that it conforms to the needs of the majority of users. If the default profile is customized so that the access rules meet the needs of the majority of Adabas Review users, the need for individual user profiles can be eliminated.

    The DEFAULT profile cannot be deleted. In addition, Adabas Review will not allow you to turn the DEFAULT profile or any administrator profile into a non-administrator profile if another administrator profile is not available.

  • The other user profile is saved under the name of the user ID of the user initializing the system (the user who entered MENU).

When a user logs on, Adabas Review looks for a group profile first and then for an individual user profile. It uses the first profile found (group profiles take precedence over individual user profiles). If neither a group nor individual user profile is found, an appropriate default profile is used.

Administrator Profiles

An administrator profile is a user profile that has access to everything. Adabas Review determines automatically whether a user profile is an administrator profile, based on the access rule settings specified for the profile.

To create an administrator profile, make sure that all the access rules for the user are set to "Y" (except optionally the Group Profile? and Confirm Purge/Save Requests? access rules, which can be set to "N" even for administrator profiles.

We recommend that the first user profile you create be another administrator profile (the default profile is distributed as an administrator profile). Then modify the default profile so that it conforms to the needs of the majority of your users.

Adabas Review will not allow you to turn the default profile or any administrator profile into a non-administrator profile if another administrator profile is not available.

Group Profiles

You can set up group profiles, based on the groups set up by your Natural Security administrator. When a user logs on, Adabas Review looks for a group profile first and then for an individual user profile. It uses the first profile found (group profiles take precedence over individual user profiles). If neither a group nor individual user profile is found, the provided default profile is used.

Natural Security is only required if you want to use group IDs, but not otherwise.

To create a group profile, be sure to set the Group Profile? setting to "Y".

Administrators can be members of a group.

Accessing the User Profile System

Start of instruction setTo access the user profile system:

  1. Enter UP on the command line of the Adabas Review main menu and press ENTER.

    The User Profile System menu appears as shown below:

     14:47:41                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2016-08-23
                                   User Profile System                              
                       Code              Description                                
                       ----     ----------------------------------                  
                        EU          Edit User Profile                               
                        LU          List User Profiles                              
                       ----     ----------------------------------                  
     Command: ______________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit                                                  Menu   
Code Description
EU Edits a profile for a new or existing user.
LU Displays a list of existing user profiles, including the default profile.

From the list of existing user profiles, you can select a particular profile to be edited or purged.

Migrating User Profiles

When you access the user profile system, Adabas Review verifies that your profiles follow all current Adabas Review profile conventions and standards. If they do not, Adabas Review attempts to migrate them to the most current standard. The following screen appears:

14:58:25                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2016-08-02
                            User Profile Migration                             
                                W e l c o m e                                  
|                                                                             |
|             Review has detected that the user profiles must be              |
|             migrated to the current level before Review can be              |
|             started.                                                        |
|                                                                             |
|             Press ENTER to begin migration or PF3 to exit.                  |
|                                                                             |
|             Note: Pressing PF3 will terminate Review.                       |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |

Press ENTER to migrate your profiles to the current standard. Press PF3 to exit Adabas Review without performing the migration.

For a conversion of user profiles run program CONVUPRO if one of the following conditions applies:

  • you migrate from Version 4.6 SP2, 4.7 SP1 or 4.7 SP2 to a higher version before you have applied fix IX46232, IX47114 or IX47206;

  • the LU command in the User Profiles menu does not show user profiles, although there are some in library SYSREVDU;

  • the long name of a Natural Resource user profile in SYSREVDU is "Review User Profile".

Listing User Profile Definitions

The List User Profiles (LU) function displays a list of the user profiles that have been defined.

Start of instruction setTo access a list of defined user profiles:

  1. From the User Profile System menu, enter the code LU on the command line and press ENTER.

    A User Profiles screen, similar to the one shown below, is displayed:

     14:47:03                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2016-08-23
                                      User Profiles                                 
       Sel  Userid    Description              Sel  Userid    Description           
     | __ > DEFAULT   Default User Profile     __   USR00010  Generated Prof 00010 |
     | __ > REVIEW    Review Administrator     __   USR00011  Generated Prof 00011 |
     | __ > TESTME    TEST PROFILE             __   USR00012  Generated Prof 00012 |
     | __   USR00001  Generated Prof 00001     __   USR00013  Generated Prof 00013 |
     | __   USR00002  Generated Prof 00002     __   USR00014  Generated Prof 00014 |
     | __   USR00003  Generated Prof 00003     __   USR00015  Generated Prof 00015 |
     | __   USR00004  Generated Prof 00004     __   USR00016  Generated Prof 00016 |
     | __   USR00005  Generated Prof 00005     __   USR00017  Generated Prof 00017 |
     | __   USR00006  Generated Prof 00006     __   USR00018  Generated Prof 00018 |
     | __   USR00007  Generated Prof 00007     __   USR00019  Generated Prof 00019 |
     | __   USR00008  Generated Prof 00008     __   USR00020  Generated Prof 00020 |
     | __   USR00009  Generated Prof 00009     __   USR00021  Generated Prof 00021 |
                            > Admin   > Group   > Admin+Group                       
     Command: ______________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit                     -     +                      Menu   

    Note the cursor (>) before each user ID on this screen. This cursor and its presence identify the profile type:

    Cursor Present? Cursor Color Description
    Yes yellow (>) The user profile is an administrator profile.
    Yes blue (>) The user profile is a group profile.
    Yes pink (>) The user profile is both an administrator and a group profile.
    No --- The user profile is a regular profile. It is neither an administrator profile nor a group profile.
  2. From this screen, you may edit or purge a particular user profile.

    If you enter a question mark (?) or an invalid value on the selection line preceding a profile name and press ENTER, the Available Functions window appears displaying a list of the available commands:

    Command Description
    EU Edit the selected profile.
    PU Purge the selected profile.
    . Exit the window without selecting any command.

Creating a New User Profile

Start of instruction setTo create a new user profile:

  1. From any screen in Adabas Review, type the following string on the command line and press ENTER:

    UP EU userid

    From any screen in the user profile system, type the following string on the command line and press ENTER:

    EU userid



    Adabas Review creates a profile for the user by copying the default profile and displays it for editing on the Edit Profile screen.

    The Edit Profile is actually a series of several screen pages. You can navigate between these pages using your PF11 (forward) and PF10 (backward) keys.

     14:51:07                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2018-01-29
                                      Edit Profile                                 
             General Settings                      Specific DBIDs to Monitor       
     | User ID / Group ID ..... ________        _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
     | Group Profile? ................ N        _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
     | Description: ____________________        _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
     | Access User Profiles? ......... Y        _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
     | Access Review? ................ Y        _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
     | Monitor All Targets? .......... Y        _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
     | Restrict list to allowed DBIDs? N        _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
     | Default Nucleus Target ....  LFILE       _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
     | Default Repository DBID ...  LFILE       _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
     | Default Repository File ...  LFILE       _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
     |                                          _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
     | Confirm Purge/Save Requests? .. Y        _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
     |     Press PF11 to scroll right           _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
     +------------------------ (Administrator Privileges) -------------------------+
     REV00101 - NEW USER PROFILE                                                   
     Command: ______________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit        Save  Reset                         ===>  Menu   
  2. Customize the user's profile, as required.

    • You must specify a unique user ID or group ID name in the User ID / Group ID field. User and group IDs must be up to eight alphanumeric characters long and begin with either an alphabetic letter or a national ($, @, or #) character. Hyphens are also allowed in user and group IDs.

    • You must provide a description for the profile in the Description field. Twenty alphanumeric characters are provided in this field for the description.

    • If the profile definition is for a group profile, set the Group Profile? field to "Y".

    • Use PF11 and PF10 to scroll between the pages of profile settings, specifying access rule settings for the profile. For information about the access rules, read User Profile Access Rules.

    • To create an administrator profile, make sure that all the access rules for the user are set to "Y" (except optionally the Group Profile? and Confirm Purge/Save Requests? access rules, which can be set to even for administrator profiles.

  3. When the profile provides appropriate access privileges, press PF5 to save the profile.

Editing an Existing User Profile

Start of instruction setTo edit an existing user profile:

  1. List the available user profiles as described in Listing User Profile Definitions.

  2. Enter the command EU on the selection line preceding the profile name you want to edit and press Enter.

    The profile is displayed and may be edited. Read for additional information.

  3. When the profile provides appropriate access privileges for the user, press PF5 to save the profile.

    If you are editing your own user profile, the changes you make take effect as soon as you save your profile. If you are editing a profile other than your own, the changes do not take effect until the next time the user changes screens.

User Profile Access Rules

The Edit Profile screen contains several pages of user access rules. Use the PF11 (forward) and PF10 (backward) keys to scroll between the pages.

 14:51:07                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2018-01-29
                                  Edit Profile                                  
         General Settings                      Specific DBIDs to Monitor       
 | User ID / Group ID ..... ________        _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
 | Group Profile? ................ N        _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
 | Description: ____________________        _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
 | Access User Profiles? ......... Y        _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
 | Access Review? ................ Y        _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
 | Monitor All Targets? .......... Y        _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
 | Restrict list to allowed DBIDs? N        _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
 | Default Nucleus Target ....  LFILE       _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
 | Default Repository DBID ...  LFILE       _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
 | Default Repository File ...  LFILE       _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
 |                                          _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
 | Confirm Purge/Save Requests? .. Y        _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
 |     Press PF11 to scroll right           _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  |
 +------------------------ (Administrator Privileges) -------------------------+
 REV00101 - NEW USER PROFILE                                                   
 Command: ______________________________________________________________________
       Help        Exit        Save  Reset                         ===>  Menu   
14:51:57                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2018-01-29
                                 Edit Profile:                           
                               Profile Settings                               
|  List Report Definitions? ....... Y   Change Report Status? .......... Y  |
|  Edit Reports? (REGEN) .......... Y   Purge Started Reports? ......... Y  |
|    Edit Database Reports? ....... Y                                       |
|    Edit Client Reports? ......... Y   RECAT Display Programs           N  |
|    Edit Bufferpool Reports? ..... Y   CHECK Display Programs           N  |
|    Edit Pulse Reports?  ......... Y                                       |
|    Edit Cluster Reports? ........ Y                                       |
|  Purge Report Definitions? ...... Y                                       |
|  Start Reports? ................. Y                                       |
|  Schedule Reports? .............. N   List History Reports? .......... Y  |
|  List Started Reports? .......... Y   View History Reports? .......... Y  |
|  List Scheduled Reports? ........ N   Compress History Reports? ...... Y  |
|  View Started Reports? .......... Y   Purge History Reports? ......... Y  |
Command: ______________________________________________________________________
      Help        Exit        Save  Reset                   <===  ===>  Menu   
14:52:16                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2018-01-29
                             Edit Profile:                           
                               Profile Settings                               
|  List Targets? ............ Y                                             |
|  Edit Targets? ............ Y                                             |
|  Purge Targets? ........... Y                                             |
|  List Available Hubs? ..... Y                                             |
|  Access AA Menu? .......... Y                                             |
|  Transfer to AOS? ......... Y                                             |
|  Change Review Nucleus? ... Y                                             |
|  Change Repository? ....... Y                                             |
|  Change LFILE Info? ....... Y                                             |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
Command: ______________________________________________________________________
      Help        Exit        Save  Reset                   <===        Menu  

Start of instruction setTo modify access rules:

  1. Type over the access rule setting displayed on the screen.

  2. When you have made all of the changes to a particular group of access rules, either:

    • Press PF3 to exit without saving the changes.

    • Press PF5 or enter the SAVE command to save the changes.

The following table describes all of the access rules available in alphabetic order, whether they are required, their valid values, and the Adabas Review screen page (1, 2, or 3) on which the rule can be found.

  • To create a group profile, be sure to set the Group Profile? setting to "Y".

  • To create an administrator profile, make sure that all the access rules for the user are set to "Y" (except optionally the Group Profile? and Confirm Purge/Save Requests? access rules, which can be set to "N" even for administrator profiles.

Access Rule Name Page Required? Valid Values (Defaults are underlined) Description
Access AA Menu? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed access to the Available SVCs screen.
Access Review? 1 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to access Adabas Review.
Access User Profiles? 1 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to access the user profile system. Before setting this access rule to "N" in the default profile, you must first create a user profile that allows you to access the user profile system. Otherwise, you will not be able to maintain user profiles.
Change LFILE Info? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to run the LFILE command.
Change Report Status? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to suspend or reactivate reports from the Started Reports (LS) or Scheduled Reports (LC) screen.
Change Repository? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to change the repository DBID or file using the SETA command.
Change Review Nucleus? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to change the hub ID or DBID for reporting using the SETA, DBID, or HUB commands.
CHECK Display Programs? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to issue the command CHECK. Report definitions in the REVIEW-DB and display programs in library SYSREVDB will be checked for consistency. The result will be saved in Natural text member RE-KLIST in library SYSREVDB.
Compress History Reports? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to request history report compression.
Confirm Purge/Save Requests? 1 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are prompted to confirm a purge or save request before it is executed.
Default Nucleus Target 1 No nnnnn | 0 |AUTO|LFILE

In hub mode, specify either the number of the hub ID that should be used or "AUTO".

In local mode, specify the number of the database ID (DBID) running in local mode. "0", "LFILE" or "AUTO" can also be specified.

  • If "0" is specified, the value is determined as if "LFILE" were specified.

  • If "LFILE" is specified, the value is determined from the LFILE setting of the current Natural session. This is primarily useful in local mode. In the LFILE setting a valid database ID (DBID) needs to be specified.

  • If "AUTO" is specified, the value is determined from the SVC (or IDTNAME) of the current Natural session. If a single hub is running under the current SVC (or IDTNAME), that hub ID is used. If more than one hub ID is active, the first hub ID found under the SVC is used. If no hub is running, i.e. in local mode, the value is determined as if "LFILE" were specified.

    Support for the "AUTO" value executes module ADATMZ in the Natural environment, which dynamically loads CCSTCK and ADALNKR. If CCSTCK or ADALNKR cannot be loaded, subsequent calls to ADATMZ might lead to problems. Be sure that the modules ADATMZ, ADALNKR, and CCSTCK, which are available in the Adabas or WAL load libraries, are also available for the TP monitor.

Default Repository DBID 1 No nnnnn | 0|LFILE The database ID where theAdabas Review repository (history) file resides. "LFILE" or "0" can also be specified.
  • If "0" is specified, the value is determined as if "LFILE" were specified.

  • If "LFILE" is specified, the value is determined from the LFILE setting of the current Natural session.

Default Repository File 1 No nnnnn | 0|LFILE The file number of the Adabas Review repository (history) file. "LFILE" or "0" can also be specified.
  • If "0" is specified, the value is determined as if "LFILE" were specified.

  • If "LFILE" is specified, the value is determined from the LFILE setting of the current Natural session.

Description 1 Yes Twenty alphanumeric characters A description of the profile.
Edit Bufferpool Reports? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to edit buffer pool reports.
Edit Client Reports? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to edit client reports.
Edit Cluster Reports? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to edit cluster reports.
Edit Database Reports? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to edit database reports.
Edit Pulse Reports? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to edit pulse reports.
Edit Reports? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to use the Edit Report (ER) function.
Edit Targets? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to create or edit target definitions.
Group Profile? 1 No Y | N Indicates whether the profile is a group profile.
List Available Hubs? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to list the available hubs.
List History Reports? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to list history reports.
List Report Definitions? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to list report definitions.
List Scheduled Reports? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to list scheduled reports.
List Started Reports? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to list started reports.
List Targets? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to list target definitions.
Monitor All Targets? 1 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to monitor all targets. If this is set to "N" (no), you are prompted to list the specific DBIDs that can be monitored by the user profile in the Specific DBIDs to Monitor list. If this access rule is to "Y", all database targets can be monitored.
Purge History Reports? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to delete historical data from the Adabas Review repository.
Purge Report Definitions? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to delete report definitions.
Purge Started Reports? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to delete data collected by started or scheduled reports.
Purge Targets? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to delete target definitions.
RECAT Display Programs? 2 No Y | N Recatalogs display programs, if an object does not longer run because of a new GDA (new SYSREVDB version).
Restrict lists to allowed DBIDs? 3 No Y | N Indicates whether lists produced by users assigned the profile should be limited to the DBIDs allowed by the profile.
Schedule Reports? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to initiate data accumulation by scheduling a report.
Specific DBIDs to Monitor 1 No Valid database IDs This is really a list of fields in which you can specify database IDs that can be monitored by users with the user profile when the Monitor All Targets? access rule is set to "N".
Start Reports? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to initiate data accumulation by starting a report.
Transfer to AOS? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to use Adabas Online System.
User ID / Group ID 1 Yes Up to eight alphanumeric characters long beginning with either a letter or a national ($, @, or #) character. The user ID or group ID name of the profile.
View History Reports? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to view the results of history reports online.
View Started Reports? 2 No Y | N Indicates whether users assigned the profile are allowed to view the results of started or scheduled reports online.

Copying a User Profile

Start of instruction setTo copy a user profile:

  1. Enter the command EU on the selection line preceding the profile name you want to edit and press Enter.

    The profile is displayed and may be edited. Read for additional information.

  2. Enter the command EU on the selection line preceding the profile name you want to copy.

  3. Type the new user ID or group ID in the User ID / Group ID field.

  4. Press PF5 to save the new user profile.

Purging a User Profile

Start of instruction setTo delete a user profile:

  1. List the defined user profiles on the User Profiles screen, as described in Listing User Profile Definitions.

  2. Enter the command PU on the selection line preceding the profile name you want to delete and press Enter.

    Depending on the setting in your profile, you may or may not be prompted to confirm the purge request as shown in the following screen:

    2:26:58                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2016-04-24
                                     User Profiles                                 
      Sel  Userid    Name                     Sel  Userid    Name                  
    ! __   DEFAULT     DEFAULT PROFILE                                            !
    ! __   USER1       REVIEW ADMIN                                               !
    ! __   USER2       SMITH                                                      !
    ! pu   USER3       JONES                                                      !
    ! __   USER4       ADAMS       +-------------------------------------+        !
    ! __   USER5       GREENE      !                                     !        !
    !                              ! Please confirm PURGE request for:   !        !
    !                              !                                     !        !
    !                              !              USER3                  !        !
    !                              !                                     !        !
    !                              !             (Y or N) Y              !        !
    !                              !                                     !        !
    !                              +-------------------------------------+        !
    !                                                                             !
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit                           +                      Menu