Displaying SVC Lists and Target Objects

The databases monitored by Adabas Review are considered to be target objects. The monitored databases and the hub are running on an Adabas SVC or router.

A target object is defined to Adabas Review in a target definition using the ET command. A target definition provides Adabas Review with the essential characteristics of the object to be monitored.

Adabas Review uses the target definition of Adabas targets to generate INPUT cards for the Adabas Review processor. For the Adabas Review hub, you must specify the target ID of the hub.

  • If a target definition cannot be found, the INPUT cards are generated using the definition of the default target (that is, target ID 00000).

  • If the default target cannot be found, Adabas Review generates the INPUT cards using internal defaults.

Adabas Review provides three commands for SVCs and target objects:

Code Function Action
AA Adabas Availability Lists target objects for a particular SVC as well as session statistics.
AH Available Hubs Lists available Adabas Review hubs
ET Edit Target Definitions Used to create target definitions.
LT List Target Definitions Lists existing target definitions.

This document covers the following topics:

Reviewing Adabas Nucleus Targets and Session Statistics

The Adabas Availability (AA) subsystem displays available targets associated with an Adabas supervisor call (SVC). Adabas Review maintains a list of possible SVC numbers as part of its target definition subsystem.

This section covers the following topics:

Accessing the SVC List

Start of instruction setTo access a list of all the active Adabas SVCs known to Adabas Review:

  • Enter the AA code on any command line.

    13:17:52                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2020-02-10
    REVIEW-DB (10,252)              Available SVCs                Hub Target: 296  
                          Mark One SVC to be queried with 'X'                      
        SVC Targs       SVC Targs       SVC Targs       SVC Targs       SVC Targs  
    ! _ 201  1        _ 239  0                                                    !
    ! _ 203  1        _ 240  0                                                    !
    ! _ 205  0        _ 241  0                                                    !
    ! _ 214  0        _ 242  0                                                    !
    ! _ 220  0        _ 243  1                                                    !
    ! _ 227  6        _ 244  0                                                    !
    ! _ 229  0        _ 246  0                                                    !
    ! _ 232  0        _ 247  0                                                    !
    ! _ 233  0        _ 248  1                                                    !
    ! _ 235  3        _ 249  7                                                    !
    ! _ 236  12       _ 252  1                                                    !
    ! _ 237  6        _ 254  0                                                    !
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit                                                  Menu

    The Active Adabas SVCs screen appears, where, for z/OS, the SVC is the supervisor call (SVC) number used for communications with the target object. The number of target objects assigned to that SVC is listed in the associated Num Targs field.

    In CICS environments, only the one SVC that is in the link routine appears on this screen.

Displaying Targets Associated with an SVC or Router

Start of instruction setTo display a list of all targets known to a particular SVC number:

  • Mark an SVC on the Active Adabas SVCs screen with an "X", and press ENTER.

    The Available Targets screen appears, listing targets using the selected SVC for communication. Scroll keys are provided. If more than one screen of objects exists, PF8 (+) scrolls the list forward and PF7 (-) scrolls the list backward.

    The list of targets on this screen is the result of a direct query to the SVC and includes inactive targets and non-Adabas databases using that SVC. The list is sorted by the DBID.

    13:19:57                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2020-02-10
    REVIEW-DB (10,252)             Available Targets              Hub Target: 296
                                   SVC 249                                        
         DBID    NUCID    Prod   Class   Job Name   Job ID      Date      Time    
    | _  242      N/A     COR     I      DAEFCOR   STC22397  2017-09-26  05:44:24 |
    | _  295      N/A     REV     I      QEHUB295  STC37404  2017-09-27  08:02:34 |
    | _  296      N/A     REV     I      QEHUB296  STC24552  2017-09-26  07:30:26 |
    | _  297      N/A     REV     I      QEHUB297  STC37406  2017-09-27  08:02:46 |
    | _  519      N/A     ADA     I      ETSBADA   STC22851  2017-09-26  05:44:25 |
    | _  614      N/A     EXX     I      ETS4SB    STC39654  2017-09-27  15:20:49 |
    | _  615      N/A     EXX     I      ETS4XB    STC45979  2017-09-28  10:05:59 |
    | _  623      N/A     EXX     I      ETSDDB    STC22811  2017-09-26  05:43:58 |
    | _  624      N/A     EXX     I      ETS1SB    STC37577  2017-10-04  04:09:18 |
    | _  625      N/A     EXX     I      ETS1XB    STC37579  2017-10-04  04:09:21 |
    | _  626      N/A     EXX     I      ETS1QB    STC37576  2017-10-04  04:09:16 |
    | _  1001     N/A     COM            TESTNAT   STC44921  2017-10-03  19:01:38 |
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit                     -     +                      Menu

    The following table describes each field on this screen:

    Screen Field Description
    Class The class of the target object. "I" represents an isolated target and "IC" represents an isolated cluster target. For all other targets, the value is blank.
    Date The date on which the target was started.
    DBID The ID of the target object.
    Job ID The ID of the job used to start the target.
    Job Name The name of the startup job for the target.
    NUCID The nucleus ID associated with the target.
    Prod The three-character product code of the target assigned to the SVC.
    Time The time at which the target was started.

Displaying Adabas Nucleus Session Statistics

Start of instruction setTo display statistics regarding an Adabas nucleus session:

  1. Mark an SVC on the Available SVCs screen with an "X", and press ENTER.

    The Available Targets screen appears, listing targets using the SVC for communication. Scroll keys are provided. If more than one screen of objects exists, PF8 (+) scrolls the list forward and PF7 (-) scrolls the list backward.

    The list of targets on this screen is the result of a direct query to the SVC and includes inactive targets and non-Adabas databases using that SVC.

  2. Mark an Adabas database target on the Available Targets screen with an "X", and press ENTER.

    If a non-Adabas target is selected, an error message appears.

    If an Adabas target is selected, the ADABAS Availability screen appears displaying statistics about the Adabas nucleus session.

    13:20:46                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W               2020-02-10
    REVIEW-DB (10,252)            ADABAS Availability             Hub Target: 296 
      Pool / Queue        Length     MaxUsed  MaxPct         Various Statistics    
    +-----------------------------------------------+  +--------------------------+
    ! NAB (Atch Bfr)       65536       31232   47.6 !  ! Dbname         SSW-NATDB !
    ! NC  (Cmd Queue)      38400         192    0.5 !  ! Dbid               15640 !
    ! LFP (Fmat Pool)      12000       11680   97.3 !  ! SVC                  227 !
    ! NH  (HoldQueue)    1400056        2380    0.1 !  ! Commands          147019 !
    ! LI  (ISN Table)      10000           0    0.0 !  ! IOs               105375 !
    ! LQ  (Seq Cmds)     5242880         448    0.0 !  ! Threads                5 !
    ! NU  (UserQueue)      35112        5544   15.7 !  ! Bffr Eff            52.5 !
    ! LWP (WorkPool)     1048576       67912    6.4 !  ! Bffr Flush          1291 !
    +-----------------------------------------------+  ! Fmat Ovwrt            33 !
      Component    Reads      Writes                   ! Fmat Trans            73 !
    +--------------------------------+                 ! Thread Sw         293244 !
    ! Asso          1120        7894 !                 ! Throwbacks             0 !
    ! Data         17683       45039 !                 +--------------------------+
    ! Work             3       33636 !                                           
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit                                                  Menu

    The following table describes the statistics shown on this screen:

    Screen Field Displays
    Pool/Queue The names of the Adabas pools and queues.
    Length The length of the associated Adabas pool or queue.
    MaxUsed The maximum amount used of the associated Adabas pool or queue.
    MaxPct The percentage used of the associated Adabas pool or queue.
    Dbname The name of the database.
    Dbid The number of the database.
    SVC The SVC used to communicate with the database.
    Commands The number of commands processed against the database.
    IOs The number of I/O operations processed against the database.
    Threads The number of threads in use by the database.
    Bffr Eff The buffer efficiency of the database.
    Bffr Flushes The number of buffer flushes performed by the database.
    Fmat Overwrites The number of format overwrites performed by the database.
    Fmat Trans The number of format translations performed by the database.
    Thread Sw The number of thread switches performed by the database.
    Throwbacks The number of throwbacks performed by the database.
    Component The database component: Asso (Associator), Data (Data Storage), Work (Work area)
    Reads The number of reads performed by the associated database component.
    Writes The number of writes performed by the associated database component.

Listing and Selecting Adabas Review Hubs

The Adabas Availability (AH) subsystem displays available Adabas Review hubs associated with an Adabas supervisor call (SVC).

This function only displays the available Adabas Review hubs which run on the default SVC that is specified in the ADALNK routine.

Start of instruction setTo access a list of all the Adabas Review hubs:

  1. Enter the AH command on any command line.

    A pop-up screen listing the available hubs on the selected SVC appears.

                    Available Review Hubs on SVC 237
                      Please choose a Review Hub
              _ 00041       _____        _____        _____
              _ 00558       _____        _____        _____
                _____       _____        _____        _____
                _____       _____        _____        _____
                _____       _____        _____        _____
                _____       _____        _____        _____
                _____       _____        _____        _____
                _____       _____        _____        _____
  2. To select a hub, type any character next to the hub of your choice on the pop-up window and press ENTER. Then press PF3 to exit the pop-up window.

Creating a Target Definition

Target definitions are usually edited by the Adabas Review administrator because changes to database targets affect all users of Adabas Review.

Target definitions can be created, edited, listed, and purged. If target information is changed it will not immediately apply to the Adabas Review system. After the new parameter setting is saved into the Adabas Review repository file, it is also written to data sets identified by the RVUAUT1 and RVUAUT2 job control statements. When Adabas Review is next restarted, the new session parameters will apply.

If you are running in hub mode, the target ID of the Adabas Review hub must be specified and the parameter setting will be written to the data sets specified by the Adabas Review hub.

When using the online interface to maintain target definitions, only one target entry can be specified for each DBID, even if there are multiple SVCs with the same DBID.

Start of instruction setTo access the Edit Target screen:

  1. Enter the ET command on the command line and press ENTER.

    The Edit Target screen appears as shown below:

    13:22:10                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2020-02-10
    REVIEW-DB (10,252)               Edit Target                  Hub Target: 296  
             Database Parameters                    Numeric Delimiters            
        +----------------------------+      +----------------------------------+ 
        |    Target DBID ....   299  |      |    Buffer Size .........    20   | 
        |    Target SVC  ...... 249  |      |     (Specified in Megabytes)     | 
        |    Target Version ... 852  |      |                                  | 
        +----------------------------+      +----------------------------------+ 
                                    Review Options                               
        |    Target Name ..................... QEHUB299________                |  
        |    Review Commands ................. Y   (Y or N)                    |  
        |    zIIP on Target .................. N   (Y or N)                    |  
        |    64 Bit Buffer Pool .............. N   (Y or N)                    |  
        |    Mode ............................ V51 (V52 or V51)                |  
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit        Save                                      Menu

    The Edit Target screen displays three categories of input fields:

    • Database Parameters to describe characteristics of the database;

    • Numeric Delimiters to control record and buffer segment sizes; and

    • Logging Options.

The Adabas Review intermediate buffer is used as a staging area to pass the command log records between the Adabas Review subtask and the attached Adabas Review processor in local mode, or between the Adabas Review client and server in hub mode. The parameter BUFFMB in the Adabas Review INPUT statement controls the size allocation. The values for these parameters are obtained from the database target definition.

The following table provides more detailed information about the input fields on the Edit Target screen. Default values are underlined.

Database Parameters

Field Value Description
Target DBID (required) nnnnn The database ID of the target object. There is no default value. In hub mode it is the Review Hub ID. In local mode it is the local Review DBID.
Target SVC (required) nnn | 000 The number of the SVC used to communicate with the target.
Target Version nnn | 000 The version, release, and system maintenance level of the target. For example, for Adabas Version 8.3 SP4, this field would contain the value 834.

Numeric Delimiters

Field Value Description
Buffer Size nnnnn | 10 Defines the size of the Adabas Review buffer pool in MB. The minimum value is 1.

Logging Options

Field Value Description
Target Name name The name you use to identify the target database.
Review Commands Y | N Indicates whether commands issued by Adabas Review should be included in the command processing for all reports.

In hub mode, this then applies for all databases running with this hub.

REVIEW-COMMANDS=NO indicates that special Adabas commands for Adabas Review (for example V4 commands) are not used for accounting and monitoring. To suppress RC commands issued from the SYSREVDB application as well, set the Natural profile ADAPRM parameter ON (ADAPRM=ON).

REVIEW-COMMANDS=YES indicates that these commands are used for accounting and monitoring.

Some fields might not be available for the commands supported by Adabas Review online system (V4 commands), especially when running in a hub environment. These fields include TP monitor fields, Natural fields, duration fields and buffer fields.

zIIP on Target Y | N

"Y", the INPUT cards for the Adabas Review processor will be generated with the card ZIIP=YES.

"N", no ZIIP input card will be generated. This is the same as ZIIP=NO.

64 Bit Buffer Pool Y | N

"Y", the Adabas Review buffer pool allows 64-bit addressable storage. The maximum size of the buffer pool may be larger.

"N", the Adabas Review buffer pool resides in 31-bit addressable storage.

Mode V52 | V51

"V52", the INPUT cards for the Adabas Review processor will be generated with the card MODE=V52.

"V51", the INPUT cards for the Adabas Review processor will be generated with the card MODE=V51.

Listing Target Definitions

The List Target Definitions (LT) command displays the existing target definitions that were created using the Edit Target (ET) command.

Start of instruction setTo display a list of target definitions

  1. Enter the code LT on the command line and press ENTER.

    The Target Definitions screen appears, similar to the one shown below:

    21:10:29                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2020-03-20
    REVIEW-DB (10,252)            Target Definitions              Hub Target: 296  
                                                   Review          64-Bit          
      Sel  DBID    Target Name        Ver   SVC   Commands   zIIP  Buffer   Mode   
    | __   00000   DEFAULT TARGET     841   249      Y        N       N     V52   |
    | __   00299   QEHUB299           000   249      Y        N       N     V51   |
    |                                                                             |
    |                                                                             |
    |                                                                             |
    |                                                                             |
    |                                                                             |
    |                                                                             |
    |                                                                             |
    |                                                                             |
    |                                                                             |
    |                                                                             |
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit                     -     +                      Menu

The fields on the Target Definitions screen describe the targets as they are defined to the system. The following table describes the fields:

Field Description
DBID The database ID of the target object.
Target Name The name assigned to the target by the user.
Ver The version, revision, and system maintenance level of the target.
SVC The number of the SVC used to communicate with the target.
Review Commands Local mode only. Indicates whether the Adabas Review command processor includes commands issued by the Adabas Review online system in its reports. This is used if the Adabas Review processor is running as an Adabas subtask; that is, not in batch.
zIIP Indicates whether Adabas Review target is defined with (ZIIP=YES) or without zIIP parameter (ZIIP=NO).
64-Bit Buffer Indicates whether Adabas Review makes use of 64-bit addressable storage or not.
Mode Indicates whether the new, version 5.2 handling of command log extensions of a record is used (default), or the old version 5.1 (or below) handling.

You may edit or purge target definitions from the Target Definitions screen.

Start of instruction set To display the commands available for use from this screen

  1. Enter a ? on the selection line preceding a target definition and press ENTER.

Editing an Existing Target Definition

Start of instruction setTo edit an existing target definition:

  1. Enter the ET command on the selection line preceding the target definition and press ENTER.

    The Edit Target screen for that particular target is displayed.

  2. Modify the definition by typing over the existing information.

  3. Either press PF5 or enter SAVE on the command line and press ENTER.

    After the definition is saved in the Adabas Review repository file, it is also written to the data sets identified by the RVUAUT1 and RVUAUT2 job control statements. However, the changed target information is not immediately available to the Adabas Review system. When Adabas Review is next restarted, any changed definitions are applied at that time to the system.

Deleting a Target Definition

Target definitions may be deleted using the PURGE command.

Start of instruction setTo delete a target definition

  1. Enter the PT command on the selection line preceding the target definition and press ENTER.

  2. Depending on your user profile, you may or may not be prompted to confirm the purge request.

    After the definition is purged in the Adabas Review repository file, it is also purged from the data sets identified by the RVUAUT1 and RVUAUT2 job control statements. However, the purged target information will continue to appear to be available to the Adabas Review system until Adabas Review is next restarted. When Adabas Review is restarted, any changes (or deletions) to the target definitions are applied to the system.