Viewing Server Status

Viewing server status includes:

  • Opening a CONNX Data Dictionary (CDD)

  • Viewing the current state of all the replication servers.


View the server status if:

  • The log file contains error messages about a server.


After you view the server status you will be able to:

  • Stop the replication servers

  • Restart the replication servers


You may want to view the server status if you receive an error message about a server.


  1. Open the InstantdbSync Replication Administrator.

  1. Click the Server Status tab.  The following appears:



When the server information has been retrieved, the following displays:




This grid contains the status for all the Replication components.  The columns and their meaning are as follows:

  • Server Type

  • Server Name/Address

    This is the name of the server that the corresponding component is installed on.

  • State Description

    This tells the current state of the component or replication.  

    • Queue Length

      This indicates the number of elements in the queue.  In normal operation, this number will grow and shrink depending on load.  A rapid increase in this number that never goes down is an indication that the target database is offline and transactions are queuing but not being processed on the target.

    • Debug Level

      This indicates the debug level of each component

    • Messages

      If there are any error messages associated with this component, they will be displayed here.  Hint:  Double click on this field to display the entire message in an edit box for easier reading.


The server status information will automatically refresh every 30 seconds. To manually refresh the server status, click the Refresh button.


The Time field in the upper right corner will contain the latest refresh time.


You can also adjust the display column width.


For more information about server status and a full description of the potential State Description values, see Server Status Tab.