Un-Deploying all Replications

Un-Deploying all replications includes:

  • Opening a CONNX Data Dictionary (CDD)

  • Removing the CDD from the Controller

  • Removing all active replications


Un-Deploy all event replications if:

  • The target database will be out of service for an extended period

  • You no longer want to use this target database


After un-deploying all replication you will be able to:

  • Do maintenance on the target database

  • Replicate to a new target database

  • Use a different Controller

  • Create a new CDD and use the new CDD for replication


Un-deploy All is the only way to un-deploy all active replications at once. You cannot un-deploy all active replications by clearing all the Active check boxes on the Replication Design tab.


Un-deploy All un-deploys the entire CDD, not just the individual replications.


If you don't want to un-deploy all active replications, in the Replication Design tab, you can select those replications you wish to un-deploy, clear Active, and click Deploy.


  1. Open the InstantdbSync Replication Administrator.

  2. Click the Deployed Replications tab.




  1. Click Un-Deploy All. A confirmation dialog will appear.  click Yes to un-deploy.

Warning: Clicking Yes will un-deploy ALL replications whether you do or do not click the Select All button.