Using the Data Dictionary Comparison Tool

  1. Open tool from the start menu, CONNX Driver  --> Data Dictionary Comparison Tool.  The first time it runs the First and Second Data dictionary paths will be blank, after it has been run once it will remember the last data dictionaries used and populate the path automatically.  Enter information for the two data dictionaries you want to compare in the First and Second Data Dictionary Path entry fields.  The path and name can either be typed in or use the browse button to find the correct data dictionary.


  2. Once the data dictionaries are selected press the Get Differences button and the two data dictionaries will be compared with the results showing in the Difference Type tree and Differences panel below.  There may be just a few or many differences, the differences are organized into categories and subcategories in the tree few.  The first difference will be automatically selected with details about it displayed in the Differences panel.


  3. If the data dictionaries are used in Adabas Event Replication, they will have two more Difference Categories listed - Replication and Controller.  When there are multiple differences found, they can be searched through and looked at one at a time.  When a Difference Category is selected in the tree view the details of the difference are displayed to the right.  If there are more than one difference in the Category the others can be seen by selecting the arrow buttons in the Differences panel to move back and forth through the list.


  4. The Hide and Show Hidden buttons are to ease sorting the differences when there are many.  If the user looks at the detail of a difference and knows that the difference was planned, press the Hide button and it will no longer be shown.  The user can continue looking at the rest of the differences.  To show all differences that have been previously hidden, press the Show Hidden button.  Also, when the Get Differences button is pressed it resets any hidden differences and shows them.

  5. To see all the differences at once in a text file use the File --> Export menu item.  This will put all the differences into a Comma Delimited File (.csv) that can be opened by Excel or a text editor.  All the differences will be listed with each difference on a separate row.
