
The statement deletes a view.

Note: Dropping a view does not delete any underlying data as a view is a logical table and not a physical or base table.





The expected format is: schema . table identifier . The default schema identifier is assumed if only a table identifier is specified.   CONNX Views are always created in a CONNX special catalog called CONNXDB.



A view and its description in CONNX is deleted. Any other statements referencing this view will no longer be valid. In addition, any attempts to compile statements which reference this view will fail. Even if the view is re-specified, all previously compiled statements remain invalid.

  • If the CASCADE option is specified, all views based on the view to be dropped, will be deleted. Statement execution will fail when attempting to drop a view description with dependent views without the CASCADE option.

  • If the statement is invoked statically, then during pre-compilation, the view need not exist in the catalog. For successful execution, however, the view must exist in the catalog, regardless of how it is invoked.


The DBA can execute this statement for all users. All other users can use this statement only in a schema owned by the user.

The specified table specification must denote an existing view, at runtime.

Caution: This statement is not subject to transaction logic. An implicit COMMIT will be performed after successful execution of this statement. If an error is detected during execution of this statement, an implicit ROLLBACK will be performed. Therefore, before executing this statement, it is strongly recommended to complete any open transaction containing INSERT, UPDATE and/or DELETE statements by issuing an explicit COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement.

ANSI Specifics


CONNX Specifics




The following example drops the view 'Canada' with all its related views.