Configuring 64bit and 32bit components

On windows, CONNX is configured with the CONNX Configuration Manager.  The CONNX Configuration Manager can be used for managing both the 32 bit and 64 bit components.



There is a new radio button to select which bit platform you wish to configure.  It is likely that you will wish to keep most registry settings the same for both the 32 bit and 64 bit components.  In this case, checking the "Apply changes to both 32bit and 64bit registry" checkbox will cause a setting made for one component to be made for the other as well.  There are some settings, however, where it may be necessary to maintain different values for the two components.  (the port Enterprise Server Service listens on is an example)  In this case, this check box needs to be unchecked when changing the value.

On the Infonaut tab as well as the User DSNs tab, the settings are not differentiated between 32 bit and 64 bit.  In this case, the selection radio buttons are not displayed and any settings that are made automatically apply to both.

