Troubleshooting OLE DB/ODBC-compliant Providers and the MDAC Configuration

A computer that uses CONNX OLE DB or ODBC data must have MDAC version 2.1 or later (Microsoft Data Access Components). If the CONNX CDD Administrator does not display selections for providers when importing from OLE DB or generates an error when selecting an ODBC DSN, it is possible that MDAC is not present or has been damaged. In most cases, reinstalling MDAC will solve this problem. A connection error is generated by any machine attempting to use a CONNX data source without the required MDAC.

If an error is issued during OLE DB import procedures when you are attempting to select a provider, it is possible that you are working with a Windows 95 system (Win95B, also known as Win95-OSR) installed with Internet Explorer 3.0, DCOM95, and MDAC 2.1. A key feature called Data Links that is used to import OLE DB objects may be missing from the setup.

To correct this problem, install Internet Explorer version 4.01 or a later version, and then reinstall MDAC version 2.1 or later.

Existing CONNX data sources can continue to be used without upgrading a Win95B machine to Internet Explorer 4.01.