Troubleshooting RMS Data Files

CONNX CDD warning message appears: "Warning: Column #XXX has a offset+length greater than the record size." (where #XXX is the column number).


This warning message appears whenever there is a discrepancy between RMS data file record length and the CONNX Data Dictionary table record length created for the data file. In the warning message box, the column number is displayed showing where the discrepancy begins.

Any CONNX CDD table returning this warning will not yield correct results for any column beyond the column number specified in this warning message!


  1. Files with variable record length:

    A variable length record within an RMS file can be longer than the record length value displayed on the Table Properties tab in the CONNX Data Dictionary Manager window. Repetitive record segments (also known as arrays) are found within RMS file structures. Instead of a fixed number of repetitions, the number varies based on a counter field value stored within each record. Since the length of each record is calculated individually, the total record length can be different for each record in the RMS file.

    Any RMS file containing repeating segments using counter fields should be imported into separate CDD tables to ensure offset accuracy.

  2. Files with fixed record length:

    The record imported or built in the CONNX Data Dictionary does not have the same record length as the actual RMS data file. To check the CONNX table record length, look at the record length value on the Table Properties tab in the CDD.

    To check the record length of the actual RMS file, perform a full directory of this file on your VAX or Alpha server. (At the VMS prompt type DIR/FULL YOURFILE.DAT and look for the "record format" line on the directory listing).

  3. RMS file has a fixed record length and the two record lengths agree:

    Check the length of the CDD table against the record length in the tables properties tab. Add the Table Columns tab greatest offset value to its length to find the total record length for a fixed length record.

    If any field(s) were redefined or entered manually into the CDD, check those offsets for accuracy. If a partial record was defined, then the offset added to the length should not exceed the record length on the Tables Properties tab.