To use the CONNX Configuration Manager to remove file settings

  1. Click the Start button, and then point to All Programs. Point to CONNX Driver and then click CONNX Configuration Manager.

A dialog box appears for users who do not have write access to the registry. Such users cannot modify any registry values. If you need to change registry settings, contact your network administrator.


  1. The CONNX Configuration Manager window appears.


The settings are for this machine running CONNX and are displayed on five tabs: CONNX Settings, CDD Settings, InfoNaut, User DSNs, and System DSNs. The CONNX Settings tab is selected by default.

On 64bit Windows operating systems, the View 32bit registry and View 64bit registry radio buttons will be shown.  These radio buttons allow different configuration settings for 32bit and 64bit versions of the CONNX driver, JDBC server, etc.  NOTE:  Most settings should be the same for both, but in some cases - such as path locations or port numbers - the values need to be different between the 32bit and 64bit version.  In these cases, the "Apply changes to both..." check box should be unchecked when making changes.

  1. Select a Key location in the Current Key list box.


  2. Select a Value to delete in the Key Value list box.

  3. Click Delete. The Value is removed from the Key Value list box and the Registry.

  4. Click Close.