Normal processing converts COBOL COMP or BINARY field types to a 1, 2, 4 or 8 byte field depending on the precision.  

If you want CONNX to treat the COBOL COMP or BINARY field type as a binary field that contains an exact number of bytes to satisfy the decimal precision requirements, enable COBOL_COMP_BYTESTEP:


COBOL_COMP_BYTESTEP = nonzero value


When COBOL_COMP_BYTESTEP is enabled, the decimal precision of the field will only use the exact number of bytes that are necessary.



If COBOL_COMP_BYTESTEP is enabled, the field definition


PIC S9(05) COMP.

would result in a var-binary integer type that has a field byte length of 3 instead of 4.


Environments: Client, Windows,

Configuration Manager: CDD Settings; Current Key = CONNXCDD\OPTIONS; Key Value/Value Name =  COBOL_COMP_BYTESTEP