Introduction to Started Task installation procedures

Once the ftp successfully completes, you are ready to install the selected CONNX components. To begin this process, log on to TSO on the target system. Given the CONNX Server Data set prefix above = CONNX.STASK, the ftp process creates a JCL/control record partitioned data set with the name and members listed in the following table:


Default Partitioned Data Set Name = CONNX.STASK.CNTL




The CONNX Started Task installation job built by the CONNX installation program.


CONNX Started Task uninstallation job + delete steps for sample files


CONNX Started Task uninstallation job - delete steps for sample files


JCL procedure to allocate the SAS/C STDERR, STDOUT, and STGRPT output data sets for SAS/C runtime- and CONNX debug- error messages and SAS/C virtual memory usage reporting


JCL procedure to execute IDCAMS to delete/define/load CONNX VSAM / QSAM / PDS components


JCL procedure to execute the IBM linkage editor against CONNX prelinked SAS/C 7.00 object code and create the CONNX Started Task load modules


JCL procedure to create a new load library for CONNX Started Task components


Sample control records which define SAS/C environment variables for the CONNX Started Task TCP/IP Listener and Server programs (CNXRUNB and CNXVSD0B)


JCL procedure to invoke the CONNX Started Task TCP/IP Listener/Server programs to access the CONNX VSAM and QSAM sample files


Execution JCL for procedure CNXVSAM


JCL procedure to invoke the CONNX Started Task TCP/IP Listener/Server programs to access the CONNX VSAM / QSAM / PDS sample files and the SCT master files


Execution JCL for procedure CNXVSCT


Same as procedure CNXVSCT, minus the CONNX sample DDNAMEs


Execution JCL for procedure CNXVSM01


Execution JCL for procedure CNXVSCT1


Same as procedure CNXVSAM, minus the CONNX sample DDNAMEs


IDCAMS control records to delete/define the CONNX TCP/IP server VSAM configuration file


IDCAMS control records to delete/define/load the CONNX sample KSDS, ESDS, and RRDS customer files


IDCAMS control records to delete/define/load the CONNX sample KSDS, ESDS, and RRDS equipment files


IDCAMS control records to define the CONNX sample KSDS equipment file alternate index #1


IDCAMS control records to define the CONNX sample KSDS equipment file alternate index #2


IDCAMS control records to build the CONNX sample KSDS equipment file alternate index #1


IDCAMS control records to build the CONNX sample KSDS equipment file alternate index #2


IDCAMS control records to delete/define/load the CONNX sample KSDS, ESDS, and RRDS order files


IDCAMS control records to define the CONNX sample KSDS order file alternate index #1


IDCAMS control records to define the CONNX sample KSDS order file alternate index #2


IDCAMS control records to build the CONNX sample KSDS order file alternate index #1


IDCAMS control records to build the CONNX sample KSDS order file alternate index #4


IDCAMS control records to delete/define/load the CONNX sample KSDS, ESDS, and RRDS product group files


IDCAMS control records to delete/define/load the CONNX sample KSDS, ESDS, and RRDS product files


Linkage editor control records for load module CNXCFGB


Linkage editor control records for load module CNXRUNB


Linkage editor control records for load module CNXVSD0B

Once the members have been verified, the next step is to install the server component
To install the server component, edit the INST JCL and make any necessary modifications to the job card.  When you have completed any JCL modifications, submit the job.  This will create the load modules in the load library specified as well as create sample files if needed.
The return code from INST should be <= 4.  If it is greater than 4, please review the job output and correct any errors.
After successfully running the INST JCL, review the CNXPARMS file in the CNTL directory.  Please take note of the following values:

  • CNXRUNPORT defaults to 6500.  This is the port the CONNX listener will listen on.  If this port is not available on your system, please change the value to a port that is available.
  • CNXNOPREAUTHORIZE defaults to 0.  A value of 0 means the CONNX server will validate the User ID and password.  If password validation is being used, the CONNX load library along with all the libraries in the STEPLIB must be APF authorized.  If you do not wish to use User ID and password authentication, set this value to 1.
  • ALLOWMIXEDPWD defaults to 1.  If your z/OS system does not have mixed case password support enabled, set this value to 0.

Once the parameters are set to your liking in CNXPARMS, edit the CNXVSAMJ JCL and make any necessary adjustments to the job card.


Submit CNXVSAMJ to start the CONNX listener.


For more information on the above steps, see the section "To verify Installation of CONNX Start Task components" in the next chapter.