Using the CONNX JDBC Sample Application in a non-Windows Environment

The following procedure describes how to start the CONNX JDBC Sample Application in a Microsoft Windows environment.

To start the CONNX JDBC Sample Application in a non-Windows environment

  1. Verify that the connxjdbcftp.jar file has been copied and unpacked to the non-Windows target. For information on how to transfer the connxjdbcftp.jar file, refer CONNX and JDBC in the CONNX User Reference Guide, available online, on the CD-ROM, and as hard copy.

  2. Go to the <installation location>\CONNXJDBC\
    directory. For example, in a UNIX environment, type the following on the command line:

cd java/samples

  1. Press <Enter>, and then type the command

sh sapplic_unix


The Query Test Application window appears.


  1. Follow the instructions on how to log on and run a query in Running the CONNX JDBC Sample Application.