Host Configuration for DB2 Admins

The CONNX DB2 module implements the Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) application requester functionality, which allows users to connect to any DRDA-based server via either TCP/IP and the Winsock API or by SNA APPC / LU 6.2 (Advanced Program-to-Program Communications via Logical Unit 6.2).

CONNX provides a generic layer that supports the APPC API, which is implemented by many SNA vendors, including Attachmate, IBM, Microsoft, Novell, and others. CONNX can detect these SNA vendor stacks on the installed client machine automatically. If you use an SNA vendor product to communicate to your target DB2 server, then you can set up CONNX to communicate with the DB2 server via APPC LU 6.2 and your SNA client software.

The following procedures describe how to connect to DB2 UDB Windows/OS2/Linux servers, DB2/400, and DB2 OS/390/MVS.