Synchronization Type

This step determines the type of synchronization that will be run with this schedule.


  • Synchronization Type
    Specify Automatic, Incremental Update, Fill Reload or Incremental Only.  See Methods of Synchronization for a description of each option.

  • Trigger File
    Run only when trigger file is present at schedule time and supply the fully qualified name (i.e. c:\connx32\datasync\trigger.dat) of a trigger file in the edit box. Trigger files are created by external database processes and are designed to signal the appropriateness and timing of a synchronization. For example, a user might not want to run a scheduled synchronization until an important database backup is complete. The job that performs the database backup can delete the trigger file, perform the backup, and then create the trigger file. If the backup is still being run, the synchronization is further delayed until the trigger file is found. Once the backup is complete, the trigger file appears, and the synchronization proceeds as expected.

Click Next to proceed to Step 4: Synchronization Tasks