Adding and Editing Groups

Adding and editing groups are both accomplished in the Group Properties dialog.  To access the Group Properties dialog, go to the Groups Tab and click the Add Group button to add a new group, or click the edit button on the group to be edited.


When Adding a new group, the Group Properties fields will be empty:



When Editing an existing group, the Group Properties fields will contain the current values for the group:


The Group Properties Dialog contains the following fields:

  • Group Name
    This is the name the group will be known as.  Spaces and non printable characters are not allowed as part of the name.

  • Only show tables not already grouped checkbox
    Click the Only show tables not already grouped check box to show ungrouped tables. Displaying and viewing ungrouped tables may help to avoid accidentally scheduling resynchronization of identical tables or transformations.

  • Only track changes checkbox
    Checking this checkbox will filter the list of available tables to only show transformations.  This includes Change Data Capture Transformations.  
    Note: When unchecked, CDC Transformations will not be displayed in the Available Tables list.

  • Available Tables listbox
    This is the list of tables and transformations that are available to be added to the group.  There is a Search field at the top of the list that will filter the list based on what is put in the field.  For example, entering "employees" in the search field will filter the list to only show entries that contain the string "employees".

  • Selected Tables listbox
    This is the list of tables and transformations that are in the group.

  • Right and Left Arrow buttons
    These arrow buttons move items to and from the Available Tables listbox and the Selected Tables listbox.  To move an item, check the checkbox next to the item and then click the arrow button for the direction the item is to be moved.  Items can also be moved by dragging and dropping from one listbox to the other.  Multiple selections can be made by clicking individual checkboxes or by selecting a range using the shift key.

  • Target Override
    Optionally, you may override the default target database by selecting Target Override.

    Selecting a new target from the Override Target Database dropdown. Enter the target file name directory, if applicable. (This function is only available for databases which use target file names.) To change the file name extension, for example, from .dat to .bak, enter the new file name extension in the File Extension text box