Summary of the CONNX Excel Add In

The CONNX Excel Add In can be used to edit or import data from a database table into an Excel spreadsheet.  The Excel Add In provides easy to follow steps to create the Excel data connection to the CONNX source and get the data from a single or multiple tables.  If the data is just imported into Excel and changes are not required to be sent to the database then a sql statement can be used to join multiple tables or limit the data shown.  When editing data in a table only a single table can be used per worksheet so the changes can be sent to the correct database table.


The CONNX Excel Add In installs with the main CONNX installation, it does not appear in the CONNX menu, it is loaded when Excel starts.  When Excel starts a CONNX tab in the top ribbon appears.  Selecting this CONNX tab will show the CONNX ribbon, in the ribbon an Excel connection to a CONNX data source can be made or used to import data into the spreadsheet.  In order to edit data, in the CONNX ribbon press the CONNX data task pane button and the CONNX task pane will show to the right of the Excel sheet.  The CONNX task pane must be used to bring data into excel that will be edited with the changes sent to the database.