Category Definitions for the Data Dictionary Comparison Tool

In the Data Dictionary Comparison Tool there are Categories of differences, this is a list of descriptions for those differences.


Database - Missing: Databases that are in one data dictionary but not the other.

Database - Different: Database is present in both data dictionaries, but some attributes are not the same, like a different Physical Database Name.


Table - Missing:  Tables in one data dictionary but not in the other.  One difference is listed for each table that is different.

Table - SQL View Clause:  This compares the SQL View Clause that can be found on the Table Properties tab in the CONNX Data Dictionary Manager.  If they do not match it is reported here.

Table - Column: If a table is in both data dictionaries but there are differences in some of the columns of the table, it will be listed here.  Each entry is for one table, in the details section it will show all the columns in the table that have differences.  Differences include columns that are in one table but not the other, and columns with different attributes - datatype length, precision and scale.


CONNX Views - Missing:  Views that are created in the data dictionary manager that are in one data dictionary but not the other.

CONNX Views - Different:  The CONNX View is in both data dictionaries but the SQL syntax that defines it is not the same.

If the data dictionaries being compared are used in Adabas Event Replication:


Replication - Missing: Replications that are in one data dictionary but not the other.

Replication - Column Map: Replications that are in both data dictionaries, but the column mapping is not the same.  Each difference entry in this category is for one replication, so if there are multiple column map differences for one replication they will all be listed in the details for one difference.  Differences include columns that are mapped in one replication but not the other, or source or target column attributes are different.

Replication - Different:  Replications that are in both data dictionaries, but may have a different source or target table.


Controller:  Differences in the replication controller between the two data dictionaries, like the controller name or engine count.