Servers Menu

Applies to Replication Design and Server Status tabs.


Replication Design tab:


The Servers menu has one command:

  • Config Servers

    Invokes the Config Servers dialog which specifies server names and ports to be used during the replication process.

Server Status tab:


The Servers Menu has two commands:

  • Stop Targets

    The Stop Targets command will tell the replication server to stop sending transactions to the target database.  After stopping the targets, the State Description for the Consumers and Replications will show Offline.  Transactions that occur on the source database will be queued in the Message Queue until a Restart Servers command is sent to the controller or the controller itself is restarted.  At this point transaction process will continue normally.

  • Restart Servers

    The Restart Servers command will tell the replication server to resume processing transactions to the target database.