Release Notes for Event Replicator for Adabas LUW Version 13.5

General Information Provides information you should be aware of before you install and use Event Replicator for Adabas LUW.
New Features and Enhancements Provides information on new features/enhancements provided with this version.
Known Issues Lists the product issues known at the time of the release.

General Information

This part of the documentation provides information you should be aware of before you install and use Event Replicator for Adabas LUW.

Prerequisites (Minimum Requirements)

Space Requirements

The installation procedure requires ca. 10 MB disk space in the temporary directory (TEMP).

The product space requirements are documented in the Event Replicator for Adabas LUW manual.


  • For Adabas Event Replication, Adabas 6.1 SP4 or higher is required.

  • For Adabas-to-Adabas Event Replication, Adabas 6.3 SP1 or higher is required.

Platform Coverage

Please refer to the document Release Notes for CONNX SQL Engine, section Supported Platforms, Availability of CONNX Product Features for information describing the platforms on which the various components can be installed.

Product Installation

The Event Replicator for Adabas (LUW) product installation is now available in the Software Download Center (SDC) in Empower: (login required). Please consult the file INSTALL.TXT contained in the download file for further details on installation issues.

Adabas Licensing

The following applies only for Adabas LUW Adabas versions 6.3 and below.

Users of Adabas installing Event Replicator for Adabas LUW for the first time, should check their Adabas license for the following line:


In addition users who wish to use the new native Adabas-to-Adabas replication feature should have the additional entry:


If this line does not exist, you should apply for a new Adabas license.

Shutdown of all Databases Used as Replication Sources

Before installing Event Replicator for Adabas LUW, all databases that will be used as replication sources must be shutdown / terminated.

New Features and Enhancements

For a complete list of new features available with this release please see the CONNX 13.5 Release Notes.

Known Issues

This covers the product issues known at the time of release:

Undeploying Replications

If you want to undeploy a replication, both the source and target databases must be active. Otherwise, the status of the replication in the databases on restart will be incorrect.


The installation terminates with an error, when the environment variable CONNXREGISTRY is not defined; e.g. the 32-bit version of the CONNX registry is not used.

The CONNXREGISTRY environment variable is created during the installation of the SQL Gateway and is a prerequisite for the Event Replicator for Adabas LUW.

Usage of localhost

Do not use localhost as the server name for the Adabas Source or Target tables. In certain instances using localhost as the server name may cause you to lose all your source table records during an initial state.

Usage of Descriptors with Null Suppression

When you choose a source replication index, do not use a descriptor with the null suppression attribute set.

Null values within a null-suppressed descriptor cannot be replicated; if a descriptor contains null values the replication engine will disable during deployment. If the descriptor with the null suppression attribute set does not contain any null values, the tables will replicate but we recommend using another unique descriptor for replication.

If you use a descriptor with the Null Suppression attribute set you will get a warning if the CDD was created using SQL Gateway 6.6.1 or later; if the CDD was created in a prior versions the warning message will not appear.

Replication of Unicode Data to DB2

Do not replicate Unicode data from Adabas to DB2. The Replication tool does not currently support replicating Adabas Unicode data into a DB2 database.

NFS Shares and Installation

Do not install the Event Replicator for Adabas LUW on an NFS share. Due to the NFS caching mechanism, replication cannot guarantee data consistency. When NFS data flows over the network, it adds an additional step in accessing the physical disk.

Event Replicator for Adabas LUW Does Not Initialize Successfully

If Event Replicator for Adabas LUW does not initialize successfully, the Adabas database will continue to start, but no replication will be performed.

Configure Servers - Test Connection Button

When the Test Connection button is clicked, only the CONNX connections in the CDD are tested using the supplied logon credentials. The individual Event Replicator for Adabas LUW components are not tested.