Release Notes for CONNX SQL Engine Version 13.5

General Information Information that applies in general to this CONNX SQL Engine version.
Supported Platforms Provides information on the platforms supported by this version.
Availability of CONNX Product Features Provides information on the CONNX features supported for each platform.
Software AG Products Provides information about the Software AG products supported by this version.
JDBC, JDK, and Other Product Requirements Provides information about the JDBC, JDK, and other requirements of this release of CONNX SQL Engine.
New Features An overview of the new features provided with this version.
Changes and Enhancements Information on changes and enhancements provided in this version.
Known Issues Information regarding known issues applicable for this version.
Abnormal Terminations Describes the most common abend codes and their possible causes.
Adabas Response Codes Describes the Adabas response codes caused by installation and configuration issues.
Migration Information on migration of an existing CONNX SQL Engine installation to this version.
Installation Considerations Information which should be considered prior to beginning with product installation.
Documentation and Other Online Information Information about the product documentation and support.

General Information

CONNX SQL Engine is a product component which enables you to access your business data via SQL.

CONNX SQL Engine is delivered in conjunction with another Software AG product, for example:

  • Adabas SQL Gateway

  • Natural SQL Gateway

  • Event Replicator for Adabas on LUW

This section covers the following topics:

Product Licenses

The necessary CONNX licenses are delivered together with the associated Software AG product which you have purchased.

A list of CONNX licenses that are available is provided in the section Installation Considerations.

Before you can begin using the CONNX SQL Engine, you must install the CONNX License Server and activate the CONNX licenses. For further information, please refer to the CONNX Installation Guide and the CONNX Planning Guide.

Installation Planning

Prior to installing CONNX, it is strongly recommended that product administrators refer to the CONNX Enterprise Planning Guide for assistance in developing a comprehensive and appropriate CONNX installation and maintenance strategy.

The CONNX Planning Guide is intended to be relatively comprehensive and provides guidance that is not included in the CONNX Installation Guide or the CONNX User Guide.

Migrating Applications

The section Migration describes the steps which are to be performed, when –

  • Migrating from CONNX Version 11.5 SP1

  • Migrating from CONNX Version 12.0

Changes in the Documentation

A revised and updated documentation set is available at (Empower login required).

Last-Minute Changes

Information on last-minute changes made just before the product release can be found in the file readme.txt that is provided on the installation media.

Supported Platforms

The following table shows the operating system platforms supported by this release:

Operating System Version Mode
Windows Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 2012 and Windows 2008 Server 64-bit
AIX 7.1 and 7.2 64-bit
HP-UX (Itanium) 11i v3 64-bit
Sun Solaris Solaris 11 64-bit
Linux (x86)

Red Hat Enterprise 6 & 7
SuSE Enterprise 11 & 12


Red Hat Enterprise 6 & 7
SuSE Enterprise 11 & 12

z/OS 2.1 & 2.2 31-bit
z/VSE 5.2 & 6.1 31-bit

Availability of CONNX Product Features

The following table shows which features are available for each supported platform.

Platform >>>> Windows AIX HP-UX (Itanium) Sun Solaris Linux (x86) z/Linux z/OS z/VSE
Server Features
License Server X X X X X X    
JDBC Server X X X X X X    
Location of the Data Dictionary (CDD) X X X X X X    
Data Server X X X X X X X X
Client Features
.NET X X X X X X    
OLE DB X              
ODBC X X X X X X    
JDBC X X X X X X    
Embedded SQL X X X X X X X  
Utility Features
License Administrator X              
Data Dictionary Manager X              
Data Dictionary Viewer X              
Configuration Manager X              
DSNRegistry (JDBC) X              
SQLRegistry X X X X X X    
Precompiler for C X X X X X X X  
Precompiler for Cobol X X X X X X X  
InfoNaut - Query Tool X              
ACEINT - Query Tool X X X X X X X  
Event Replicator
Replication Administrator X              
Event Producer (32-bit) X X X X X    
Replication Server X X X X X X    

Software AG Products

This section describes the Software AG products and features which may be used with CONNX.

Adabas and Entire Net-Work Versions Supported

The following table shows the Adabas versions with which CONNX may be used.

Product Platform: Open Systems Platform: Mainframe
Adabas SQL Gateway Adabas Version 6.1 or later Adabas Version 8.1 or later
Event Replication Adabas to Adabas (LUW) Adabas 6.3 SP1 or later Not applicable

Entire Net-Work is required to access Adabas databases which are located on platforms where the CONNX data server is not available (for example, BS2000 and VMS).

Adabas Client Interface

The Adabas client module to be used with the SQL Gateway is both platform and operating system dependent:

Platform Operating System Environment Module
Open Systems Windows, UNIX, Linux n/a ADALNKX
Mainframe z/OS Batch / Started Task ADALNKR

When installing under CICS, the SQL Gateway requires the usage of –

  • “CICS Command Level Interface” and

  • LNCSTUB – the “High Performance Stub”

The data server under CICS must be defined with “EXECKEY CICS”; not doing so will result in an error.

JDBC, JDK, and Other Product Requirements

This section describes the JDBC, JDK and other product requirements for this release of CONNX SQL Engine.

JDBC Pure Java Client

The JDBC client requirements are described in CONNX 13.5 Release Notes.

Obtaining a Current JDK (Java Development Kit)

The JDK is only required for a CONNX client machine using JDBC.

Your platform vendor is usually the best source for platform specific JDKs. Please follow your vendor’s instructions for installation.

For a complete list of URLs where you can download JDKs for specific platforms, read CONNX 13.5 Release Notes.

Driver Manager (UNIX/Linux)

Any driver manager can be used with the CONNX SQL Engine; for example, the open source product unixODBC. For more information, read CONNX 13.5 Release Notes.

New Features

For a complete list of new features available with this release please see the CONNX 13.5 Release Notes.

Changes and Enhancements

Information on the issues resolved in this product release can be found in the CONNX 13.5 Release Notes.

Default Ports

The following is a list of 32-bit and 64-bit components and the default ports they listen on:

Component Name Port
32-bit Enterprise Server Service 6500
64-bit Enterprise Server Service 6502
32-bit JDBC Server 7500
64-bit JDBC Server 7502
License Server 7501

Known Issues

For a complete list of known issues with this release please see the CONNX 13.5 Release Notes.

Abnormal Terminations

Below is a list of the most common abend codes and their possible causes.

z/OS - ABEND Codes

The most common causes of abnormal terminations on z/OS are installation and configuration issues:

  • ADALNKR has not been link-edited with the attributes (RENT, REUSE).

  • The ‘default’ SVC in ADALNKR is invalid.

  • SAF Interface where the users are not allowed JESSPOOL access, usually to SYSTERM, SYSPRINT, etc.

The following table contains the most frequent abend codes for z/OS:

Abend Code Description
ABEND S013 SAF Interface - JESSPOOL access.
ABEND S0C1 ADALNKR is not link-edited with (RENT, REUS).

ADALNKR is not link-edited with (RENT, REUS).

Adabas Fastpath requires a correction, when used with the SAF Interface.

SAF Interface - JESSPOOL access.

ABEND S378 ADALNKR must be link-edited with (RENT, REUS).
ABEND S4C6 Apply IBM PTF OA08358.
ABEND S683 CNXNOPREAUTHORIZE = 0 and Listener libraries *NOT* APF authorized.
ABEND S806 Migration from Version 9 to Version 10 issue (CNXADAx0).
ABEND S913 SAF Interface - JESSPOOL access.
ABEND SFxx Error occurred executing an installation-defined SVC. The 'default' SVC for the ADALNKR is xF9 (249).

z/VSE - ABEND Codes

The most common causes of abnormal terminations on z/VSE are installation and configuration issues:

  • Usage of Adabas DCI (LNCSTUB) / ADATRUE is mandatory under CICS

  • Incorrect definitions or usage of Adabas Link Routine (ADATRUE/ADAENAB)

  • Ensure the AMODE setting of the Adabas Link Routine is set to 31

  • CONNX Server components are not defined with EXECKEY ‘CICS’

The following table contains the most frequent abend codes for z/VSE:

Abend Code Description
ABEND AEZD Definition and usage of Adabas Link Routine.

Adabas Response Codes

The following Adabas response codes are caused by installation and configuration issues:

Adabas Response Access to the Database Action to be Taken
ADARSP-022 Accessing a read-only nucleus Use Registry Setting OPREADONLY=0
ADARSP-041 Retrieving SUPERDE as COLUMN Install Adabas Version 5.1.2 or later


The migration steps to be performed depend upon the product version that is currently in use and/or the version which was used to create the CONNX CDD.

The sections below describe the steps, which are to be performed, when –

Migrating from CONNX Version 11.5

The following licensing changes have been made in version 12.0:

  • Older versions of CONNX were licensed on a processor / core basis. With CONNX 12.0 this licensing is now enforced.

  • Licenses now contain the CONNX product version which is checked at initialization.

Both these new features make it essential that the license server is updated to CONNX 12.0 and new licenses are installed prior to upgrading the base CONNX products. Please refer to the CONNX Release Notes for more details.

Migrating from CONNX Version 12

Licenses for CONNX Version 12 are not valid for Version 13. You will need to install new licenses for this version.

Installation Considerations

Location of Installation Files

The CONNX product installation files can be found in the Software Download Center (SDC) in Empower at (Empower login required).

Enterprise Planning Guide

Prior to installing CONNX, it is strongly recommended that product administrators refer to the CONNX Enterprise Planning Guide for assistance in developing a comprehensive and appropriate CONNX installation and maintenance strategy.

The CONNX Planning Guide is intended to be relatively comprehensive and provides guidance that is not included in the CONNX Installation Guide or the CONNX User Guide.

Product Licenses

CONNX licenses are available for multiple data sources. Please contact your Software AG representative for further details.

Installation under z/VSE with Adabas V8.1 or Later

Installation under z/VSE with Adabas V8.1 or later

When installing SQL Gateway under z/VSE with Adabas V8.1 or later, the Adabas CICS High-Performance Stub Routine LNCSTUB.A must be modified.

Edit the member	LNCSTUB.A (located in the appropriate Adabas sublibrary)
Change             	&STBNAME SETC  'ADADCI' 
To	                &STBNAME SETC  'ADABAS'

After modification, LNCSTUB.A should be re-assembled, then re-linked to the SQL Gateway Server using the supplied member CNXINST0.JCL.

If the above change is not made, the SQL Gateway Server will abend with S0c1 when calling Adabas.

Code Pages

Code translation is automatically performed on columns which contain data that is stored in a Single-Byte code page.

The code page of the data can be set via the parameter SBCCSID. This setting applies to all files in the database and is stored in the table definitions in the CDD when the tables are defined.

Adabas fields, which are defined with the Adabas field type 'A', may only contain "Single-Byte" data. Multi-Byte data that has been stored in fields with field type 'A' cannot be interpreted correctly.

Documentation and Other Online Information

The following online resources are available for you to obtain up-to-date information about your Software AG products:

Software AG Documentation Website

You can find documentation for all Software AG products on the Software AG Documentation website at This site requires Empower credentials. If you do not have an Empower user ID and password yet, you will find instructions for registering on this site (free for customers with maintenance contracts) or you can also use the TECHcommunity website to access the latest documentation.

Software AG TECHcommunity

You can find documentation and other technical information on the Software AG TECHcommunity website at You can:

  • Access product documentation, if you have TECHcommunity credentials. If you do not, you will need to register and specify "Documentation" as an area of interest. If you already have TECHcommunity credentials, you can adjust your areas of interest on the TECHcommunity website by editing your TECHcommunity profile. To access documentation in the TECHcommunity once you are logged in, select Documentation from the Communities menu.

  • Access articles, demos, and tutorials.

  • Use the online discussion forums, moderated by Software AG professionals, to ask questions, discuss best practices, and learn how other customers are using Software AG technology.

  • Link to external websites that discuss open standards and web technology.

Software AG Empower Product Support Website

You can find product information on the Software AG Empower Product Support website at This site requires Empower credentials. If you do not have an Empower user ID and password yet, you will find instructions for registering on this site (free for customers with maintenance contracts).

To submit feature/enhancement requests, get information about product availability, and download products and certified samples, select Products & Documentation from the menu once you are logged in.

To get information about fixes and to read early warnings, technical papers, and knowledge base articles, select Knowledge Center from the menu once you are logged in.