Client Runtime Controls

Runtime controls are used to control the operation of the jobs managed by Adabas System Coordinator

Client Runtime Controls Overridable
Control Name -
Service Member Name -
Operation Mode -
Activity pulse -
Daemon connection messages -
API Runtime Overrides -
Threadsafe operation -
Use Additional Exits -
Maximum Idle Time -
Non-terminal Idle Time -
Generate RSP009/79 -
Latency Controls -
Site Information Menu Function -
Transaction, Stepname or Login Override (Override function) -
Cleanup at Start, Cleanup at End Y
Message Controls -
Command retry -
Debug settings -
Unified trace settings Y
UTM pool settings -
Site-dependent controls Y
Review Y
Client Monitor Y

Client Runtime Control Descriptions

This section provides a description of each Adabas System Coordinator parameter:

Control Name

Parameter Type Use Minimum Maximum Default
Client Runtime Control

Within a particular Job Type (eg. Batch, COM-PLETE, CICS, etc.), this is the name of a specific job and the controls defined will apply solely to this job.

If the value ‘*’ is specified, the controls defined will apply to all jobs, within the corresponding Job Type, that do not have explicit Control Names defined for them.

For a multi-job TP monitor service (eg. Job Type=CICS(DTR) or UTM(DTR)), this is a unique name for the multi-job service. The controls defined will apply to each of the individual jobs defined as a Service Member Name within the multi-job service.

1 character 8 characters see text

Service Member Name

Parameter Type Use Minimum Maximum Default
Client Runtime Control

The name of a job that runs as part of a multi-job TP monitor service. These job names are maintained by selecting the appropriate Control Name with ‘J’ for Jobs.

1 character 8 characters see text

Operation Mode

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Client Runtime Control

Indicate operation mode for COR

Normal autodetect

COR detects other products and switches itself off if none are found

Enable without products

COR remains active, even if no other products are detected

Disable all

COR switches itself off and disables any other active products

Normal autodetect

Activity pulse

Parameter Type Use
Client Runtime Control

You can use a System Coordinator daemon to enable "single-seat" display of session activities in any client job. To enable a client job for this feature, specify:

  • The group in which the daemon runs. When you choose to make these statistics available externally a daemon is required. During periods when the daemon is unavailable (planned or unplanned outage) statistics are unavailable.

  • The frequency at which statistics are pulsed to the daemon:

    • Every nnnnnnn Adabas calls and/or

    • Every nnnnn seconds

Set both to zeroes to disable the refresh.

The statistics are held in shared memory, so you must configure your daemon to use shared memory (refer to Considerations and Configuration for using a Daemon in the Adabas System Coordinator Operations and Programming Guide for information on configuring the daemon to use shared memory).

For dynamic transaction routing (DTR) systems (CICS/MRO, CICS/PLEX, IMS/TM, UTM) you must always specify a group, even if you do not want to make use of "single-seat" activity displays. This is because the System Coordinator daemon is also responsible for managing DTR client sessions while they are at rest.

Daemon connection messages

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Client Runtime Control

Indicates whether or not the client job should issue daemon-related connection information messages; COR060I, COR061I, COR075I, COR076I.

Y | N N

API Runtime Overrides

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Client Runtime Control

Indicates whether controls can be dynamically overridden at runtime via a customised API call to COR.

This feature is not currently supported.

Y | N N

Threadsafe operation

Parameter Type Use
Client Runtime Control

This parameter is only applicable to runtime controls of type CICS and CICS/DTR and specifies whether or not the System Coordinator client environment runs in CICS threadsafe mode.

When running in threadsafe mode the installation recommendations to make COR modules available in DFHRPL will be enforced. (Refer to the Installation Procedures).

The Debug Event Monitor and local DDMSG files are disabled when running in threadsafe mode. If you wish to use either of these facilities, set the "Threadsafe operation" runtime control to N and then set it back after you have finished.

Use Additional Exits

Parameter Type Use Default
Client Runtime Control

Enables calling of additional installation exits (IEXIT1, IEXIT2) before and after the Adabas command. Refer to Before You Install in the Installation section for information about installing additional exits.


Maximum Idle Time

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Client Runtime Control

Indicates a time limit after which terminal sessions are eligible for timeout termination if no activity has occurred.

0 - nnnnnnnnn seconds

A value of "0" means no time limit.

For job types where there are Terminal Sessions the default value is 3600. For all other job types the default value is 0.

Non-Terminal Idle Time

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Client Runtime Control

Indicates a time limit after which non-terminal sessions are eligible for timeout termination if no activity has occurred.

This parameter is now redundant. Resources used by non-terminal tasks are automatically released at task end.

0 - nnnnnnnnn seconds

A value of "0" means no time limit.


Generate RSP009/79

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Client Runtime Control

Indicates a time limit for sessions that are timed out to receive response code 9, subcode 79 if they are re-activated.

Specifies a number of seconds after which response code 9, subcode 79 will no longer be returned to re-activated sessions that were previously timed out. 0 means that response code 9, subcode 79 is always returned to sessions that were previously timed out, no matter how much time has passed since they were timed out.

Y|N (enable or disable RSP009/79 setting)

0-nnnnnnnnnn (time limit for setting RSP009/79



Latency Controls

Parameter Type Use
Client Runtime Control

Specify where session-related information is stored when sessions are at rest.

Latency – Local (Y/N)

For standard job types, this is set to Y by default so that session-related information resides in the job’s private memory.

TSQ prefix

For CICS, temporary storage queues are required and you can specify an optional prefix for the queue name. The default prefix is "COR" followed by a hexadecimal "FF".On z/OS systems the queue name includes the CICS job-name to ensure that it is unique in a multi-job CICS system. However, the CSD TSMODEL definition for these temporary storage queues should not specify a POOLNAME or REMOTESYSTEM, as they cannot be shared.

Latency – Daemon (Y/N)

Daemon managed latency is required by dynamic transaction routing (DTR) systems (eg. CICS/MRO, CICS/PLEX, IMS and/or UTM). For these jobs, Daemon managed latency is enforced (Y) as is Group name. For any other job type the default value is N and you should only change this if advised by Software AG.

When this parameter is set to Y, by default, the session-related information is maintained in the local daemon’s private memory. For performance you are strongly recommended to use daemon shared memory (see daemon group member parameter Daemon latency/pulse services).

To Disk (Y/N)

The default value for this parameter is N.

This parameter is only applicable when "Latency - Daemon" (see above) is set to Y indicating at rest session-related information is to be managed by the daemon. Setting this parameter to Y notifies the Daemon that this session-related information is to be maintained in the COLAT daemon latency disk file. In order to use this option the daemon group parameter Full Crash Recovery Disk File must be set to Y.

Site Information Menu Function

Parameter Type Use
Client Runtime Control – Information Menu option

Used to define up to 256 bytes of alphanumeric data, which is stored with the runtime control definition and may be retrieved at runtime using the site information API.

Refer to API To Retrieve Runtime Control Site Information for more information.

Transaction, Stepname or Login Override (Override function)

Parameter Type Use Possible Values
Client Runtime Control – Override Menu option

Used to define runtime overrides of the basic control for the job. After definition the override can be modified with the Modify menu option.

Depending on Job Type, Stepname, Login or Transaction overrides can be defined.

The override name must start with one or more alphanumeric characters but it may also optionally end with a wildcard (*).

For example, if an override should apply to all transactions that start with the character "A" then the override name should be defined as "A*".

Cleanup at Start, Cleanup at End

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Client Runtime Control Override

Indicate whether session cleanup is required when a session override is activated (Cleanup at Start) or deactivated (cleanup at End).

Y | N N

Message Controls

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Client Runtime Control

Indicates where messages are written.

If you elect to use a DDMSG file, you must select "Forward to the Daemon DDMSG file" for TP systems because sequential files are not suited to TP.

If you select "Local DDMSG file" for batch type systems, you must add the Adabas load library to the job’s loading environment.

The DDMSG file should be defined as fixed records of length 133, with an appropriate blocksize. It is possible that operating system factors (such as blocking, caching) may cause messages not to be seen until the job terminates.

Console message job log
Local DDMSG file
Forward to the Daemon DDMSG file


Command Retry

Parameter Type Use Default
Client Runtime Control

Allows automatic retry of Adabas commands that receive the specified response codes. You can also

  • restrict retry to particular sub-codes

  • restrict it to certain database ids and file numbers

  • specify the number and frequency of retry attempts

  • specify whether or not command retry should cause a console message to be issued

  • specify whether or not retried commands should be shown to user exits


Debug Settings

Parameter Type Use Default
Client Runtime Control Define client debug events. For more information, refer to the section Using the Client Event Debug Monitor in the Adabas System Coordinator Operations and Programming Guide. None

Unified Trace Settings

Parameter Type Use Default
Client Runtime Control Define unified trace settings. For more information, refer to the section Using the Unified Trace in the Adabas System Coordinator Operations and Programming Guide. None

UTM pool settings

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Client Runtime Control

Specify the virtual address and size of the shared memory pool for this UTM service. Required on BS2000. All UTM service task related memory is maintained in this shared memory pool.

Pool address:

The virtual start address of the UTM service shared memory pool. The start address (and size) must be valid for the Adabas System Coordinator daemon.

Hexadecimal address None


The size of the UTM service shared memory pool. This should allow 1mb for each UTM task. For example, if there are 6 UTM tasks, the Pool Size should be set to 6.

This size removes the risk of pool fragmentation and allows diagnostic tools, if called upon, access to the additional memory they may require.

Pool size in megabytes None

Site-dependent controls

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Client Runtime Control You can define two eight-character runtime controls for your own use. By default the controls are called "Area" and "System". They can be specified for jobs, overrides and dynamically and are shown in the Adabas Client Activities displays. Anything None


Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Client Runtime Control

Controls whether or not the REVEXIT1 link module component of the Adabas Review performance monitor is to be called.

This control is only available for z/OS Com-plete, CICS and Batch/TSO systems and is only honored if the link module globals table was assembled with the option REVIEW=COR.

This control can be overridden and can also be changed dynamically via the SYSCOR Current Activities "Controls" task or by use of Natural or 3GL APIs (refer to API to Modify Runtime Controls).

Y | N N

Client Monitor

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Client Runtime Control

Controls whether or not the Adabas Review client monitoring component REVEXIT2 is to be called.

This control is only available for z/OS CICS and Batch/TSO systems and is only honored if the link module globals table was assembled with the options REVIEW=YES or COR and RVCLNT=COR. If REVIEW=COR, this control is only honored if the Review client runtime control is also set to Y.

This control can be overridden and can also be changed dynamically via the SYSCOR Current Activities "Controls" task or by use of Natural or 3GL APIs (refer to API to Modify Runtime Controls).

Y | N N