The Client Event Debug Monitor

The client event debug monitor is used to troubleshoot problems with Adabas System Coordinator or with other Adabas products that work closely with it. Normally it is only used under guidance from Software AG Customer Support, however, as you will see by reading on, you might find it useful when troubleshooting your own systems too.

The debug monitor will write diagnostic information to a file (CORDUMP) based upon the settings that you make. By default, the debug monitor is inactive.

Considerations before using the Debug Monitor

Enabling CORDUMP

The CORDUMP file must be available to the job being monitored and sized according to the amount of output requested. In some operating systems (eg. z/OS, z/VSE), this can be done using the job’s execution control script (eg. JCL, JCS). In other operating systems (eg. BS2000), it will automatically default to list output.

Additional information regarding the attributes of the CORDUMP file is available on the Adabas System Coordinator Debug Event Monitor Controls online help screen.

Runtime Overheads

The debug monitor has minimal CPU runtime overhead.

Event Reporting and Output

When a monitored event occurs, information is written to the CORDUMP file based on the output options set. Careful consideration should be given to the setting of these options to avoid excessive output being written. For some events it may be necessary to capture significant amounts of information, clients running in the monitored job may therefore experience a delay in processing during the capture of this information.

Refer to Setting Debug Monitor Controls for an explanation of all the debug monitor controls.

Monitoring Exceptions

Generally, the debug monitor can be used to report on the majority of events, however there are certain exceptions:

Excluded Events

Some internal processing errors may be reported as a Response 101 with sub-codes which are not eligible for reporting by the debug monitor. If you are unsuccessfully trying to report on a sub-code for Response 101 please check the messages and codes for the particular sub-code to see if it is excluded from this feature.

CICS Threadsafe

The debug monitor is automatically disabled for CICS jobs running in threadsafe mode. In order to use the debug monitor for these jobs, set the Adabas System Coordinator client runtime control "Threadsafe operation" to "N" and then set it back after you have finished.

Setting Debug Monitor Controls

The debug monitor controls are part of Adabas System Coordinator’s Client Runtime Controls.

In SYSCOR, modify your client runtime controls; press PF9 (‘More’) then select option 2 (‘Debug Settings’) which presents the following screen:

18:45:13     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.3.1 *****     2010-12-15
                      -  Debug Event Monitor Controls  -             U1SCJBM1  
 Debug all sessions (Y/N) .......: Y     Maximum debug reports ......: _____   
     Response code: ___ Sub-code : _____ or mark for generic monitor : _       
     Optionally for database ....: _____ and file number ............: _____   
   Additional debug monitor (Y/N), use only as directed by Software AG:        
     System Coordinator .........: N     Adabas Transaction Manager .: N       
     Adabas Fastpath ............: N     Adabas Vista ...............: N       
   Report content in order of output amount, mark one:                         
     None .......................: X     Client session only ...........: _    
     All sessions for the client : _     All sessions for the job ......: _    
     All memory for the job .....: _                                           
   Additional report content (Y/N):                                            
     CIB ...............: Y   CAB ..............: Y   ID table .........: Y    
     Registers on entry : Y   TP areas .........: Y   Stack ............: Y    
 Command ==>                                                                   
      Help        Exit        Upd

A description of each parameter follows:

Parameter Use Values Default
Debug all sessions (Y/N)

Defines the scope of the debug monitoring.

When activated, the default, "Y", will result in all sessions being monitored immediately from the start of job.

Specifying "N" will defer any monitoring until individual sessions have been activated. Refer to Activating the Debug Monitor for more information on this selective capability.

Y | N Y
Maximum debug reports

Limits the number of times the monitored event will cause a report to be written to the CORDUMP file.

The default, "0", means no reports will be written. Usually a value of 1 is sufficient for most events.

Specifying an excessive value could severely impact system performance.
0 - 65535 0
Response code / Sub-code, or mark for generic monitor

Defines the event to be monitored:

  • A specific response code without sub-code

  • A specific response code and sub-code

  • A generic monitor for non-zero response codes (excludes 0, 3, 9, 148, etc. - a full list can be found in the help screens)

Response code: 0 – 999

Sub-code: 0 – 65535

Optionally for database / file number

From time to time Software AG may supply a diagnostic fix in order to generate additional reports to the CORDUMP file.

These parameters provide control at the job level for such reports for the following products:

  • Adabas System Coordinator

  • Adabas Transaction Manager

  • Adabas Fastpath

  • Adabas Vista

The default, "N", means no additional reporting.

These defaults should only be changed under guidance from Software AG.

Database: 0 – 65535

File: 0 - 65535

Additional debug monitor (Y/N)

From time to time Software AG may supply a diagnostic fix in order to generate additional reports to the CORDUMP file. These parameters provide control at the job level for such reports for the following products:

  • Adabas System Coordinator

  • Adabas Transaction Manager

  • Adabas Fastpath

  • Adabas Vista

The default, "N", means no additional reporting.

These defaults should only be changed under guidance from Software AG.

Y | N N
Report content (in order of output amount)

Defines the type of information generated each time a monitored event causes a report to be written to the CORDUMP file:

  • None

  • Client session only

  • All sessions for the client

  • All sessions for the job

  • All memory for the job

The most commonly used option is ‘All memory for the job’ because this guarantees all available diagnostic information will be written.

See description None
Additional report content (Y/N)

Each time a monitored event causes a report to be written to the CORDUMP file, the following areas are included by default (regardless of the report content parameter):

  • CIB

  • CAB

  • ID table

  • Registers on entry

  • TP areas

  • Stack

There is usually no reason to change these defaults except under guidance from Software AG.

Y | N Y

Activating the Debug Monitor

Activation at Job Start

At job start, if "Maximum debug reports" is > 0 and the debug monitor control "Debug all sessions" is "Y", then debug monitoring will be automatically activated.

Activation for an Individual Session

At job start, if "Maximum debug reports" is > 0 and the debug monitor control "Debug all sessions" is "N", then debug monitoring will be deferred until it is manually activated for a selected client session, as follows:

  1. Display the summary of session information for a job. Refer to Display Session Information within Current Activity Displays for information on how to do this.

    17:23:36 ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.3.1 (I001) *****  2012-08-29
                           -  Display Session Information  -             C12130M1  
     Run-mode: Pulsing (node 2660)                Perspective: Daemon (node 2660)  
     Service: None     Job: DA2FCI23 C34504   ID: CI23     Commands:         34,711
     Sessions: 3         Session size: 80K     Work size: 76K     Total: 199K      
     C     Session id    Login id     Number         
        *_______                    of commands Area     System         Status                                     
     _  TCM9    DA2FCI23 TEAM1              198                   running in Adabas
     _  TCN0    DA2FCI23 TEAM2            4,972                        at rest     
     _  TCN1    DA2FCI23 TEAM3           23,489                        at rest     
     Mark with any character to expand or T(asks)                                  
    End of List                                                                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit  Refr                          JobID             Menu
  2. Mark a session with a "T" to display the list of possible tasks:

    |  17:33:03           Client Session Tasks          2012-10-25  |
    |  Job name: DAEFCI18 Session ID: TCCN    DAEFCI18              |
    |                                                               |
    |  Select one task:                                             |
    |  _ Snap                                                       |
    |  X Switch debug on/off                                        |
    |  _ Purge                                                      |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |              PF3 - Exit    Enter - Perform task               |
    |                                                               |
  3. Select the task "Switch debug on/off" to activate and deactivate the debug monitor for this particular session.